It’s Ignorance And Design Driving Crime Not Illuminati.….

At the time Andrew Holness was run­ning around talk­ing about what ZOSO was going to do as it regards crime I coun­tered that giv­en any sce­nario in which a flood or mil­i­tary and police bod­ies are thrown into a small geo­graph­i­cal area crime would inex­orably decline.
The down­side to that strat­e­gy I argued is that that strat­e­gy was vast­ly unsus­tain­able as that process would have to be a nation­wide strat­e­gy for it to have the desired effect.

If You Believe The ZOSO Will Have An Impact On Murders You Deserve To Be Conned .…

Since Jamaica does not have hun­dreds of thou­sands of sol­diers and police offi­cers that strat­e­gy was, there­fore, a stop-gap mea­sure which could only pla­cate and paci­fy the area in which the strat­e­gy is applied.

The stop-gap strat­e­gy was nev­er­the­less applied and to the delight and crow­ing of the polit­i­cal class, the area in which the ZOSO was insti­tut­ed has pre­dictably been paci­fied to the cha­grin and detri­ment of oth­er areas. The crim­i­nals oper­at­ing in that area of St James sim­ply packed up and moved their trade to oth­er areas and con­tin­ued ply­ing their nefar­i­ous and das­tard­ly trade.

It is on this par­tic­u­lar point which I want to focus my read­ers. Some of who were a lit­tle bit offend­ed as they chid­ed me for not wait­ing to see whether the thing would work. As I respect­ful­ly said to many of you over the peri­od before and since it’s cre­ation, ZOSO could not have the desired results we all craved because it does noth­ing to remove from the equa­tion the chief pro­duc­ers of violence.

The process of low­er­ing crime and remov­ing the threat of vicious vio­lence and death from the equa­tion requires a strat­e­gy which first and fore­most rec­og­nizes that the coun­try is in a state of unde­clared civ­il war.
I have tried to make this point ad nau­se­am over the years, our coun­try must attend to the state of unde­clared civ­il war she is in. I have writ­ten sev­er­al arti­cles point­ing to that very fact.

Yesterday I talked about the phe­nom­e­nal amounts of mon­ey the Nation waste each year through an act cre­at­ed in 2010 by the Parliament under the lead­er­ship of Bruce Golding the then Prime Minister.
In the 2016/​2017 bud­get, the Government allo­cat­ed to INDECOM M$366.492, for the peri­od 2017/​2018, M$353.35.
After a 22 year neglect of the police depart­ment by the pre­vi­ous PNP Administration, and a grow­ing mur­der prob­lem Bruce Golding had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take steps to recre­ate the police depart­ment by infus­ing the nec­es­sary resources in retrain­ing and equip­ping the police department.

Instead of rec­og­niz­ing the built-in polit­i­cal and leg­isla­tive fail­ings which result­ed in the fail­ings of the police, Golding in col­lu­sion with the PNP, cre­at­ed INDECOM not just to appease the huge anti-police growth indus­try which had devel­oped in the coun­try but also their for­eign han­dlers who dole out huge sums of mon­ey in sup­port of INDECOM as opposed to assist­ing the prin­ci­pal law enforce­ment agency.
In fact, for the same report­ing peri­ods, 2016/​2017 M$230.616 and 2017/​2018 M$202.476 of INDECOM’s bud­get came from over­seas donors.

The new JLP Administration in Kingston has demon­strat­ed the very same dis­dain for law enforce­ment that the pre­vi­ous JLP admin­is­tra­tion of Golding did, this time on steroids.
Hundreds of mil­lions of dol­lars allo­cat­ed to the 3’000 man defense force which is not like­ly to engage in a war any­time soon except in sup­port of the police.
The Defense force was giv­en a lead role in the So-called ZOSO cur­rent­ly in effect in St James Parish. Selling the false sense of calm in that par­tic­u­lar sec­tor as an exam­ple of suc­cess when the Military is giv­en the lead and that nar­ra­tive being adopt­ed and prof­fered by none oth­er than INDECOM the JLP’s brain­child. If you are not will­ful­ly blind the cir­cle of dis­re­spect is pret­ty hard to miss.

The JCF with all of its short­com­ings has been book­end­ed by the two polit­i­cal par­ties the PNP which decid­ed­ly starved it of resources over a 22-year ‑peri­od and the JLP which demon­stra­bly have decid­ed that its intent is to invest in the demise of polic­ing on the Island.


Just in case you missed it, Speaking at a St James inter­faith prayer break­fast a JDF Colonel Daniel George Pryce an intel­li­gence offi­cer told the con­gre­ga­tion that demon­ic forces are influ­enc­ing crime in St James, where a state of pub­lic emer­gency was imposed in January, and the author­i­ties are not equipped to deal with it.
If this was­n’t so retard­ed it would be laugh­able, this is the same JDF which has the lead over the ZOSO in the parish.This offi­cer is an intel­li­gence officer[sic]

Colonel Pryce…

We wres­tle not against flesh and blood. This war is not phys­i­cal, and there­fore it takes a spir­i­tu­al response to this,” stat­ed Colonel Pryce.
Pryce, who said he was giv­ing the address in two parts — as a sol­dier and as a Christian — not­ed that “me in a my uni­form, the police in their uni­form can’t take on the spir­i­tu­al warfare”.

Pryce spoke to the num­ber of Gangs oper­at­ing in the com­mu­ni­ty of Cambridge 29 to be exact, num­bers sup­plied by the police of course. The Colonel men­tioned demon­ic prac­tices, such as Illuminati and Baphomet, engaged in by gangs. Most notably the gath­er­ing was by a sup­posed Church group which calls itself the Supernatural Encounter Jamaica (SEJ) .

Pryce point­ed out that the gun was respon­si­ble for 253 of the 335 mur­ders com­mit­ted in the parish last year, and not­ed that the mur­der toll was the high­est record­ed in the coun­try’s his­to­ry for a police divi­sion. The fig­ure equates to 67 more mur­ders than were report­ed in 2016. Thank God for ZOSO Colonel Pryce said. There is that rep­re­sen­ta­tion to ZOSO again.

At this rate, we are almost at a civ­il war”. No Colonel Pryce, we are not almost in a civ­il war, we are in a state of civ­il war!
That war will not be won by indulging in non­sen­si­cal belief in the occult. It will not be won by prayer and fast­ing. It will be won when the Jamaican Government gives the secu­ri­ty forces the tools they need and get out of the way so that they may go after mur­der­ers rapists and oth­er dan­ger­ous felons.

With illog­i­cal rant­i­ngs of this kind, our coun­try is not only des­tined to be the laugh­ing stock of the Caribbean region we will be the laugh­ing stock of the world, in addi­tion to our high mur­der designation.
The only super­nat­ur­al force affect­ing crime is the igno­rant and unex­plained idi­ot­ic approach being applied to the Islands crime epidemic.
It is intel­lec­tu­al rot, not Illuminati. 
If only the lead­ers would pull their heads from their own ass­es that much would be clear.