It’s All About Race, All Of It…

America is at a piv­otal inter­sec­tion as it relates to its iden­ti­ty. For most of the two hun­dred and forty-eight years that the nation exist­ed, white men have main­tained con­trol and direc­tion­al auton­o­my over the coun­try through a well-exe­cut­ed set of strate­gies that includes all kinds of bar­bar­ic prac­tices, includ­ing slav­ery and all of its geno­ci­dal offshoots.
Throughout that time, they (white men) have main­tained a sys­tem in which they ben­e­fit across all stra­ta of American life while tight­en­ing the screws on main­tain­ing con­trol, even as cur­rent data points to the excit­ing dynam­ic of America becom­ing a major­i­ty-minor­i­ty nation.
In Texas, minor­i­ty groups with Hispanics as the dom­i­nant group already make up six­ty per­cent of that state’s population. 
The Republican fight to stop the inevitable from becom­ing inevitable is at the fore­front of the widen­ing under­stand­ing gap between the coun­try’s two polit­i­cal parties. 
With alter­nate immi­gra­tion sce­nar­ios, the whole United States is pro­ject­ed to become major­i­ty-minor­i­ty some­time between 2041 and 2046.
As a con­se­quence, White men and the women who love them, afraid of the prospect of los­ing the built-in white priv­i­lege they have enjoyed for the dura­tion of the Republic, have moved en-masse to the Republican par­ty and have solid­i­fied behind a white suprema­cist con­vict­ed felon.
A clos­er look at the wedge issues that the Republicans have been using points direct­ly to the con­cerns white Republicans have that the nation mov­ing to a plu­ral­is­tic soci­ety will relieve them of white privilege.
Hence, (MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN), let us ensure that we take America back to when we could say and do what­ev­er we want­ed and no one could stop us.

Let’s look at the issues they are cham­pi­oning toward that end.
(1) Immigration
(2) Anti-Abortion
(3) Woke
(4) Book burning
(5) J D Vance’s attack on women who do not have children
(6) Trump’s race dur­ing his pres­i­den­cy to place polit­i­cal hacks on the Federal bench to usurp the will of the peo­ple through their legislators

Stop peo­ple of col­or from enter­ing the Country, and force women to have babies even if they are raped or are vic­tims of incest. Black and brown babies born as a con­se­quence already face built-in ear­ly crim­i­nal­iza­tion by the police from ear­ly child­hood. There are more than enough pris­ons to hold them. They are dis­man­tling pub­lic edu­ca­tion and burn­ing books to turn back the enlight­en­ment of black peo­ple in particular.
They fun­da­men­tal­ly believe these actions will stop the chang­ing racial dynam­ics in the coun­try. This explains the sol­id block of loy­al sup­port Trump enjoys.
White men will nev­er admit to the unearned priv­i­leges they enjoy sole­ly based on their skin col­or. Still, they will assail any­one who has a bite of the American dream through doors forced open through pro­grams such as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative.
Legacy and oth­er priv­i­leges that are rou­tine for white peo­ple are far more ques­tion­able, as in many cas­es, the recip­i­ents are not wor­thy of the insti­tu­tions they are allowed in. People of col­or, on the oth­er hand, who ben­e­fit from DEI or oth­er ini­tia­tives must first be super qual­i­fied even to be con­sid­ered for a place in those same institutions.
Most impor­tant­ly, we must seri­ous­ly con­sid­er any­one who has prob­lems with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Facing the very dis­tinct prospect of whites becom­ing a minor­i­ty, the Republican par­ty has embarked on the process­es I out­lined, but that is only the begin­ning. The Judges and Justices farmed and placed on the Federal courts at all lev­els is insur­ance that even as whites become numer­i­cal­ly few­er, the voic­es of the mass­es will be drowned out by the courts. Eileen Cannon and oth­ers at the District lev­el, sev­er­al Appellate cir­cuits, and the reac­tionar­ies on the high­est court have demon­strat­ed that they are pre­pared to shred the Constitution in ser­vice to the leader of the white Supremacist movement.
Samuel Alito, one of the right-wing reac­tionar­ies on the high­est court, was in a con­ver­sa­tion with a doc­u­men­tary film­mak­er pos­ing as a right-wing activist. He was not shy about speak­ing his mind about where he stood in retain­ing white control.
“I don’t know that we can nego­ti­ate with the left in the way that needs to hap­pen for the polar­iza­tion to end,” Lauren Windsor said at one point in the con­ver­sa­tion. “I think it’s a mat­ter of, like, winning.”
“I think you’re prob­a­bly right,” Alito replied. “One side or the oth­er is going to win. I don’t know. There can be a way of work­ing and liv­ing togeth­er peace­ful­ly. Still, it isn’t easy, you know, because there are dif­fer­ences in fun­da­men­tal things that real­ly can’t be com­pro­mised. They real­ly can’t be com­pro­mised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”

In short, the Right-wing white nation­al­ists who pop­u­late the Heritage Foundation that pop­u­lat­ed the Supreme Court and oth­er fed­er­al courts did so to over­rule the will of the peo­ple even though the struc­tur­al builtin-ins such as the so-called Electoral College and the out­ra­geous two United States Senators per state have already drowned out the voic­es of tens of mil­lions of Americans and all but cement­ed minor­i­ty rule in the nation.
In 2000, George Bush lost the pop­u­lar vote but was anoint­ed pres­i­dent by the law­less right-wing Supreme Court that decid­ed to stop the vote count and anoint Bush President.
Bush would go on to win reelec­tion in 2004 and win the pop­u­lar vote as a con­se­quence of the 911 attacks. George Bush will be remem­bered as one of the worst pres­i­dents ever. 
No Republican run­ning for the pres­i­den­cy has won the pop­u­lar vote since. The data has caused a par­a­digm shift in how the Republican peo­ple view their approach to nation­al elec­tions, Democracy, and much more.
No longer do they wrap them­selves in the American flag; they no longer care about democ­ra­cy. They now admire despots and dic­ta­tors like Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban, and Kim Jong Un.