It’s About Time We Know Ourselves

February 11th.2013 011

In the penul­ti­mate arti­cle I wrote I attempt­ed to address the issue of Politics. In that post I ref­er­enced the way pol­i­tics has col­ored our per­cep­tions that it is almost impos­si­ble for some peo­ple to oper­ate out­side the nar­row parochial con­fines of Jamaican pol­i­tics. I was always aware that in a way it was a form of iden­ti­ty for some to cling to, a sort of group­ing of sorts , being week mind­ed and fee­ble they are unable to strike out on their own and find their own way. Instead they teth­er their wag­ons to the nas­ti­ness of Jamaican pol­i­tics. In the 2008 Presidential cam­paign, then can­di­date Obama speak­ing to a group of donors behind closed doors, spoke to those truths when he exco­ri­at­ed cer­tain mid-west­ern­ers, for what he char­ac­ter­ized as their propen­si­ty to cling to their guns and bible.

What can­di­date Obama was frus­trat­ed with, was the almost kamikaze-like fanati­cism with which some peo­ple hold them­selves back because of their refusal to let go of some of the things they know, thus exclud­ing them­selves from the lim­it­less pos­si­bil­i­ties of the future. As I artic­u­lat­ed in the pre­vi­ous post, I too was once a part of that class, it took me awhile to rec­og­nize that what I was was a man first, then a Jamaican sec­ond. Anyone famil­iar with my com­men­tary over the years under­stand that I do not care about Jamaica’s two polit­i­cal gangs. I have seen them both at their worse. Interestingly, it seem even today there are some who can­not see any issue out­side the con­fines of JLP/​NP. Over the lasts sev­er­al decades thou­sands of our coun­try-men and women have been slaugh­tered, their homes reduced to ash­es, because of local pol­i­tics. No sec­tor of Jamaican life has been left free from the nox­ious fumes of Jamaica’s fetid rot­ten politics.

It was of no sur­prise then that even as I went to great lengths to try to show just how destruc­tive that infat­u­a­tion has been for our peo­ple, there are some who moron­i­cal­ly accused me of hav­ing an agen­da, that my writ­ings have a polit­i­cal stench. I will agree with the gen­tle­man it does have a polit­i­cal stench, it is the very same stench that has kept my coun­try in pover­ty to the point almost every Jamaican would leave if they had a chance. It is the stench that points to the almost 1600 of my countrymen/​women slaugh­tered annu­al­ly for no good rea­son. It is the stench of count­less rapes, assaults on our chil­dren, lit­tle chil­dren forced into pros­ti­tu­tion. The stench of the rise of the “don“culture which has divid­ed up our lit­tle coun­try into polit­i­cal zones of exclu­sions and turfs, the kind only found in sub-Saharan Africa. It is the stench of wit­ness­ing the Police Force I served in, reduced to an inept poor excuse of a secu­ri­ty-guard band of sad-sacks, which is so cor­rupt that peo­ple pre­fer to go to the don for help.

The stench which saw the dol­lar reduced to a worth­less piece of thrash that our peo­ple would rather receive a for­eign cur­ren­cy than our own. Yes the stench of failed lead­er­ship which stole and wast­ed bor­rowed mon­ey which has cre­at­ed a bal­ance of pay­ment sit­u­a­tion which makes our future worse than Greece. Yet I do not expect some to under­stand the dire con­se­quences this has for the future of our coun­try, after all( “you are nam­min a food rite now, arent you”)?I remind­ed myself that the rea­son the JCF has the rep­u­ta­tion it has is because of some of the peo­ple who entered through it’s doors. Part of the tragedy is some can bare­ly read or write yet they were allowed in, the dam­age they do will live for infamy.