It Was Never About Rights, It’s About Getting Dissenters To Bow To The Gay Agenda …

Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis returned to work today after spend­ing 5 days in jail. A Federal Judge ruled Davis was in con­tempt of his order to grant mar­riage licens­es to gay and les­bian couples.
Miss Davis a devout Christian refus­es to acqui­esce to the demands, argu­ing doing so would vio­late her con­science. Kim Davis the Rowan County Clerk is opposed to gay and les­bian mar­riage based on her Christian faith. This morn­ing Davis tear­ful­ly stood in front of her offices and issued a state­ment say­ing she would not inter­fere if her deputies issued licens­es to same-sex cou­ples, but she would not autho­rize those licenses.
“To affix my name or author­i­ta­tive title on a cer­tifi­cate that autho­rizes mar­riage that con­flicts with God’s def­i­n­i­tion of mar­riage as a union between one man and one woman vio­lates my deeply held reli­gious con­vic­tions and con­science,” Davis said dur­ing a brief state­ment after arriv­ing at her office. “For me, this would be an act of dis­obe­di­ence to my God.”..
It is impor­tant to note in light of the grow­ing sup­port for homo­sex­u­al lifestyle that at the time Kim Davis ran for pub­lic office the law of the land was that mar­riage was between one man and one woman as it has been ordained by God for thou­sands of years. Of course this was before the Supreme Court took it upon itself to usurp God’s author­i­ty with it’s earth­ly authority..
As we have repeat­ed­ly said in this pub­li­ca­tion, this demon­ic issue was and is nev­er about mar­riage or equal­i­ty. Neither is it about mar­riage equal­i­ty. It is about the per­se­cu­tion of Christians for their belief in God. This is big­ger than a mere con­tem­po­rary issue. It is inher­ent­ly the ful­fil­ment of Scriptures in front our very eyes. Unfortunately many includ­ing those who are sup­posed to be pro­tect­ing the flock are woe­ful­ly unpre­pared , ill-equipped and in some cas­es blind to what’s happening.

Ephesians 6:12

For we wres­tle not against flesh and blood, but against prin­ci­pal­i­ties, against pow­ers, against the rulers of the dark­ness of this world, against spir­i­tu­al wicked­ness in high places.
This morn­ing Media hous­es were glee­ful­ly report­ing that a Lesbian cou­ple had announced their inten­tion to show up for a mar­riage licence.
How con­ve­nient ? 
Why on the very day Kim Davis decid­ed to return to work? Why announce their inten­tions? Why not show up and do what oth­er cou­ples do when seek­ing a mar­riage licence? 
Because the idea is to show Kim Davis bro­ken and sub­dued and humil­i­at­ed. They broad­cast their inten­tions to show up because that is exact­ly what the Gay Agenda is about. It is about get­ting Christians and oth­er dis­senters to bow down or be humil­i­at­ed as nean­derthal relics of a less than intel­li­gent time. les­bian cou­ple — Shannon Wampler and Carmen Collins were not there just for the piece of paper which ulti­mate­ly will con­demn them they were there to show Kim Davis and Christians across the Globe where the arrow is trend­ing and County Clerk Brian Mason was more than hap­py to sell his soul for a moment in the spotlight.

Revelation 13:16 – 18 

Also it caus­es all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the fore­head, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the num­ber of its name. This calls for wis­dom: let the one who has under­stand­ing cal­cu­late the num­ber of the beast, for it is the num­ber of a man, and his num­ber is 666.
God says in Revelation 18:4 ‘come out of her My peo­ple.’ (Babylon) . Some Christians believes Babylon in the book of Revelation is a city, and God says in Revelation 18:4 ‘come out of her My peo­ple.’ But these Christians sin­cere though they are,misunderstand what Babylon is in Revelation. Babylon in the book of Revelation is not a city it’s the fall­en church.God warns his peo­ple to come out of this fall­en church, so they don’t share in her sins.
As this Gay agen­da unfolds in front our eyes and is being rammed down our throats the head of the Catholic Church[sic] says “who am I to judge” ? If the Catholic Pontiff both­ered to read the Bible he would under­stand that call­ing sin, sin is not judg­ing. He would know it is exact­ly what Jesus said we should do even as we show love to our fel­low sinners.

If the Pontiff was clear on Biblical teach­ings and not the wor­ship of the Virgin Mary he would know that it is exact­ly the duty of the Church to point to a path of moral clar­i­ty rather than mud­dy the water which leads to life eternal.
It is exact­ly what the Lord God com­man­deth when he tell us to come out of Babylon . This is the Pontiff who tells his Bishops to absolve peo­ple of their sins. Who is the Pope or his Bishops to absolve any­one of sin. God alone has the pow­er to remove sin not some ele­vat­ed tool of Satan.
Pope Benedict silent­ly went into obscu­ri­ty because he did not sup­port the agen­da of Homosexuals. We wrote in this very pub­li­ca­tion that the rea­son he was forced out was exact­ly because he would not allow him­self to be a tool for this satan­ic prac­tice. In 600 years no oth­er Pontiff had resigned until Joseph Ratzinger (Benidict XVI) stepped aside which made way for Francis.

Catholics and non-Catholics alike are glee­ful at the lib­er­al­ism of Francis , whose poli­cies are more in tune with con­tem­po­rary cul­ture. Rather than stand­ing on the prin­ci­ples of chris­t­ian teach­ings Francis has sig­nalled a rev­o­lu­tion­ary path many see as anti­thet­i­cal to the teach­ings of Jesus Christ. As such catholics and non-catholics are sali­vat­ing glee­ful­ly that this indeed is their Pope.Image result for pope francis

He has con­tra­dict­ed the teach­ings of past popes.
♦ He has praised a chil­dren’s book pro­mot­ing homo­sex­u­al coupling.
♦ He has defend­ed homosexuality.
♦ He has seem­ing­ly advo­cat­ed for cul­tur­al relativism.
♦ He has encour­aged more lib­er­al aca­d­e­m­ic tra­di­tions sup­port­ed by many Jesuits.
♦ He has soft­ened church rules regard­ing divorce and remarriage
Read more here :22 Pope Francis Statements Proving He’s a Leftist. 

The Protestant faith has been duplic­i­tous­ly silent , not want­i­ng to attract atten­tion even as Christians are being per­se­cut­ed for their faith. The church is silent because it does not want to be be irrel­e­vant, out­dat­ed, or to lose it’s tax-exempt status.
I warn the silent Pastors that the next Kim Davis will be you. This is not a move­ment about Homosexuals being togeth­er. Gays have engaged in their homo­sex­u­al lifestyle for thou­sands of years.
This is about your faith. This is about your abil­i­ty to stand up to the pow­ers of Satan (earth­ly gov­ern­ment) and say I will not denounce my faith in order to fit in.
Silence will not change that , Satan will not cease his attacks sim­ply because the Church cow­ers and hide in fear. Satan wants the total destruc­tion of your faith . Hence the word of God (Psa. 119:11). The duty of God’s chil­dren is to hide His Word in their hearts.
The next line of attack will be against the Pastors who shy away from Kim Davis . Some have even argued that because she was mar­ried sev­er­al times she does not fit the bill of a per­fect stan­dard bear­er for this stance.
Says who? Throughout Biblical his­to­ry God used peo­ple oth­ers scoffed at to car­ry out his plan. Who are you to decide that her mar­riages make her unfit to be a stan­dard bear­er. God used tax col­lec­tors, for­mer pros­ti­tutes, and oth­er lay peo­ple to ful­fill his pur­pose , his will be done.

Shannon Wampler and Carmen Collins walked into Kim Davis’ office not just to get a mar­riage license, they walked in to show Kim Davis they have the pow­er of the American Federal Government behind them, they glee­ful­ly chat­ted away with those who share their beliefs while the acquient clerk took care of the Devil’s business.
The next chap­ter in this episode will be that the Churches will be asked to mar­ry Gays. Some of the Pastors will val­i­date the Devil’s work in the house of the Lord. Those of you who remain silent hop­ing that not get­ting involved will save you are in for a rude awak­en­ing. If you refuse you will first lose tax-exempt sta­tus , you will be black­list­ed and even­tu­al­ly forced to either mar­ry them or go to Jail , oh yes it’s the law right?
They will make the very same argu­ments that the Church has no right to dis­crim­i­nate. They will say you Pastors are nean­derthal big­ots who refuse to fol­low the laws. They will say you are stand­ing on anti­quat­ed prin­ci­ples which are stymieing the evo­lu­tion of their Utopian Gay society. 

The Church is so much a part of the world that there is no dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion between the world and the Church . The lord chal­lenges us to come out of Babylon . The Christian Church is no stranger to per­se­cu­tion , hold on there is much more com­ing . This is the begin­ning of the great falling away as fore­told by Scripture. Choose ye this day whom he shall serve.
Daniel 7:25
He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy peo­ple and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy peo­ple will be deliv­ered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.
Daniel 8:25
He will cause deceit to pros­per, and he will con­sid­er him­self supe­ri­or. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.
Daniel 11:36
“The king will do as he pleas­es. He will exalt and mag­ni­fy him­self above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be suc­cess­ful until the time of wrath is com­plet­ed, for what has been deter­mined must take place.