It Is About The Warrior Cop, It Cannot Be Fixed…

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People con­tin­ue to, tongue in cheek, argue that ‘not all cops are racist igno­ra­mus­es.’ I guess we should take some solace from this new lie; after all, it’s an improve­ment over the tra­di­tion­al spiel, “there are only a few rot­ten apples,” but the evi­dence to the con­trary is so over­whelm­ing we are at the,’ not all are bad’ stage from the cop-apologists.
If we have to say ‘not all are bad,’ it is already evi­dent that we are in a seri­ous cri­sis. At this point, I would argue that one would be lucky to find a decent con­sti­tu­tion-respect­ing cop in an entire department.
The police cul­ture in the United States is so bro­ken that, at this point, it is impos­si­ble to fix with­out com­plete­ly revamp­ing how police are allowed to oper­ate across the board.
It is impor­tant to [note] for the record, as soci­ol­o­gists and oth­er experts grap­ple with find­ing rea­sons for the increase in vio­lent crimes, that dis­trust and dis­con­nect be seen as the main reason.
The dan­ger­ous police cul­ture that exists is so well-embed­ded that even when mil­lions of peo­ple through­out the coun­try of all races take to the streets to demand change, they are not smart enough to change their filthy ways.
Reporting on police vio­lence, Marshallproject​.org wrote; ‘More than two years after mil­lions of Americans took to the streets fol­low­ing the mur­der of George Floyd, famil­iar sto­ries about police vio­lence per­sist. By the num­bers, 2021 was the dead­liest for police shoot­ings since The Washington Post began track­ing them in 2015. The data­base Mapping Police Violence found sim­i­lar results.
The year 2022 was even worse as police killed more than 1200 Americans, most unarmed and with men­tal issues.
American police do not have a train­ing issue; they have a blood­lust issue.
The sad irony is that for black motorists, there is a greater threat to their lives from police than from any oth­er source. In fact, black motorists los­ing their lives to oth­er crim­i­nals from mere­ly dri­ving down a street or high­way is not a thing.
Those of you who would argue this is hyper­bol­ic, do not come for me; look up Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, Tyre Nichols, Daunte Wright, Patrick Lyoya, and on and on the killings go.
The Guardian, which has been map­ping police vio­lence in recent years, report­ed in 2022 that police in the US have killed near­ly 600 peo­ple dur­ing traf­fic stops since 2017, with the deaths con­tin­u­ing apace this year, a review of nation­al police vio­lence data shows.
For decades American law enforce­ment enjoyed an inter­na­tion­al­ly white­washed per­sona, most­ly bur­nished by Hollywood movies and tele­vi­sion shows that glo­ri­fied polic­ing in ways that no rea­son­able per­son would have a prob­lem with. Realistically, none of this was true. The real­i­ty for African-Americans who bore the brunt of police oppres­sion in the United States was far removed from the glitz and glam­or of Hollywood faux depictions.
Black Americans wrong­ly con­vict­ed by cor­rupt police and pros­e­cu­tors, in some cas­es, have spent decades of their lives incar­cer­at­ed. In con­trast, oth­ers, not so lucky, have been exe­cut­ed for crimes they did not com­mit. Thanks to con­sci­en­tious enti­ties like the Innocence Project and oth­ers that have been awak­ened to the atroc­i­ties being com­mit­ted against inno­cent peo­ple of color.
The cul­ture of impuni­ty that has tak­en over American polic­ing can be traced to the so-called rise of the war­rior cop. As I have writ­ten in sev­er­al oth­er arti­cles, the impuni­ty you see police exhib­it is a direct result of the immu­ni­ty cre­at­ed for them by the Supreme Court.
Congress did not leg­is­late qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty; it was cre­at­ed and foist­ed on the American peo­ple by the unelect­ed robed bureau­crats on the high­est court. Qualified immu­ni­ty carved out unrea­son­able and uncon­scionable stan­dards for state actors that the aver­age American does not enjoy. It essen­tial­ly sets gov­ern­ment work­ers out­side the scope of the laws unless the aggriev­ed par­ty can show that a cop, for exam­ple, should have known that their action was out­side of the law based on pre­vi­ous cas­es. No American cit­i­zen act­ing out­side gov­ern­ment ser­vice has such grace under the laws. If you break the law, you go to jail, end of story.
Additionally, police depart­ments have been pur­pose­ful­ly hir­ing sol­diers return­ing from America’s for­eign wars. Many of these hires have seri­ous issues that need­ed to be sort­ed out; stick­ing a badge on their chest and giv­ing them a gun and the pow­er to kill does not help. From the begin­ning, this writer said it was a bad idea.…. unless, of course, the out­comes we are hav­ing are the ones they desired.
Every cop-apol­o­gist, every American, in fact, every per­son on this plan­et should watch this video before open­ing their mouth on the issue of American police killings.
This is David Allan Grossman, born in Frankfurt, West Germany on August 23, 1956. His career includes ser­vice in the U.S. Army. Grossman is an author who also lec­tures police on how to kill effec­tive­ly. Those inter­est­ed can research what this for­mer mil­i­tary offi­cer has been teach­ing America’s cops.
There is no reform­ing this; the whole thing must be dis­card­ed if the killings are to stop.

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