It Does Not Look Pretty’: Witnesses, Expert Weigh In On Louisiana Deputy Chasing Down, Punching Woman In The Face For Allegedly Interfering In Arrest

By Nicole Duncan-Smith

A Louisiana sheriff’s depart­ment and exces­sive force expert say a deputy was jus­ti­fied when he pushed a Black woman into a mobile home and punched her in the face. The local law enforce­ment agency alleges she was inter­fer­ing with an arrest, while com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers claim the offi­cer used exces­sive force in his engagement.

The inci­dent occurred after MaryLee Breon Robinson refused to back away dur­ing the May 2 arrest of her broth­er, accord­ing to author­i­ties. Authorities report­ed­ly told Robinson she could record, but to stay in her yard. Robinson alleged­ly began shout­ing to her broth­er, “agi­tat­ing” him, accord­ing to officials.

Deputies from the St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office arrest­ed Keith Anthony Robinson Jr. on the 1300 block of Paul Frederick Street in Luling, ful­fill­ing a felony pro­ba­tion warrant.

A press release from the sheriff’s office described the young man as “a con­vict­ed felon with a vio­lent his­to­ry” and fur­ther read, “Deputy Henry Sill deployed his depart­ment-issued taser to attempt to sub­due Robinson to take him into custody.

The taser was inef­fec­tive and Robinson con­tin­ued to flee. An assist­ing offi­cer was able to detain Robinson and take him into cus­tody,” accord­ing to the release.

While search­ing Robinson after his arrest, a female sub­ject approached deputies while record­ing Robinson and attempt­ing to speak to him. The female was lat­er iden­ti­fied as his sis­ter, MaryLee Breon Robinson, a 30-year-old female from Paul Fredrick Street in Luling.”

While detain­ing the 26-year-old, his sis­ter MaryLee Breon Robinson report­ed­ly yelled at the offi­cers for tas­ing him after he ini­tial­ly ran from the cops. Telling them, “You’re not going to han­dle him like that.”

As Keith Robinson, Jr. was being placed into the rear of the police unit, MaryLee Robinson approached deputies from the rear of the unit, in the mid­dle of the street. She was again record­ing and shout­ing at Keith Robinson, Jr. and deputies.” Robinson report­ed­ly again was told she could record but to back away from the investigation.

Bodycam footage released on social media by the depart­ment on Tuesday, May 3, shows the arrest of Keith Anthony and Deputy Henry Sill approach­ing Robinson before she runs away from him. As the offi­cer chased down the 30-year-old female, he pushed her into a white mobile home. After she fell, an alter­nate cam­era cap­tured the offi­cer rear­ing back and punch­ing the woman in the face mul­ti­ple times.

In his footage, Sill is say­ing, “She start­ed swing­ing, so I struck her a few times because she’s swing­ing at me.” He also said on cam­era, fur­ther explain­ing his action, “She came around my unit and tried to interfere.”

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The officer’s body­cam catch­es her remarks too. Robinson is heard say­ing the offi­cer attacked her for no rea­son, adding, “You don’t beat on a woman like that.”

The woman was charged with inter­fer­ing with a law enforce­ment inves­ti­ga­tion, crim­i­nal dam­age to prop­er­ty, bat­tery of a police offi­cer, dis­turb­ing the peace, and resist­ing an offi­cer with force or violence.

Chief deputy Rodney Madere defend­ed his deputy’s action say­ing, “They told her to get back. She didn’t. We allowed her to record. We told her she could con­tin­ue to record. We just need­ed her to get away. She refused. She kept com­ing up to the scene interfering.”

He con­tin­ued, “When he did catch her she swung and punched him in the face. Our offi­cer then was able to push her away to cre­ate dis­tance when she fell to the ground. Our offi­cer came in and she swung a sec­ond time.”

The sheriff’s depart­ment also said the woman “vocal­ized that she would not lis­ten to deputies’ orders.” 

Deputy Sill moved in to effect an arrest, when MaryLee Robinson swung at Deputy Sill and kicked at him,” the sheriff’s office said.

Deputy Sill felt his taser hol­ster crack upon MaryLee Robinson’s kick, glanced down, and real­ized his taser was no longer on his duty belt. MaryLee Robinson con­tin­ued to active­ly resist arrest, at which point Deputy Sill used an emp­ty hand dis­trac­tion tech­nique to gain con­trol and take her into cus­tody. This was successful.”

The sheriff’s office is con­duct­ing an admin­is­tra­tive inves­ti­ga­tion into the altercation.

Those who wit­nessed the alter­ca­tion said MaryLee was not close to the offi­cers and not phys­i­cal­ly imped­ing the arrest. They also say the deputy demon­strat­ed abuse.

Her moth­er Miranda Robinson told NOLA​.com, “It’s OK for you to come and do your job, but you don’t have to be so aggres­sive and treat us like we’re animals.

We’re not ani­mals,” added the 50-year-old. “There’s no hard or harsh feel­ings,” the mom said. “I just want to see him held account­able for his actions and dealt with in the prop­er way.”

Joshae Smith, a rel­a­tive to both Keith Anthony and MaryLee Robinson, said, “It was scary because for a man to be beat­ing a woman like that — and then in front of her kids and they cry­ing. It’s terrible.”

Believing the woman’s civ­il rights were vio­lat­ed, the fam­i­ly con­tact­ed the NAACP.

A lead inves­ti­ga­tor with the NAACP expressed con­cern about the woman’s health after being assault­ed by the offi­cer. Jermeine Luckett, a rep for the civ­il rights orga­ni­za­tion, said, “the young lady may pos­si­bly have a con­cus­sion and she has not received ade­quate med­ical care.” 

The sheriff’s office says Robinson was offered med­ical atten­tion at the scene of the arrest but refused it.

Other lead­ers have spo­ken out after see­ing footage of Robinson’s encounter with Sill. Ben Crump tweet­ed about the inci­dent, ask­ing, “Since when does aid­ing trans­paren­cy of a police inci­dent jus­ti­fy such exces­sive force?” 

He must be FIRED!” he demanded.

The Times-Picayune enlist­ed the pro­fes­sion­al opin­ion of Andrew Scott, a use-of-force expert and for­mer police chief in Boca Raton, Florida, to review the footage. He said, while at face val­ue the footage “looks ter­ri­ble,” Sill was act­ing with­in his author­i­ty because Robinson was inter­fer­ing with the inves­ti­ga­tion. He referred to the officer’s punch­es as “stun strikes,” say­ing they are some­times used to sub­due a sub­ject resist­ing arrest.

The expert said Sill still could have de-esca­lat­ed the sit­u­a­tion by let­ting the woman run away.“In my view, as an expert, what he did was not unrea­son­able giv­en the total­i­ty of the cir­cum­stances,” Scott said. “But it does not look pret­ty. The use of force may be jus­ti­fi­able, but it does not look good.”