Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution Of African Migrants:

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It would be inter­est­ing to hear peo­ple who sup­port the state of Israel views on what is hap­pen­ing in the so-called Holy land. African Jews are find­ing their way back to the land of Israel only to be denied the basic dig­ni­ty that Jews of lighter hues take for grant­ed. One can­not turn on the Television and not find reminders of the Jewish holo­caust before and dur­ing the sec­ond world war.

Ironically the very peo­ple who fled per­se­cu­tion and death are now vis­it­ing racial apartheid on Jews of African ances­try. http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​d​P​x​v​4​A​f​f​3​I​A​&​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​=​s​h​are. I urge you watch this video and form your own opin­ion on what you have wit­nessed. Never mind that most of the peo­ple who live in Israel are peo­ple and their off­spring who were exiled from Europe dur­ing Hitler’s Jewish cleans­ing of Germany. This is shock­ing what is hap­pen­ing in this place called Israel .

The state of Israel was estab­lished in 1947 at the mouth of the Suez Canal by the United States and Britain and armed with nuclear weapons to pro­tect America’s and Britain’s oil and oth­er hege­mon­ic inter­est. This Apartheid is iron­ic con­sid­er­a­tion that in America and oth­er parts of the world, Jews and their sup­port­ers con­stant­ly blan­ket the air­waves beg­ging for mon­ey for the so-called Jewish State. They do so even as they keep the flames of vic­tim-hood burn­ing, as a means of lever­ag­ing more and more mate­r­i­al wealth and sym­pa­thy over the holocaust.

At this moment Israel is active­ly engaged in round­ing up Africans and plac­ing them in con­cen­tra­tion camps, label­ing them “Infiltrators”. From the Prime Minister on down the attack on African Jews is sys­tem­at­ic. Benjamin Netanyahu the Likud right-wing Prime Minister is a pro­po­nent of cleans­ing Israel of African Jews , argu­ing that if the lev­el of Africans in Israel exceeds 30% Israel will become a bi-nation­al state which means los­ing its Jewish char­ac­ter. Never mind that the world’s largest bi-nation­al state the United States con­tributes $3 bil­lion of our tax dol­lars to prop up that racist apartheid sys­tem. http://​ifamer​i​can​sknew​.org/​s​t​a​t​s​/​c​o​s​t​_​o​f​_​i​s​r​a​e​l​.​h​tml Currently over two thou­sand African Jews are being held in the Negev desert in what many say is the largest prison in the indus­tri­al­ized world. There is no data point­ing to African Jews threat­en­ing the state with the bogey-man “Terrorism”, in fact there is evi­dence African Jews are large­ly pro-Israel.

Are the chris­t­ian pas­tors aware of whats hap­pen­ing even as they preach to their flock about sup­port­ing Israel? Or is the Apartheid sys­tem in Israel par for the course , com­men­su­rate with slav­ery and Jim crow in America? If so, this leaves black pas­tors with a lot of explain­ing to do.http://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​e​t​X​A​m​-​O​y​lQQ Here is a lit­tle bit of per­spec­tive for those who talk about the so-called Israel and the peo­ple who now claim it as some kind of ances­tral home­land that they were forced from thou­sands of years ago.