Israel’s Control Of America.…

A very seri­ous breach of diplo­mat­ic pro­to­col is about to be com­mit­ted by


Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu .
The Israeli Prime Minister was invit­ed by the United States Speaker of the House John Boehner to address the American Congress. 
Netanyahu is sched­uled to address the con­gress on the talks between the Obama Administration and oth­er pow­ers, includ­ing Britain, Germany, France,China, Russia and Iran , on Iran’s nuclear program.
Initially Netanyahu was slat­ed to address the House in February but the speech has been pushed back to March 3rd.

President Obama
President Obama

The prob­lem with the speech is that no one in the speak­er’s office both­ered to noti­fy the White House that Netanyahu was sched­uled to address the con­gress just two weeks pri­or to that coun­try’s elec­tions to pick a new leader.
The White House insists that the Israeli Ambassador recent­ly met with Secretary of state John Kerry for two hours but did not both­er to men­tion that Netanyahu was com­ing to address congress.
In fact Boehner made it clear that his invite to Netanyahu was intend­ed to be a dis­re­spect­ful ges­ture to President Obama.
Boehner said quote: The Republicans are inter­est­ed in send­ing a “clear mes­sage to the White House — and the world — about our com­mit­ment to Israel and our allies,”.
Boehner who did not even both­er to tell mem­bers of the demo­c­ra­t­ic cau­cus in

Boehner and Netanyahu
Boehner and Netanyahu

the house of his deci­sion to invite Netanyahu,sees noth­ing wrong with usurp­ing nor­mal pro­to­cols to make anoth­er polit­i­cal statement.
Netantahu a right wing hawk who crave war with Iran, is anx­ious to use the American Congress two weeks before a tight elec­tion in Israel to lift his own profile.
Most of all how­ev­er, Netanyahu no fan of Obama, seem to rel­ish the oppor­tu­ni­ty to poke a fin­ger into Obama’s eye as the American pres­i­dent enters the fourth quar­ter of his presidency.
Republicans for their part are not con­cerned about any dis­re­spect to Obama, in fact that seem to be exact­ly their intention.
President Obama has inti­mat­ed he will not meet with Netanyahu.
There is a long stand­ing pro­to­col not to meet with for­eign lead­ers that close to elec­tions in their own coun­tries, the pres­i­dent said.
No one believes those are the rea­sons the pres­i­dent will not meet with Netanyahu however.

The office of Vice pres­i­dent Biden said, Biden will not be attend­ing the speech either.
Members of the con­gres­sion­al black cau­cus have also indi­cat­ed they will not be attend­ing the speech.
In Israel there is very lit­tle sup­port for the speech, the Times of Israel pub­lished a poll which shows In response to the ques­tion, “Do you think Prime Minister Netanyahu should trav­el to speak before the US Congress?” a major­i­ty of 52% said no, com­pared to 36% in favor. A fur­ther 12% said that they didn’t know whether Netanyahu should go.

Set aside the breach of diplo­mat­ic pro­to­col for a sec­ond then ask yourselves

Obama and Netanyahu
Obama and Netanyahu

why would Netanyahu do some­thing so poten­tial­ly dam­ag­ing to American Israeli relations?
Never mind the actions of Republicans, any­one still doubt­ful that their actions toward pres­i­dent Obama are any­thing but racial need to have their heads examined.
Netanyahu must have cal­cu­lat­ed that his vis­it will give him a boost in polls at home. He prob­a­bly sees this as an oppor­tune time to stick it to Obama, whom he clear­ly has very lit­tle love for.
Netanyahu does not believe there are any dan­gers to the bi-lat­er­al rela­tions between the two coun­tries. Why would he ?America has pledged unequiv­o­cal sup­port to the Zionist state, that will not change because he is dis­re­spect­ful to it’s first black pres­i­dent, if any­thing it will bol­ster that relationship.