Israel’s About-face On Tlaib Designed To Remove Her From The Prestige And Cover Of US Congress

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The sto­ry west­ern media refus­es to tell of Israel’s crimes


As the world watch­es in hor­ror, the Zionist Apartheid state of Israel banned two duly elect­ed Muslim US Congresswomen of col­or. Even some brain-dead Republicans are speak­ing out.
The move was seen by many as Benjamin Netanyahu kow­tow­ing to the racist-in-chief in the white house.
Benjamin Netanyahu was a racist before Donald Trump came along.
Netanyahu had long demon­strat­ed his dis­dain and dis­taste for African peo­ple, and even our first African-American pres­i­dent, because he did not bow to his demands, or kiss his ass like most in the con­gress do.
Barring Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib is noth­ing that any­one should be sur­prised at.
Benjamin Netanyahu is a racist and that’s the end of it, blam­ing Donald Trump, regard­less of how repug­nant he is, is short­sight­ed.
That is why the state­ment of Vermont Independent Senator, and Presidential can­di­date Bernie Sanders is so resonant.

Image result for life in the gaza strip
Life on a dai­ly basis in Gaza

Bernie Sanders To Israel: Ban Our Lawmakers? Then Don’t Take Our Money.

[Sen. Bernie Sanders (I‑Vt.) has sug­gest­ed Israel should now decline the bil­lions of dol­lars it receives in U.S. aid in the wake of its ban on Reps. Ilhan Omar (D‑Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D‑Mich.) from enter­ing the coun­try. “I wish I could tell you that I am shocked, I am not,” the Democratic pres­i­den­tial can­di­date said on Thursday’s broad­cast of MSNBC’s “All In” about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s deci­sion to bar the law­mak­ers, which was encour­aged and sup­port­ed by U.S. President Donald Trump.
“And if Israel doesn’t want mem­bers of the United States Congress to vis­it their coun­try, to get a first-hand look at what’s going on, and I have been there many, many times, but if he doesn’t want mem­bers to vis­it maybe he can respect­ful­ly decline the bil­lions of dol­lars that we give to Israel.” (Senator Bernie Sanders)].

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The grim real­i­ty of Palestinian existence

Since Israeli author­i­ties decid­ed to deny access to the two leg­is­la­tors, they have since back­tracked and have grant­ed con­di­tion­al access to con­gress­woman Tlaib. She would be allowed to enter the state as a pri­vate cit­i­zen to vis­it her aging grand­moth­er. The con­gress­woman who ini­tial­ly accept­ed the terms from some reports, have now refused their offer, insist­ing the con­di­tions are designed to humil­i­ate her.
This writer agrees with her assess­ment. What they want to do is to remove her from the cov­er and pres­tige of the US con­gress, there­by reduc­ing her to an ordi­nary Palestinian.
By doing so, they intend to reduce her to the indig­ni­ties they mete out to Palestinian dai­ly, as per their poli­cies.
Tlaib is of Palestinian ances­try but was born in the United States.

Smoke rises from Tuffah neighbourhood after Israeli air strikes in the east of Gaza City. Relentless bombardment has crippled the city’s infrastructure
Image of the Gaza strip under an Israeli air bombardment

Under no cir­cum­stances would America allow any oth­er coun­try in the world, oth­er than Israel) to block two sit­ting leg­is­la­tors from trav­el­ing to their coun­try, with­out exact­ing strong penal­ties.
But this is noth­ing new, the United States sup­port­ed the oppres­sion of the peo­ple of South Africa under the igno­ble assault of the apartheid régime of PW Botha and oth­ers before him.
It is also well estab­lished that Israel sup­plied resources to Botha, while the world out­side the United States con­demned the racist régime.
Ronnie Kasrils, a lead­ing mem­ber of the African National Congress dur­ing the apartheid era and for­mer gov­ern­ment min­is­ter writ­ing for the Guardian in April of this year wrote; [As a Jewish South African anti-apartheid activist, I look with hor­ror on the far-right shift in Israel ahead of this month’s elec­tions, and the impact in the Palestinian ter­ri­to­ries and world­wide. Israel’s repres­sion of Palestinian cit­i­zens, African refugees, and Palestinians in the occu­pied West Bank and Gaza has become more bru­tal over time. Ethnic cleans­ing, land seizure, home demo­li­tion, mil­i­tary occu­pa­tion, the bomb­ing of Gaza and inter­na­tion­al law vio­la­tions led Archbishop Tutu to declare that the treat­ment of Palestinians remind­ed him of apartheid, only worse].

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Life in Gaza under Israel’s blockade

While these shock­ing atroc­i­ties are hap­pen­ing, the United States under both Republican and Democrat Administrations, have sup­pressed dis­sent and used its veto pow­er in the United Nations to pro­tect Israel from fac­ing war crimes in the Hague.
By virtue of this spe­cial treat­ment, Israel con­tin­ues to com­mit war crimes and thumbs its nose at inter­na­tion­al laws. The very insti­tu­tions cre­at­ed by the United States after the sec­ond world war have been weak­ened as mem­ber states watch Israel do what it wants with­out con­se­quence. Some mem­ber states have decid­ed they will not sub­ject them­selves to the dic­tates of the UN, fur­ther erod­ing the rule of law across the globe.
The ques­tion now is how long will Israel be allowed to have one set of rules for itself, while the rest of the world has to live by another?