Israeli TV Host Denounces Treatment Of Palestinians: ‘Apartheid Has Been Here For Ages’

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An Israeli tele­vi­sion host used the final episode of his late-night show to sharply crit­i­cize the country’s treat­ment of Palestinians, com­par­ing set­tle­ment efforts in Gaza and the West Bank to South Africa’s apartheid era.

Assaf Harel, the host of the night­time com­e­dy show “Good Night With Assaf Harel,” used his final mono­logue to con­demn Israelis for their “amaz­ing abil­i­ty to ignore what’s hap­pen­ing mere kilo­me­ters away.” The show wasn’t renewed for anoth­er sea­son and end­ed this month.

If you look at our life from a bird’s‑eye view, we’re doing pret­ty great. Really. Great weath­er, great food, great peo­ple, great beach­es. It’s not so bad here, in gen­er­al. And that’s exact­ly the point, that we’re doing great, but there are a cou­ple of mil­lion peo­ple that we’re respon­si­ble for, and they’re in a hor­ri­ble state. Infrastructure, food, health care, edu­ca­tion. Millions who are liv­ing in abject pover­ty. Gaza is on the verge of plague, hours on end with­out elec­tric­i­ty or water. Israel con­trols every­thing that goes in or out .…

Ever since the right-wing took pow­er, more and more voic­es are warn­ing of apartheid. Are you kid­ding? Apartheid has been here for ages. Ages. It’s just that we’re on the good side, so it doesn’t real­ly both­er us.

The video has spread across social media and comes at a cru­cial polit­i­cal time for the region. After years of a chilly rela­tion­ship between Washington and Israel, U.S. President Donald Trump has indi­cat­ed he is firm­ly on the side of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli gov­ern­ment first test­ed that rela­tion­ship in January, when it approved an expan­sion of set­tle­ments in the West Bank, flout­ing a bloc of 70 coun­tries that warned such a move would put the two-state solu­tion in dan­ger.

Amid all of this, it is unclear where the peace process stands. Trump made head­lines sev­er­al weeks ago when he seem­ing­ly aban­doned decades of U.S. for­eign pol­i­cy mov­ing toward a two-state solu­tion to the Israeli-Palestinian con­flict. However, just a day lat­er U.S. ambas­sador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said America was “absolute­ly” com­mit­ted to the two-state solution.

The devel­op­ments have embold­ened Israel’s rad­i­cal right. Some right-wing Israeli offi­cials called Trump’s state­ment the begin­ning of a “new era” and said “after 24 years, the Palestinian flag is low­ered and the Israeli flag is put in its place.”

Harel lam­bast­ed such rhetoric and chal­lenged Israelis to look beyond their bor­ders and end the over­sight of ongo­ing strug­gles in Palestinian territory.

Israel’s most impress­sive inno­va­tion, more than any high-tech project or Rafael weapon, is our amaz­ing abil­i­ty to ignore what is hap­pen­ing mere kilo­me­ters away to our neigh­bors, a whole peo­ple, trans­par­ent, like it doesn’t exist.

On one side the extrem­ists kill, and on the oth­er side the “extrem­ists” talk. On one side the extrem­ists burn peo­ple alive, and on the oth­er side the extrem­ists demand human rights. Story orig­i­nat­ed here: http://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​e​n​t​r​y​/​a​s​s​a​f​-​h​a​r​e​l​-​i​s​r​a​e​l​-​p​a​l​e​s​t​i​n​i​a​n​s​-​a​p​a​r​t​h​e​i​d​_​u​s​_​5​8​b​7​6​7​1​6​e​4​b​0​1​9​d​3​6​d​1​0​9​b​7​5​?​i​6​c​z​e​x​9​6​g​y​9​b​8​d​7​vi&