It’s “on again” in the “on again, off again” cycle of violence between the Palestinian people and the State of Israel.
Western observers to this continued cycle of violence have been schooled into believing that Palestinians are violent terrorists who strap bombs to themselves to blow up peace loving Israelis who just want to live their lives in peace and harmony with their Palestinian brothers and sisters.
The airwaves of traditional Media bombard us daily with pleas and propaganda, extolling the virtues of Israel, while viscerally painting the Palestinians as barbaric terrorists..
There are year round appeals for money for the Jewish people,. Entire networks are dedicated to replaying over and over,the horrors the Nazi’s visited on Jews. Churches use the Bible to preach that God will deliver the evil Arabs into the hands of his people the Jews.
Not to be outdone the American Federal Government pours approximately 3 Billion dollars of our tax dollars into the diminutive Zionist State annually. Politicians running for office dare not criticize Israel for fear of being branded anti Semitic. Those not cowered by fear have bought into the propaganda that somehow the white Europeans occupying the lands at the mouth of the Suez Canal ,

dubbed Israel, are somehow a special people chosen by God. That the land of Palestine was promised to them and that they can do no wrong.
The Zionist State possess Nuclear weapons, outside the rules which govern larger more populous Nations. Other Nations are invaded because they are allegedly suspected of possessing certain weapons. Israel is allowed to occupy their neighbors using the most sophisticated weaponry, mostly supplied by the United States. Israel maintains an iron grip of the territory they control, diminishing Palestinians to mere subjects of the Zionist State. Palestinians who rise up against Israeli occupation and domination are designated Terrorists.

The term Terrorists is the great neutralizer , it is used as a bludgeoning tool by the Zionist State, understanding full well the perceptions associated with it, à la September 11th , 2001 in the United States. Many Western observers are unable to separate what happened that September morning in the United States from the violent and unconscionable military oppression Israel imposes on Palestine. No one is more adept at exploiting that psychological disconnect than Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister.
Fighting back against Israel’s aggressive Apartheid policies brings swift overwhelming punishment, inconsistent with what Israel refers to as Palestinian provocation. Never mind that Israeli has occupied Palestine since 1948. The people with crude rockets, sticks and stones are terrorists. Those holding the power , made possible by the most sophisticated weaponry on the planet and powerful friends, are seen as victims.
Of course the reasons for the collective punishment fed to the world is that Israel’s right to exist is being threatened by Terrorist Palestinians dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel. No one bothers to mention that at best, Palestinians are equipped with crude Rockets with no guidance systems, which renders the effect from them more physiological than physical. By Israel’s own account Palestinian Rockets largely land harmlessly in Israeli fields causing no casualty. Israel maintains tactical warfare against Palestinians who dare to challenge them, using sniper fire to murder Palestinians they label terrorists. Similar Palestinian actions against IDF soldiers is sold as a terrorist act.
In essence what the Zionist state is telling the world is that the occupied Palestinians have no right to self defense or self determination. The issue of Palestinian Rockets being fired at Israel is a legitimate issue. No one wants to live under the threat of being annihilated by exploding Rockets. On the other hand the Palestinian people have a right to live outside the boot-heels of Israeli occupation. The issue is far more complex than exploding rockets and occupation however. The state of Israel did not just happen as it is in disputed territory until the United States and Britain saw it prudent to place it there in 1948.
Chris Hedges: Israel’s war on American universities

Chris Hedges, whose column is published Mondays on Truthdig, has written twelve books, including the New York Times best seller “Days of Destruction. quote:
Israel has for decades been able to frame the discussion about the Palestinians. But its control of the narrative is coming to an end. As Israel loses ground it will viciously and irrationally attack all truth tellers, even if they are American students, and especially if they are Jews. There will come a day, and that day will come sooner than Israel and its paid lackeys expect, when the whole edifice will crumble, when even students at Hillel will no longer have the stomach to defend the continuous dispossession and random murder of Palestinians. Israel, by ruthlessly silencing others, now risks silencing itself. — See more at: http://www.israeli-occupation.org/#sthash.jxQycdan.dpuf.

Noam Chomsky: Why the Israel-Palestine ‘negotiations’ are a complete farce.
Western opinion now follows the ludicrous assumption that meaningful Israel-Palestine negotiations can be seriously conducted under the auspices of the United States – not an “honest broker,” but in reality a partner of Israel. —

In 1948 the State Department, the Defense Department and the CIA regarded such an outcome with open concern. Opposing this view was President Truman’s special legal counsel, Clark Clifford and his small entourage of supporters, who strongly endorsed US recognition of Israel’s independence as in line with US interests. It was Clifford, moreover, who shepherded the proposal for independence through the White House insisting that the Jewish state already existed and that it remained only to recognize it before the Soviet Union did. Several points are worth making in this connection. The first is a reminder of conditions in Palestine in the winter of 1948 that led US officials and the US President to come close to abandoning support for the UN Partition Resolution. The second is the US assessment of the status of Arab regimes on the eve of Britain’s departure from Palestine, and the continuing misgivings expressed by US officials as to risks that Jewish statehood entailed for US interests. The third point is that, when those misgivings proved to be false, US oil and defense interests concluded that the new State’s military capacity and political orientation could protect those interests, US policy changed accordingly. http://www.israeli-occupation.org/2011 – 11-09/irene-gendzier-why-the-us-recognised-israel/
Simply put ‚It’s about oil and other strategic interest. This unholy alliance between the United States and the Zionist state of Israel has nothing to do with Biblical prophesy as some Evangelical Pastors and others bellow from their pulpits. It is all about black and green. Black oil converted into green dollars. What’s 3 billion dollars annually in aid and a few thousand dead Palestinians as long as Tens of billions of dollars in oil keep flowing undisturbed?