Israeli Palestinian Conflict

dean Palestinians lay splattered in the streets
dead Palestinians lay splat­tered in the streets

It’s “on again” in the “on again, off again” cycle of vio­lence between the Palestinian peo­ple and the State of Israel. 

Western observers to this con­tin­ued cycle of vio­lence have been schooled into believ­ing that Palestinians are vio­lent ter­ror­ists who strap bombs to them­selves to blow up peace lov­ing Israelis who just want to live their lives in peace and har­mo­ny with their Palestinian broth­ers and sisters.

The air­waves of tra­di­tion­al Media bom­bard us dai­ly with pleas and pro­pa­gan­da, extolling the virtues of Israel, while vis­cer­al­ly paint­ing the Palestinians as bar­bar­ic terrorists..

There are year round appeals for mon­ey for the Jewish peo­ple,. Entire net­works are ded­i­cat­ed to replay­ing over and over,the hor­rors the Nazi’s vis­it­ed on Jews. Churches use the Bible to preach that God will deliv­er the evil Arabs into the hands of his peo­ple the Jews.

Not to be out­done the American Federal Government pours approx­i­mate­ly 3 Billion dol­lars of our tax dol­lars into the diminu­tive Zionist State annu­al­ly. Politicians run­ning for office dare not crit­i­cize Israel for fear of being brand­ed anti Semitic. Those not cow­ered by fear have bought into the pro­pa­gan­da that some­how the white Europeans occu­py­ing the lands at the mouth of the Suez Canal ,

Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu

dubbed Israel, are some­how a spe­cial peo­ple cho­sen by God. That the land of Palestine was promised to them and that they can do no wrong.

The Zionist State pos­sess Nuclear weapons, out­side the rules which gov­ern larg­er more pop­u­lous Nations. Other Nations are invad­ed because they are alleged­ly sus­pect­ed of pos­sess­ing cer­tain weapons. Israel is allowed to occu­py their neigh­bors using the most sophis­ti­cat­ed weapon­ry, most­ly sup­plied by the United States. Israel main­tains an iron grip of the ter­ri­to­ry they con­trol, dimin­ish­ing Palestinians to mere sub­jects of the Zionist State. Palestinians who rise up against Israeli occu­pa­tion and dom­i­na­tion are des­ig­nat­ed Terrorists.

IDF sniper
IDF sniper

The term Terrorists is the great neu­tral­iz­er , it is used as a blud­geon­ing tool by the Zionist State, under­stand­ing full well the per­cep­tions asso­ci­at­ed with it, à la September 11th , 2001 in the United States. Many Western observers are unable to sep­a­rate what hap­pened that September morn­ing in the United States from the vio­lent and uncon­scionable mil­i­tary oppres­sion Israel impos­es on Palestine. No one is more adept at exploit­ing that psy­cho­log­i­cal dis­con­nect than Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister.

Fighting back against Israel’s aggres­sive Apartheid poli­cies brings swift over­whelm­ing pun­ish­ment, incon­sis­tent with what Israel refers to as Palestinian provo­ca­tion. Never mind that Israeli has occu­pied Palestine since 1948. The peo­ple with crude rock­ets, sticks and stones are ter­ror­ists. Those hold­ing the pow­er , made pos­si­ble by the most sophis­ti­cat­ed weapon­ry on the plan­et and pow­er­ful friends, are seen as victims.

Of course the rea­sons for the col­lec­tive pun­ish­ment fed to the world is that Israel’s right to exist is being threat­ened by Terrorist Palestinians ded­i­cat­ed to the destruc­tion of the State of Israel. No one both­ers to men­tion that at best, Palestinians are equipped with crude Rockets with no guid­ance sys­tems, which ren­ders the effect from them more phys­i­o­log­i­cal than phys­i­cal. By Israel’s own account Palestinian Rockets large­ly land harm­less­ly in Israeli fields caus­ing no casu­al­ty. Israel main­tains tac­ti­cal war­fare against Palestinians who dare to chal­lenge them, using sniper fire to mur­der Palestinians they label ter­ror­ists. Similar Palestinian actions against IDF sol­diers is sold as a ter­ror­ist act.israel-map

In essence what the Zionist state is telling the world is that the occu­pied Palestinians have no right to self defense or self deter­mi­na­tion. The issue of Palestinian Rockets being fired at Israel is a legit­i­mate issue. No one wants to live under the threat of being anni­hi­lat­ed by explod­ing Rockets. On the oth­er hand the Palestinian peo­ple have a right to live out­side the boot-heels of Israeli occu­pa­tion. The issue is far more com­plex than explod­ing rock­ets and occu­pa­tion how­ev­er. The state of Israel did not just hap­pen as it is in dis­put­ed ter­ri­to­ry until the United States and Britain saw it pru­dent to place it there in 1948.

Chris Hedges: Israel’s war on American universities

Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges, whose col­umn is pub­lished Mondays on Truthdig, has writ­ten twelve books, includ­ing the New York Times best sell­er “Days of Destruction. quote: 

Israel has for decades been able to frame the dis­cus­sion about the Palestinians. But its con­trol of the nar­ra­tive is com­ing to an end. As Israel los­es ground it will vicious­ly and irra­tional­ly attack all truth tellers, even if they are American stu­dents, and espe­cial­ly if they are Jews. There will come a day, and that day will come soon­er than Israel and its paid lack­eys expect, when the whole edi­fice will crum­ble, when even stu­dents at Hillel will no longer have the stom­ach to defend the con­tin­u­ous dis­pos­ses­sion and ran­dom mur­der of Palestinians. Israel, by ruth­less­ly silenc­ing oth­ers, now risks silenc­ing itself. — See more at: http://​www​.israeli​-occu​pa​tion​.org/​#​s​t​h​a​s​h​.​j​x​Q​y​c​d​a​n​.​d​puf.

Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky: Why the Israel-Palestine ‘nego­ti­a­tions’ are a com­plete farce.

Western opin­ion now fol­lows the ludi­crous assump­tion that mean­ing­ful Israel-Palestine nego­ti­a­tions can be seri­ous­ly con­duct­ed under the aus­pices of the United States – not an “hon­est bro­ker,” but in real­i­ty a part­ner of Israel. — 

Irene Gendzier
Irene Gendzier

In 1948 the State Department, the Defense Department and the CIA regard­ed such an out­come with open con­cern. Opposing this view was President Truman’s spe­cial legal coun­sel, Clark Clifford and his small entourage of sup­port­ers, who strong­ly endorsed US recog­ni­tion of Israel’s inde­pen­dence as in line with US inter­ests. It was Clifford, more­over, who shep­herd­ed the pro­pos­al for inde­pen­dence through the White House insist­ing that the Jewish state already exist­ed and that it remained only to rec­og­nize it before the Soviet Union did. Several points are worth mak­ing in this con­nec­tion. The first is a reminder of con­di­tions in Palestine in the win­ter of 1948 that led US offi­cials and the US President to come close to aban­don­ing sup­port for the UN Partition Resolution. The sec­ond is the US assess­ment of the sta­tus of Arab regimes on the eve of Britain’s depar­ture from Palestine, and the con­tin­u­ing mis­giv­ings expressed by US offi­cials as to risks that Jewish state­hood entailed for US inter­ests. The third point is that, when those mis­giv­ings proved to be false, US oil and defense inter­ests con­clud­ed that the new State’s mil­i­tary capac­i­ty and polit­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion could pro­tect those inter­ests, US pol­i­cy changed accord­ing­ly. http://​www​.israeli​-occu​pa​tion​.org/​2​011 – 11-09/irene-gendzi­er-why-the-us-recog­nised-israel/

Simply put ‚It’s about oil and oth­er strate­gic inter­est. This unholy alliance between the United States and the Zionist state of Israel has noth­ing to do with Biblical proph­esy as some Evangelical Pastors and oth­ers bel­low from their pul­pits. It is all about black and green. Black oil con­vert­ed into green dol­lars. What’s 3 bil­lion dol­lars annu­al­ly in aid and a few thou­sand dead Palestinians as long as Tens of bil­lions of dol­lars in oil keep flow­ing undisturbed?