ISRAEL : An Undisciplined Child


Have you ever been in a Supermarket, on a flight, or in oth­er pub­lic places and see kids act­ing up to the cha­grin and embar­rass­ment of their par­ents? Yet you smile to your­self because you know many of those par­ents had not laid any dis­ci­pli­nary frame­work for the kid, and are only then try­ing to dis­ci­pline the kid out of embarrassment.

The United States report­ed­ly gives over 3 Billion Dollars in direct Aid to Israel each year, the aver­age American cit­i­zen has no idea just how much more of their tax dol­lars are sent to the Zionist state indi­rect­ly. America Unequivocally sup­ports Israeli actions against Palestinian and oth­er Middle Eastern Nations even when the rest of the World cry foul to Israel’s actions.

As I have allud­ed to in pre­vi­ous blogs, one can­not be elect­ed dog-catch­er in the United States unless he/​she drinks at the Well of Israeli Righteousness. Critics are sum­mar­i­ly dis­missed as irrel­e­vant, or brand­ed anti-Semitic. It mat­ters not whether the crit­i­cisms being lev­eled at Israel are jus­ti­fied. Venom and back­lash are sure to follow.

John Hagee
John Hagee

Pastors like John Hagee preach­es curse and destruc­tion on any­one who dares to com­par­a­tive­ly look at the actions of Israel and say wait just a minute, this here is wrong. What makes the likes of Hagee less than cred­i­ble, is their hyp­o­crit­i­cal one-sided view of things.

It mat­ters not how many babies and inno­cent peo­ple are killed by Israel , it is all par for the course for those of the John Hagee ilk. It is all jus­ti­fied and nec­es­sary because it is all for Israel’s sur­vival. What makes these pon­tif­i­caters dan­ger­ous is that they use Biblical Scriptures to jus­ti­fy Israel’s war crimes against humanity.

No oth­er Nation on earth would be allowed to kill so many inno­cents and get away with it. The United States is ratch­et­ing up sanc­tions against Russia for its reuni­fi­ca­tion with Crimea. Of course the Russians believe they can­not annex a region which has been part of Russia his­tor­i­cal­ly, but I digress.

America waged war on Iraq sup­pos­ed­ly over sus­pi­cions of banned weapons. America waged war in Yugoslavia over Slobodan Milosevic’s alleged killing of Muslims. America has staked out a moral high-ground on the issue of Human rights, and on the mass killing of inno­cent peo­ple for the rest of the world, yet on Israel it is silent.

President Obama seem an unwill­ing ser­vant of the Zionist state of Israel , yet he has to cow-tow even as the world’s most pow­er­ful man, in sup­port of the Israeli nar­ra­tive. Amy Goodman of Democracy now reports.

The threat of more vio­lence fol­lows a week that saw Israel kill at least 192 Palestinians in a mas­sive bomb­ing cam­paign on one of the world’s most dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed areas. The United Nations esti­mates more than 80 per­cent of Gaza’s dead are civil­ians, includ­ing 36 chil­dren. More than a thou­sand rock­ets from Gaza have hit Israel over the same peri­od, with just a frac­tion land­ing in urban areas. Around a dozen Israelis have been wound­ed. There have been no Israelis report­ed killed.

The Huffington Post reports:

Following the quick col­lapse of the cease-fire in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the White House not to force a


truce with Palestinian mil­i­tants on Israel.

Sources famil­iar with con­ver­sa­tions between Netanyahu and senior U.S. offi­cials, includ­ing Secretary of State John Kerry, say the Israeli leader advised the Obama admin­is­tra­tion “not to ever sec­ond guess me again” on the mat­ter. The offi­cials also said Netanyahu said he should be “trust­ed” on the issue and about the unwill­ing­ness of Hamas to enter into and fol­low through on cease-fire talks.

Well what do you know? Remember those undis­ci­plined chil­dren you last encoun­tered? Those kids who roamed around and caused dis­com­fort and embar­rass­ment to every­one includ­ing you and their par­ents?.…… Ditto !!!

The fact is that Israel has been shel­tered and pro­tect­ed by major west­ern pow­ers, includ­ing the US and England for decades. The state of Israel has been able to cir­cum­vent and abro­gate International Laws with­out con­se­quences while hid­ing behind the afore­men­tioned powers.

At the heart of almost every con­flict in the Middle East is the issue of Israeli Occupation and dehu­man­iza­tion of the Palestinian peo­ple. Many of the Christian Pastors who pon­tif­i­cate on this issue, fail to men­tion the fact that most Palestinian dead are inno­cent chil­dren and the most vulnerable.

What they also fail to men­tion, is that many Palestinian dead are CHRISTIANS, not dis­card-able ‚dis­pos­able Muslims as they would have you believe.