These two com­pet­ing demands are the stick­ing points at the lat­est flare-up between Israel and The Palestinians liv­ing in Gaza.

Israel’s Western back­ers feeds us the idea that all Israelis want is to live in peace. They argue that Hamas, and by exten­sion the Palestinians are vio­lent Terrorists who blow up inno­cent Israelis on bus­es and in shop­ping Malls or wher­ev­er they get a chance to unleash their brand of Terror.

Now much of what the Palestinians have done over the years have not fit­ted into the con­ven­tion­al pro­to­cols of war­fare. Whether we agree with Hamas or Fatah’s tac­tics is nei­ther here nor there. The fact of the mat­ter is this is war between two com­pet­ing inter­ests. Israel is armed with Nuclear weapons, It’s Military is one of the most sophis­ti­cat­ed in the World. It’s Intelligence Service the Mossad is one of the world’s best-known and most high­ly regard­ed intel­li­gence agen­cies.

map showing loss of Palestinian land from 1946-2010. http://www ...
map show­ing loss of Palestinian land from 1946 – 2010. http://www …

Israel is backed by the United States, England and many oth­er pow­ers which has strate­gic inter­ests par­al­lel­ing that of Israel’s. Each year the United States alone pumps over 3 Billion Dollars of direct Aid into Israel.

The peo­ple in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip lives under total and com­plete dom­i­na­tion of Israel’s Occupation. At the cen­ter of the suf­fer­ing of the Palestinian suf­fer­ing is Israel’s con­tin­ued annex­a­tion of their lands.

Israeli’s builds set­tle­ments on Palestinian lands, against International Law, the State then puts Police and oth­er ameni­ties in sup­pos­ed­ly to pro­tect the set­tlers. The State builds roads and erect check-points pre­vent­ing Palestinians from even using the roads. That area is now part of the state of Israel.

Former President Jimmy Carter
Former President Jimmy Carter

The type of poli­cies being pur­sued by Israel in build­ing set­tle­ments and road then pre­vent­ing Palestinians from using those roads are a form of apart-ness or Apartheid worse than that which was prac­ticed in South Africa

The peace process has been pret­ty well dor­mant for the past three years. Of course, in the past we played a key role in being the medi­a­tor and con­ven­er of meet­ings, but that’s not hap­pen­ing either. The first pri­or­i­ty would be for the Israelis and Palestinians to take the ini­tia­tive. But the Israelis have con­tin­ued with their mas­sive set­tle­ment pro­gram in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the Palestinians say they won’t nego­ti­ate as long as Israel is con­tin­u­ing to take over their ter­ri­to­ry, so there’s dead­lock. The United States is looked upon by the rest of the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty as the pri­ma­ry inter­locu­tor, so the European Union mem­bers don’t take action. As a result, there’s no inter­me­di­ary who can move things for­ward and ini­ti­ate peace talks.

Israel should come out and tell the World it does not want a two State solu­tion and live with the consequences.(President Bill Clinton).

The fact is that Israel does not want a Palestinian State side by side with Israel. There has been sig­nif­i­cant attempts at a two state solu­tion between Israel and Palestine start­ing from the 1991 Madrid Conference. There fol­lowed the 1993 Oslo accords and the failed 2000 Camp David sum­mit fol­lowed by the Taba nego­ti­a­tions in ear­ly 2001. In 2002, the Arab League pro­posed the Arab Peace Initiative. The lat­est ini­tia­tive, which also failed, was the 2013 – 14 peace talks.

If Israel want­ed a two state solu­tion to the present prob­lems there would have been two states. Netanyaha have stat­ed repeat­ed­ly that he does not want a bi-nation­al state. This is a remark­able state­ment that what Israel wants is a pure apartheid Jewish state. It is not even an issue of Jewish peo­ple. Black Jews are treat­ed like dirt in Israel. Many African Jews are in con­fine­ment in the Negev Desert, Israel labels them Infiltrators.

What is hap­pen­ing to the Palestinian peo­ple is eth­nic cleans­ing. In order for Israel to get away with it the west must demo­nize Palestinians as immoral ungod­ly ter­ror­ists. Every peo­ple have a right to self-defense and self-deter­mi­na­tion. Too many are afraid of Jewish mon­ey and pow­er, so they remain silent. It can­not be that Israel steal the land , mas­sacres the peo­ple and the world blames the victim.

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When Israel says it wants the total demil­i­ta­riza­tion of Gaza , they know full well that Hamas or who­ev­er is in charge at any giv­en time, can nev­er agree to those terms. That would be uncon­di­tion­al sur­ren­der and capit­u­la­tion to occu­pa­tion and dom­i­na­tion. Israel makes those demands know­ing that the Palestinians will not and can­not agree to them. This gives them the excuse they need to con­tin­ue with their land grab and eth­nic cleansing.

It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that any­one , irre­spec­tive of polit­i­cal or reli­gious beliefs, would ever seek to jus­ti­fy this immoral cam­paign which has been waged against the Palestinian people.

Israel con­tin­ues to build set­tle­ments essen­tial­ly tak­ing more land. Palestinians fight back, Israel kills them in num­bers. Seem like a per­fect plan to rid the land of Palestinians.