Israel Makes Its Own Rules, Thumbs It’s Nose At World/​other Nations Invaded For Less

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The United Nations was estab­lished on the 24th of October 1945 after the sec­ond world war end­ed, the orga­ni­za­tion was launched with the inten­tion of pro­mot­ing inter­na­tion­al coöper­a­tion and to cre­ate and main­tain inter­na­tion­al order. United Nations was estab­lished on the 24th of October 1945 after the sec­ond world war end­ed, the orga­ni­za­tion was launched with the inten­tion of pro­mot­ing inter­na­tion­al coöper­a­tion and to cre­ate and main­tain inter­na­tion­al order.
The United Nation replaced the inef­fec­tu­al League of Nations which was found­ed on 10th of January 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that end­ed the First World War.
The UN’s stat­ed goal was to ensure that there would nev­er be anoth­er world­wide con­fla­gra­tion like the war which had just end­ed in the very same year 1945.

The UN building

According to its Charter, the UN aims to, save suc­ceed­ing gen­er­a­tions from the scourge of war, to reaf­firm faith in fun­da­men­tal human rights,…to estab­lish con­di­tions under which jus­tice and respect for the oblig­a­tions aris­ing from treaties and oth­er sources of inter­na­tion­al law can be main­tained, and to pro­mote social progress and bet­ter stan­dards of life in larg­er freedom.

Ironically the United Nations, using the very same char­ter was instru­men­tal in the for­ma­tion of the State of Israel on dis­put­ed land. Though the UN can­not rea­son­ably be judged sole­ly by its fail­ure and egre­gious lack of char­ac­ter on what has emanat­ed out of the state of Israel it val­i­dat­ed, the Organization must assume respon­si­bil­i­ty for the con­se­quences of its actions not just in Israel’s cre­ation but for the con­duct of that state.

If the Organization is com­mit­ted to the fun­da­men­tal rights of all peo­ple, as is estab­lished in its char­ter, it is clear that those rights are not extend­ed to the Palestinian peo­ple or African-American peo­ple in America who have con­sis­tent­ly been under the boot-heel of occu­pa­tion and dom­i­na­tion and Jim crow racism and dis­crim­i­na­tion respectively.

Gaza city

Since it’s cre­ation the Zionist state of Israel has seen mas­sive bor­der expan­sions as a result of war, but most sig­nif­i­cant­ly as a result of the rapa­cious grab­bing of Palestinian land and the build­ing of ille­gal set­tle­ments with no jus­ti­fi­able rea­son com­ing from Israel for its actions.
The only con­clu­sion is that Israel con­tin­ues with these ille­gal activ­i­ties because it’s largest and most pow­er­ful backer the United States, ensures that Israel is able to flaunt International law with impunity.

Israel out­right­ly steals lands which clear­ly do not belong to the state of Israel. This process aids and enhances the ille­gal expan­sion of Israel’s bor­ders. A move which evis­cer­ates any hope the Palestinians have of hav­ing a state of their own.
Despite con­dem­na­tion and protes­ta­tions from con­sci­en­tious ele­ments of the inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty, Israel ignores the out­cry and arro­gant­ly con­tin­ue with its ille­gal activ­i­ties.
This guar­an­tees the shrink­ing of any­thing which could look remote­ly like a Palestinian state, and for all intents and pur­pos­es now makes the prospect of a Palestinian state a fan­tas­tic idea whose time has come and gone.

Illegal set­tle­ments and check­points every­where and still Israel takes more land and build more ille­gal settlements.

As atro­cious as those truths are, they do not begin to tell the sto­ry of how Israel is allowed to oper­ate out­side the bound­aries of International law and the pro­to­cols which con­strain oth­er states not so pro­tect­ed.
According to experts, Israel is in pos­ses­sion of scores of nuclear weapons while its pro­tec­tors tell oth­er sov­er­eign nations they are not allowed to acquire the same weapons.

In a 2013 Washington Post Article titled “Why is the U.S. okay with Israel hav­ing nuclear weapons but not Iran”? Columnist Max Fisher asks, “Is there some­thing hyp­o­crit­i­cal about the world tol­er­at­ing Israel’s nuclear arse­nal, which the coun­try does not offi­cial­ly acknowl­edge but has been pub­licly known for decades, and yet pun­ish­ing Iran with severe eco­nom­ic sanc­tions just for its sus­pect­ed steps toward a weapons pro­gram? Even Saudi Arabia, which sees Iran as its implaca­ble ene­my and made its accom­mo­da­tions with Israel long ago, often joins Tehran’s calls for a “nuclear-free region.” And any­one not close­ly versed in Middle East issues might nat­u­ral­ly won­der why the United States would accept Israeli war­heads but not an Iranian pro­gram.

Palestine now

According to the same Article Robert Satloff, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, sum­ma­riz­ized the American posi­tion thus.
Israel has nev­er bran­dished its capa­bil­i­ties to exert region­al influ­ence, cow its adver­saries or threat­en its neigh­bors.“
No, it does­n’t, it just uses them in pas­sive-aggres­sive ways, while it kills untold num­bers of Palestinians already under its occu­pa­tion, steals their lands and dri­ves out asy­lum seek­ing Africans it deems and labels “infil­tra­tors”.

Israel’s response to Palestinian protests.

People do not mind adher­ing to rules as long as the rules apply fair­ly, equi­tably, and just­ly across the board.
There can­not be two sets of rules, one for Israel and anoth­er for the rest of the world. In the Interest of world peace, Israel should dis­man­tle its nuclear weapons, remove the ille­gal set­tle­ments from Palestinian lands and take down the check­points which pre­vent Palestinians farm­ers from going to their properties.

Israel’s con­tin­ued con­struc­tion of high­ways through Palestinian lands is uncon­scionable. Farmers can­not have access to their farms, fam­i­lies cut off from their farms while Israeli set­tlers con­tin­ue to con­fis­cate and build ille­gal set­tle­ments is beyond unacceptable.

How the world remains silent in the face of such injus­tice is a ques­tion not just for all con­sci­en­tious peo­ple but for the United Nations as well.