Is The Supreme Court Legitimate

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Is the Supreme Court still legit­i­mate? In this thought-pro­vok­ing video, Mike points out the crit­i­cal issues sur­round­ing the legit­i­ma­cy of the cur­rent Supreme Court. He delves into how the Court’s pow­er, derived from the peo­ple’s belief in its fair­ness, is now under scrutiny. 
Mike ques­tions whether the recent actions of the Supreme Court, influ­enced by polit­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions, set a dan­ger­ous prece­dent. He responds to the actions tak­en that have stripped away near­ly 50 years of rights from Americans, high­light­ing instances of alleged cor­rup­tion and bias among justices. 
Mike fur­ther dis­cuss­es the impli­ca­tions of a Supreme Court Justice receiv­ing over $4 mil­lion from wealthy bene­fac­tors and the con­tro­ver­sial dis­play of a white Christian nation­al­ist flag at a jus­tice’s property. 
He ques­tions the integri­ty of a court that, while favor­ing per­son­al ties, under­mines the rights of mil­lions. In this detailed polit­i­cal analy­sis, Mike pro­vides a com­pelling argu­ment on the court’s cur­rent state and its impact on the American public.