The Obama Administration’s less than adequate defense of UN Ambassador Susan Rice, coupled with the lack of blacks in his Administration has left some key members of the black political élite voicing their dissatisfaction with the President.

President Obama inher­it­ed a mess, no ques­tion, he has done an admirable job, even despite his­toric obstruc­tion and intran­si­gence from Republicans in the Congress.

Barring a cat­a­stroph­ic screw-up in the next four years, the President will place him­self among greats like Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. If Obama can lead and sign a com­pre­hen­sive Immigration Bill, which by the way Republicans are anx­ious to be a part of for obvi­ous rea­sons, and if he can do some­thing about the destruc­tion being wrought on the envi­ron­ment, and bring the unem­ploy­ment num­bers down to say 5% he will def­i­nite­ly be seen as a great President.

Obama will nev­er face the elec­torate again, so there is no need for pos­tur­ing or timid­i­ty. This is the time for Obama to look after his key con­stituents, the black community.

Obama was elect­ed to office with a vast plu­ral­i­ty of the African-American vote in 2008 and in the 2012 elec­tions, he received an even greater share dur­ing the last elec­tion cycle with an increase of 2 per­cent­age points over the 2008 elec­tion cycle.

This kind of loy­al­ty can­not be scoffed at. African-Americans stood in line for up to 8 hours in order to send a mes­sage to Republicans. President Obama needs to stand with the peo­ple who made him who he is. I total­ly get the fact that dur­ing his first term there were press­ing issues which required the President’s atten­tion full-time. The econ­o­my, the Affordable Care Act, Winding down 2 wars, end­ing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, Restoring America’s Image abroad, and a pletho­ra of oth­er issues.

Despite his full plate, he was able to put Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court, in addi­tion to plac­ing women in key cab­i­net positions.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis
Secretary of Commerce Rebecca Blank (act­ing
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano
Secretary of Health and Humanservices Kathleen Sibelius

Of the 15 Cabinet Positions a third went to women, when viewed in the prism of the two Supreme Court Appointees the President did an admirable job, con­sid­er­ing women now rep­re­sent the largest vot­ing block in the country.

Solis and Sotomayor are Latinos, a step in the right direc­tion, con­sid­er­ing that Latinos rep­re­sents the fastest grow­ing seg­ment of the pop­u­la­tion, and have giv­en Obama the lion’s share of their votes both times he got elected.

Arguably Obama has shown women and Latinos that he respects their efforts in get­ting him elect­ed, of the oth­er 10 Cabinet posi­tions how­ev­er Obama could only find one slot for an African-America, Eric Holder at the Justice Department.

Some argue that Rice’s posi­tion at the UN is sim­i­lar to a Cabinet Position, and Valerie Jarrett in her role as Advisor wield con­sid­er­able influ­ence over the President. The truth is African-Americans are the back bone of the Democratic Party, That vot­ing block does not even come up in dis­cus­sions, as among the groups Republicans should look to attract anymore,They are like set­tled Law.

There is a kind of quite res­ig­na­tion on the part of many, that the African-American vote will stay exact­ly where it is for the fore­see­able future. Of course this is due large­ly to the bone-head­ed igno­rant and moron­ic racists who occu­py and per­me­ate the Republican Party whose lead­ers have made it clear that African-Americans are (per­sona non gra­ta ) Not welcome.

African-Americans sup­port­ed the Republican Party until the 60’s, then the Republican Party made itself a safe haven for dis­grun­tled whites Racists over the sign­ing of the Civil Rights Act by President Lyndon Johnson.

Florida Democratic Congress man Alcee Hastings did not mince words when he lashed out at the President, for what he char­ac­ter­izes as (Obama’s dis­re­spect of blacks).

Rep. Alcee Hastingss is Upset with Obama  Photo by Ann Ragland/NNPA

Rep. Alcee Hastings is Upset with Obama
Photo by Ann Ragland/​NNPA

Speaking Friday at the mid-win­ter con­ven­tion of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), Hastings had a lot to say which was not com­pli­men­ta­ry to the President.

In a speech laced with humor and exple­tives Hastings went on a tear.

Quote: “The Black Caucus of Congress sent 61 names to the White House, “Time went by. Not one of that 61 was select­ed – not one”.

:The CBC pressed the Obama cam­paign about the pauci­ty of adver­tis­ing with Black news­pa­pers in par­tic­u­lar. He said a top cam­paign offi­cial said Obama ini­tial­ly planned to spend only $650,000 with Black news­pa­pers, a fig­ure that was raised under pres­sure to $1 mil­lion – which meant that $999 mil­lion went to others.

:“If I was pres­i­dent of the United States, there is no way in hell that I would raise a bil­lion dol­lars and don’t spend but a mil­lion dol­lars with peo­ple who prob­a­bly had as much to do with my becom­ing pres­i­dent as anybody,” .

:“It was nine months into the admin­is­tra­tion before he appoint­ed a sin­gle per­son, not just at the cab­i­net lev­el … ” Hasting recalled. “But when you look at the Schedule 1, Schedule 2, and Schedule 3, none in his first nine months of his admin­is­tra­tion was from a his­tor­i­cal­ly Black college.

Read full text here: http://​sacob​serv​er​.com/​2​0​1​3​/​0​1​/​c​b​c​-​m​e​m​b​e​r​-​s​a​y​s​-​o​b​a​m​a​-​d​i​s​r​e​s​p​e​c​t​s​-​b​l​a​c​ks/

Despite all of the female appoint­ments over his first term, women are still out for their pound of prover­bial flesh .When the pic­ture above hit the web, show­ing the President and his group of top advis­ers, pret­ty much all white male, wom­en’s advo­ca­cy groups and com­men­ta­tors were up in arms.

No one both­ered to men­tion that the first African-American President elect­ed and re-elect­ed with over 80%of the black vote could not find a sin­gle qual­i­fied black per­son to be among that group.

Whether one agrees with Alcee Hastings, or some of the more stri­dent voic­es on the left like for­mer Princeton Professor Cornell West, and Media per­son­al­i­ty Tavis Smiley, there does seem to be a pat­tern of aloof­ness and dis­con­nect of Obama from the African-American com­mu­ni­ty. Maybe it’s just over-sen­si­tiv­i­ty on the part of black peo­ple, who expect­ed that the group hit the hard­est dur­ing the reces­sion would be at the top of the agen­da for attention.


Smiley and West

Whether you accept what Obama’s detrac­tors are say­ing or not , it would be sil­ly to dis­re­gard their argu­ments, these are actu­al­ly peo­ple who sup­port­ed the President, all they are ask­ing is that the President pay atten­tion to issues dear to them.

The issues of Hunger, Homelessness, Poverty, Declining Income, Declining Wealth, Rampant Injustice in the Justice System, Out of wed­lock preg­nan­cy, and dis­eases are not con­fined to African-Americans, but they do affect that demo­graph­ic more severe­ly than it does others.

If the spend­ing which Republicans hear­ken to is removed from the Obama’s record ‚Obama is a pret­ty con­ser­v­a­tive President. If his first term is any­thing to go by. Most of Obama’s poli­cies are con­tin­u­a­tion of Bush’s poli­cies, some of the peo­ple who exe­cute his poli­cies are hold overs from the Bush Administration. Bob Gates, and David Petraeus are just a cou­ple of the high-pro­file holdovers from the last Republican Administration, and he is putting Chuck Hagel anoth­er Republican back at Defense.

Additionally, Obama has shown total indif­fer­ence to the plight of Immigrants except just pri­or to the recent elec­tions. The issue of Immigration is incor­rect­ly approached as a Latino issue. There are mil­lions of peo­ple from oth­er parts of the world who aren’t Latinos.

The Obama Deportation Policy has been a dis­as­ter for fam­i­lies which have been ripped apart, with mass depor­ta­tions of immi­grants who com­mit­ted minor offences, some decades ago.

No thought is giv­en to the fact that many of the peo­ple are plucked up and sent to coun­tries where they have no con­nec­tion, in some cas­es peo­ple are deport­ed to coun­tries they have nev­er been to.

Those are just some of the dra­con­ian poli­cies of the Obama first term being exe­cut­ed under the guise of uphold­ing the laws, leav­ing chil­dren with­out par­ents, wives with­out hus­bands, all because of minor infractions.

In fact Obama has deport­ed more peo­ple than any oth­er President in American History, addi­tion­al­ly Obama has grant­ed the least amount of par­dons of any American President in mod­ern his­to­ry, to include all Republican Presidents.

Whether we like these sta­tis­tics or not is imma­te­r­i­al, these are facts, we may spin them , me may nuance them , we may try to ratio­nal­ize them away , but noth­ing makes them any less true.

Despite the last-minute Executive Order Obama signed before the Elections grant­i­ng tem­po­rary reprieve to so-called dream­ers, which by the way guar­an­teed him more of the Hispanic vote, Hispanics are demand­ing that he do more on their behalf.

It is only fair that Obama come to the table with a com­pre­hen­sive Urban Renewal plan aimed at the African-American pop­u­la­tion. There is approx­i­mate­ly 40 mil­lion peo­ple in that com­mu­ni­ty, and they must now demand to be heard and rec­og­nized from this President.

Thus far the pres­i­dent has shown very lit­tle con­nec­tion to the Afro-American com­mu­ni­ty. If the way the Susan Rice issue was han­dled is a barom­e­ter of the President’s com­mit­ment to his friends, the African-American com­mu­ni­ty is in for a long four years.