Any good thing in the hands of the wrong per­son instant­ly becomes a dan­ger­ous thing. Money, Power, and unfor­tu­nate­ly a lit­tle Knowledge. Education ought to be the vehi­cle chan­nel­ing the oppressed,impoverished mass­es into the mid­dle-class. At least that’s what we were told. Unfortunately we have seen that in far too many instances, peo­ple gen­er­al­ly use the edu­ca­tion and pow­er they acquire for self­ish, destruc­tive pur­pos­es. Nowhere is this more evi­dent than in Jamaica. Those empow­ered to lead take bla­tant and obvi­ous advan­tage of the very peo­ple who empow­er them. Jamaica like many for­mer European Colonies have seen the rav­ages of what a caste sys­tem does to its peo­ple. You Know the lighter hued peo­ple gets all the breaks, the dark­er shades , well.… not so much. Today things have changed in Jamaica some­what, as long as you can afford to pay you can get an edu­ca­tion. We now have a Prime Minister who is a daugh­ter of the soil. Okay bad exam­ple, any­way you would think that edu­ca­tion would nec­es­sar­i­ly improve our coun­try since the major­i­ty of the new col­lege grad­u­ates are peo­ple of dark­er col­or. As a firm believ­er in edu­ca­tion I am dis­traught that new­ly edu­cat­ed Jamaicans seem to be more ungod­ly, more dys­func­tion­al, more decep­tive, more dis­hon­est, more anarchistic.

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What hope do we have for our coun­try if the peo­ple who are to be the new lead­ers, are far worse than the peo­ple we so vehe­ment­ly crit­i­cize today? Jamaica once prid­ed itself in the idea it had more church­es per square mile than any oth­er nation. Many will argue that we had more Bars also. My point though is that what appears to be a sys­tem­at­ic attempt in some quar­ters to remove the very idea of a deity from our nation­al dis­course has cre­at­ed a chasm or vac­u­um now occu­pied by demons. By every met­ric life is more dif­fi­cult. More mur­ders, rapes, child-abuse, shoot­ings. Even the killings have tak­en on a more grue­some more barbaric,demonic com­plex­ion. Could it be when we were unintelligent[sic] you know believ­ing in God, believ­ing in con­se­quence for actions, we were bet­ter off? Is it fair to say enlight­en­ment has induced us into becom­ing a more soul-less bunch of demon­ic las­civ­i­ous , hedo­nis­tic crea­tures who only live for the moment, obliv­i­ous of consequence?


Or is there some­thing to the archa­ic unin­tel­li­gent notion that there is a God who gave us free will? Is there some­thing to the fairy-tale idea that God not only cre­at­ed every­thing, then cre­at­ed man. That he gave man domin­ion over all things? That he set clear prin­ci­ples for man to live by. Principles accom­pa­nied by clear unequiv­o­cal con­se­quences for depar­ture. Is it true to say God does not take that free will back sim­ply because he can but that he allows us to live our lives the way we see fit, with­out his inter­fer­ence. Is it true to imag­ine that there will be a day of reck­on­ing? Is it true to imag­ine that God does not med­dle unless we ask him to take charge of our lives and direct our paths? Is it true that the rea­son he does not med­dle is that it would run counter to his promise of free will. If God took our free will would that not make him a liar just like man? Isn’t that what the world want to do, prove God a liar?

5 thoughts on “IS IT TRUE TO SAY?

  1. Started out won­der­ful then sud­den­ly turns out“It is true to say”- you are try­ing to con­vert some­body? Keep your reli­gious views to yourself.

    • I’m glad you like it mis­ter Reid . I always look for­ward to your insight­ful and infor­ma­tive com­ments. You make me better.

      • Beck , I think Auhnel is mis­in­ter­pret­ing your obser­va­tions and I would sug­gest he reads the piece care­ful­ly . I cer­tain­ly did not get the idea that you were pur­su­ing a path to con­vert any­one. Not one of your best pieces but cer­tain­ly worth the read.

        • Lol Mac , I under­stand my good friend mis­ter Reid does not believe in what I believe , yet I val­ue his con­tin­ued input. I am hon­ored that he takes the time to read what I have to say. We won’t agree all the time ‚but we agree to dis­agree with­out being dis­agree­able. Thank you for your inter­est also , you guys make me better.

    • Wow! A nation with­out vision shall per­ish. It is not sur­pris­ing to me that a lot of Jamaican don’t go to church of believe in God. But, when I was grow­ing up in the 70’s and 80’s, peo­ple were more human in Jamaica, the main rea­son for this was because of the Churches and the ser­mons peo­ple would enjoy, on leav­ing a major­i­ty leave with solace and com­fort. It helps to them to guide their chil­dren and dif­fer­en­ti­ate between wrong and right.
      Now, in Jamaica wrong is right and right is dou­ble right, these folks are always right. We used to go to Sunday school, where we were taught the gold­en rules and we would enjoy it.
      However, as time goes by a lot of peo­ple don’t regard the church as a place of divine wor­ship any­more includ­ing me. They view it as a place of busi­ness; it is all about the mon­ey. Morals are a thing of the past and the peo­ple who gave us the Bible, want to steer us into “Sodom and Gomorrah.” Remember, that most laws on earth, derives from the Bible and now one of the teach­ing from the Bible about “Homosexuality” are now being forced upon the world by the Colonist and impe­ri­al­ists” of Europe and North America. Who give these white peo­ple the right to dic­tate to oth­er coun­tries how they should man­aged their “healthy lifestyle?”
      With that being said, some peo­ple who doubt the exis­tence of God and the belief sys­tem of a “supreme being” is not etched into their con­scious­ness, hence they just live their lives the way they see fit. No deity involved!
      As for me a per­son don’t have to go to church to prac­tice moral­i­ty, ethics and decen­cy. I was raised “Catholic” went to a Catholic High School, but I am no longer a Catholic because my intel­li­gence is not on that lev­el any­more! Religion at this time is even more Immoral than the aver­age man on the streets. The pas­tor are sup­port­ing “Homosexuality” in the name of mon­ey, we have to turn to our self, inner man and con­science for guid­ance on this earth. There is no doubt that the dev­il is roam­ing the world!

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