Is He Or Not ?

Umar Johnson goes by the name Dr. Umar Johnson, he describes him­self as a Pan-Africanist in the vein of Marcus Garvey and others.
There is much push­back against Johnson as a result of his views, much of which comes from the black com­mu­ni­ty Johnson says he wants to uplift.

Johnson is alleged and has admit­ted to col­lect­ing upward of $700’000 toward the build­ing of a Leadership Academy for Black Boys.
Critics have claimed that to date Johnson has not indi­cat­ed where that mon­ey is, they also argue they have not seen a cred­i­ble busi­ness plan which details how he intends to go about imple­ment­ing his goal.

(The fam­i­ly of Frederick Douglass has received numer­ous inquiries about Umar Johnson ques­tion­ing his rela­tion­ship to Frederick Douglass. There have also been ques­tions about the legit­i­ma­cy of his Ph.D. and han­dling of the dona­tions he’s received for a school he is pro­mot­ing. We can tell you with 100% cer­tain­ty that he is not a descen­dant of Frederick Douglass.With that being said, Mr. Johnson is very care­ful not to bill him­self as a “descen­dant”, but he doesn’t cor­rect peo­ple when they refer to him in this way).

On the ques­tion of his sup­posed blood rela­tion­ship to the Abolitionist, Fredrick Douglas it is sil­ly to the point I am embar­rassed to write about it.
The sup­posed blood fam­i­ly of the long deceased Douglas issued a state­ment above, claim­ing Umar Johnson is not a descen­dant of Fredrick Douglas.
That rev­e­la­tion should now put to rest all of Black America’s prob­lems, now that we know Umar Johnson is in no way relat­ed to Douglas.

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Johnson has expressed views which have struck a chord on race in America, he has also spo­ken elo­quent­ly and force­ful­ly about what he sees as the Chinese takeover of my own native Jamaica to the cha­grin of many Jamaicans who could­n’t care less as long as they are able to eat cur­ry goat drink red stripe beer and smoke ganja.

The black web­site the Root has long and scathing arti­cle aimed at Johnson as a result of the Smackdown above Johnson gave to the mild do not rock the boat Presenter Roland Martin of the Television chan­nel News One now program.
See the arti­cle here: http://​www​.the​root​.com/​w​e​-​f​a​c​t​-​c​h​e​c​k​e​d​-​u​m​a​r​-​j​o​h​n​s​o​n​s​-​h​o​t​e​p​-​t​a​n​t​r​u​m​-​w​i​t​h​-​r​o​l​a​n​d​-​1​7​9​6​7​9​8​532.

If Umar Johnson is not a Ph.D. he should not pad his resume’ in order to make his point. We have no idea whether he is or not.
However, claim­ing to be some­thing one isn’t, smack of low self-esteem and may be seen as a con game.

Name drop­ping is absolute­ly a no, no.
Each and every­one should stand on their own two feet, make their own point, instead of name drop­ping to gain traction.
If at all that was the intent of Umar Johnson in ref­er­enc­ing Fredrick Douglas as an ances­tor of any kind.

If Umar Johnson is a con man the author­i­ties cer­tain­ly will find out soon enough and he will be sor­ry he ever attempt­ed to deceive anyone.
We do not have the answer to those ques­tions. What we do know from lis­ten­ing to a lit­tle of what he has to say is that he is speak­ing cer­tain facts which some do not like.
Then again the attacks on him from sec­tions of the black com­mu­ni­ty may be war­rant­ed or unwar­rant­ed but not unexpected.