Is There A God? Where Is God?”: Archbishop Of Canterbury Admits To Moments Of Doubt

The arch­bish­op of Canterbury, Justin Welby, admit­ted to a crowd of hun­dreds at Bristol cathe­dral that he too that he has moments where he doubts the exis­tence of God. He can­did­ly told the many gath­ered a recent moment of doubt that occured while

Justin Welby the Archbishop of Canterbury
Justin Welby the Archbishop of Canterbury

he was run­ning with his dog. Welby shared these views dur­ing a live inter­view with BBC’s Lucy Tegg, last week­end. “Do you ever doubt?” Tegg asked. “Yes. I do. In lots of dif­fer­ent ways real­ly. It’s a very good ques­tion. That means I’ve got to think about what I’m going to say. Yes I do. There are moments, sure, where you think ‘Is there a God? Where is God?’” “I love the Psalms, if you look at Psalm 88, that’s full of doubt,” he con­tin­ued. Welby then recount­ed a morn­ing run with his dog, and pon­der­ing the injus­tice in the world. “The oth­er day I was pray­ing over some­thing as I was run­ning and I end­ed up say­ing to God: ‘Look, this is all very well but isn’t it about time you did some­thing – if you’re there’ – which is prob­a­bly not what the arch­bish­op of Canterbury should say.”

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As the arch­bish­op of Canterbury, Welby is the leader of the Church of England and the “80 mil­lion-strong Anglican com­mu­ni­ty” around the world, the Guardian stat­ed. Thus, it was an eye-open­ing moment to hear that there were times where this reli­gious leader ques­tioned the exis­tence of God. To see this part of the inter­view watch the below video start­ing from 11 min­utes 50 seconds:

Welby did, how­ev­er, state that he did not doubt Jesus. ”We know about Jesus, we can’t explain all the ques­tions in the world, we can’t explain about suf­fer­ing, we can’t explain loads of things but we know about Jesus,” he said. Read more here. slate​.com