Is Gay Rights Civil Rights ?

Indiana Republican Governor Mike Pence
Indiana Republican Governor Mike Pence

We’re not going to change the law,” Indiana Gov. Mike Pence flat­ly said on ABC’s “This Week,” about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which Pence says is meant to pre­vent the gov­ern­ment from imping­ing on a person’s reli­gious beliefs. “I was proud to sign it into law.”

In brief this is what the Act is.
The new law will pro­hib­it a gov­ern­men­tal enti­ty from sub­stan­tial­ly bur­den­ing a person’s reli­gious beliefs, unless that enti­ty can prove it’s rely­ing on the least restric­tive means pos­si­ble to fur­ther a com­pelling gov­ern­men­tal inter­est. It’s mod­eled off of the fed­er­al Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which gained noto­ri­ety in the Supreme Court’s con­tro­ver­sial Hobby Lobby rul­ing last year. That deci­sion found that close­ly-held cor­po­ra­tions wouldn’t have to com­ply with the Affordable Care Act’s con­tra­cep­tion man­date if the own­ers had a sin­cere­ly-held reli­gious objec­tion to birth con­trol.NBCNEWS.
Supporters say RFRA is designed to pro­tect people’s reli­gious beliefs from unnec­es­sary gov­ern­ment intrusion.
Opponents argue the mea­sure serves as a license to dis­crim­i­nate, par­tic­u­lar­ly against LGBT peo­ple on reli­gious grounds.
There is prece­dent which sup­ports both sides of the divide.
Until the Federal Government stepped in and changed sep­a­rate but equal, it was the law of the land. 

discrimination was teh law opf the land
dis­crim­i­na­tion was the law of the land

Blacks drank at sep­a­rate drink­ing foun­tains, ate at the back of the restau­rant, if at all, and rode at the back of the bus.
Conversely with the break-neck pace with which the gay agen­da has tak­en cen­ter stage, peo­ple opposed to the gay lifestyle find them­selves at odds with the laws in some states as well as in the court of pop­u­lar opinion.

Sweet cakes by Mellissa
Sweet cakes by Melissa

Feb.4th 2015:  
An Oregon bak­ery will have to pay a gay cou­ple up to $150,000 for refus­ing to bake them a wed­ding cake two years ago, gov­ern­ment offi­cials announced Monday. The Sweet Cakes by Melissa bak­ery in Gresham caught heat in January 2013 when Laurel Bowman said the shop refused to make a cake for her and her fiancée, cit­ing reli­gious objec­tions. Bowman said the co-own­er, Aaron Klein, called the gay mar­riage “an abom­i­na­tion unto the lord,” KGW report­ed. Bowman filed a dis­crim­i­na­tion com­plaint with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries months lat­er, and the group said on Monday it was rul­ing against the bak​ery​.Now the bak­ers could pay up to $75,000 each to Bowman and her fiancée, with the final amount to be deter­mined in March. The Bureau of Labor said in a state­ment that it pro­vides some exemp­tions in such cas­es for reli­gious groups, but the bak­ery didn’t count as one just because of its own­ers’ beliefs.‑1.2103577

But Pence push­es back against the accu­sa­tion that the reli­gious free­dom mea­sure would open the door to discrimination.“This bill is not about dis­crim­i­na­tion, and if I thought it legal­ized dis­crim­i­na­tion in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it,” he said. “In fact, it does not even apply to dis­putes between pri­vate par­ties unless gov­ern­ment action is involved. For more than twen­ty years, the fed­er­al Religious Freedom Restoration Act has nev­er under­mined our nation’s anti-dis­crim­i­na­tion laws, and it will not in Indiana.”
On this part of the state­ment Pence is cor­rect,” it does not even apply to dis­putes between pri­vate par­ties unless gov­ern­ment action is involved”
The Federal statute does not yet penal­ize pri­vate par­ties, what the Governor is say­ing is that as a busi­ness own­er I can refuse ser­vice to some­one if I chose to. As along as I do not tell the cus­tomer it’ is because of his/​her spe­cial cir­cum­stance , race, reli­gion, sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, col­or or oth­er defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics why I refused him/​her service.
Unfortunately, it is peo­ple who have stood on their reli­gious prin­ci­ple who are being per­se­cut­ed and pros­e­cut­ed on behalf of the LGBT com­mu­ni­ty as the Oregon cou­ple has been.

Pence signed RFRA into law
Pence signed RFRA into law

The issue of Discrimination in this con­text seem to need redefining.
Each per­son is guar­an­teed cer­tain free­doms under the con­sti­tu­tion, that includes gays and les­bians. But does that mean that their rights are guar­an­teed at the expense of mine?
Seem so, if the Oregon case is any­thing to go by.
In the Oregon case the Government threw out any con­sid­er­a­tion for the bak­ers right not to work for peo­ple who engage in a lifestyle they abhor, and sup­plant­ed them with the rights of the plaintiff.

So who is right?
A Minister of the Gospel (who is not a char­la­tan sold out to the dic­tates of the world) who decides on prin­ci­ple “I will not mar­ry a LGBT cou­ple”, what then does the state do, fine him, imprison him or worse”?
Isn’t that Religious per­se­cu­tion? The very rea­son we are told the pil­grims ran away from England.

Isn’t that dis­crim­i­na­tion against his fun­da­men­tal reli­gious belief?
It absolute­ly is, yet it appears that is the way this issue is heading.
 Brooke Tucker, staff attor­ney at the ACLU of Michigan, told msnbc last December. “For the land­lord who vio­lates the Fair Housing Act, a lot of times it’s the gov­ern­ment who goes after him. The gov­ern­ment takes a lot of steps to pro­tect peo­ple from dis­crim­i­na­tion by oth­ers, and that’s some­thing that could be severe­ly impact­ed by this bill.”
All of this is true, but this was not the case with Oregon’s sweet-cakes by Melissa. That com­pa­ny was a small busi­ness, owned by two small business-owners .
Why did the Government step in and tram­ple on their right not to pro­vide ser­vice to the gay cou­ple as is their reli­gious belief?

A window sign on a downtown Indianapolis florist, March 25, 2015, shows it's objection to the Religious Freedom bill passed by the Indiana legislature. Photo by Michael Conroy/AP
A win­dow sign on a down­town Indianapolis florist, March 25, 2015, shows it’s objec­tion to the Religious Freedom bill passed by the Indiana leg­is­la­ture. Photo by Michael Conroy/​AP

The LGBT com­mu­ni­ty and it’s sup­port­ers have man­aged to effec­tive­ly tie their cru­sade for legit­i­ma­cy to the civ­il rights struggle.
Nothing is wrong with any group demand­ing to be treat­ed fair­ly. What is objec­tion­able is when oth­ers are forced to acqui­esce to the dic­tates of such groups, or are made pari­ahs for dissenting.
Isn’t the gay com­mu­ni­ty more than guilty of the same dis­crim­i­na­tion and char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion it claims it is exposed to?
They argue they have no con­trol over who they love.
Many in the evan­gel­i­cal com­mu­ni­ty , par­tic­u­lar­ly many black church­es are offend­ed that gays and les­bians have hitched their wag­ons to the civ­il rights struggle.
LGBT prac­ti­tion­ers, their sup­port­ers and oth­ers who want to gain recog­ni­tion, accep­tance and fame from this cause, have effec­tive­ly dis­tort­ed, and in some cas­es negat­ed the hun­dreds of years of injus­tice done to blacks in America.
Even so, some reports have indi­cat­ed there is a grow­ing accep­tance of the gay lifestyle even with­in the black church. Those reports may well be from gays with­in the church.
Others believe that the church has com­pro­mised it’s prin­ci­ples in order to get along, as well as not to incur the wrath of the LGBT com­mu­ni­ty, which may result in the church los­ing it’s tax-exempt status.
Either way, the church has capit­u­lat­ed to the dis­tor­tion that the two issues are intrin­si­cal­ly the same.

Even as gay pro­po­nents argue they have no choice regard­ing their sex­u­al­i­ty, many with­in that com­mu­ni­ty are active­ly using sci­ence to alter and change their gender.
One can­not change one’s race.
Racial seg­re­ga­tion has many ille­git­i­mate chil­dren in America , this issue being one of them.
Was there no issue of racial seg­re­ga­tion and the abhor­rent ills asso­ci­at­ed with that prac­tice, this debate would have been moot.
In fact it may not have exist­ed at all.
Indiana’s Governor Mike Pence and oth­er con­ser­v­a­tives would have legs to stand on when they make the argu­ments about peo­ple’s fun­da­men­tal rights to stand on their reli­gious principles.
But we have seen the ugly side of dis­crim­i­na­tion, as such, a large cross sec­tion of the coun­try made up of peo­ple with dif­fer­ent pecu­liar­i­ties are unit­ed in oppo­si­tion to Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
As a chris­t­ian who love Homosexuals and all peo­ple, I believe we have all sinned and come short of the glo­ry of God.
The church has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to wel­come all peo­ple, as Christ Jesus the head of the Christian church did.
I have to fol­low the teach­ings of Christ which instruct me to love the sin­ner but hate sin. Therefore it is un-Christ-like to preach/​teach that you may come as a sin­ner and remain thus.

The real ques­tion is whether any­one act­ing in a pri­vate capac­i­ty have the right to say,” as a result of my reli­gious beliefs I have to decline serv­ing you”. It is a thorny ques­tion which requires seri­ous soul searching.
As a black chris­t­ian that may very well be my belief, do I sup­port pas­tors who mar­ry gays against bib­li­cal teachings?
No !!!
When con­flat­ed how­ev­er with race, does a white per­son have a right to refuse me ser­vice in his/​her busi­ness establishment?
I would cry discrimination!!!
So where is the line drawn? Who decide where it stops?
Can we even remove Government from this issue with­out slid­ing back into seg­re­gat­ed drink­ing foun­tains and seg­re­gat­ed restau­rants, hotels, schools and buses.

There needs to be seri­ous dis­course on this sub­ject. We should nev­er allow our­selves to go back to seg­re­ga­tion and wan­ton dis­crim­i­na­tion, yet we must guard against impos­ing on the indi­vid­u­al’s right of dis­sent. The right to say “no I do not want to be forced to bake you a cake”, or “no I do not want to mar­ry you , it is against my reli­gion to do so”.
Those rights are sacro­sanct and should nev­er be open to inter­pre­ta­tion by any gov­ern­ment. Those rights are inalien­able rights giv­en us by God Almighty , not to be tri­fled with by government.

2 thoughts on “Is Gay Rights Civil Rights ?

  1. Wow! I stand with “Governor Mike Pence” and the state of Indiana, for doing the right thing. The RECTUM is not a sex organ it is for shit­ting. I have noticed a lot of peo­ple are liv­ing in fear because of the fag­gots, their con­stituents, sup­port­ers, bene­fac­tors, of this move­ment of the homo­sex­u­als. We were taught that gov­ern­ment job is to pro­mote secu­ri­ty and healthy lifestyle, but we are see­ing the same actors who have “enslaved my ances­tors” are at it again in dif­fer­ent way of pro­mot­ing and impos­ing “men­tal slav­ery” on the world. Where are the noble lead­ers, they are few now because they are afraid of stand­ing up to the new bul­lies and ter­ror­ists of the world, “the homo­sex­u­al com­mu­ni­ty?” The media is the biggest sup­port­er of pro­mot­ing this lifestyle as if it is nor­mal, those of us who know the truth, that this behav­ior is abnor­mal, sick­en­ing, and does­n’t ben­e­fit the soci­ety at large; this behav­ior only serves the homo­sex­u­als who indulge in their rituals.…If you noticed it is pre­dom­i­nant­ly white peo­ple who are faggots!

    We are liv­ing in the evil man’s world, just like the days of slav­ery, where wrong is right and right is wrong! How long is this move­ment is going to last? Hope it does­n’t out­lived us, because this is not a nor­mal behavior.

  2. Governor Pence has since capit­u­lat­ed , so has Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas Chris, Large cor­po­ra­tions like Walmart , hotels and com­pa­nies all across America have scared the pants off these two Governors . Threatening them with eco­nom­ic sabotage.
    Such is the pow­er of sodomy, such is the pow­er of homo­sex­u­als, he who con­trols the mon­ey con­trols the message.
    Gays con­trol both.
    Walmart and the oth­er com­pa­nies have not seen any­thing wrong with the killing of unarmed black men, even when they get killed in their store they are con­spic­u­ous­ly silent.
    Most of Corporate America which con­trol the mon­ey are sodomites, they use that pow­er to blud­geon those opposed, get ready to be per­se­cut­ed and pros­e­cut­ed and worse for your chris­t­ian faith.

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