Integrated Into A Burning House?

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I am ful­ly con­ver­sant with what African Americans have gone through, and I dare­say they are still going through.
Nevertheless, the sense of anger they dis­play toward immi­grants is not just mis­placed; it is doing the work of the peo­ple who enslaved them in the first place:
We can­not con­tin­ue to squan­der our future because we are teth­ered to the vic­tim­hood of our past. The idea is to start busi­ness­es as many immi­grants have done. As far as star­tups go, we have to do that. We must start and sup­port those star­tups. There is no short­age of black sup­port for oth­er busi­ness­es, so let us start and sup­port our own. In 2022, Black Americans spent a record 1.6 tril­lion dol­lars on goods and ser­vices, accord­ing to CNBC.

Yet, a recent study revealed that a dol­lar cir­cu­lates (six hours) in the Black com­mu­ni­ty, 20 days in the Jewish com­mu­ni­ty, and 30 days in the Asian com­mu­ni­ty. How can we become empow­ered when we can­not hold onto our mon­ey because we are run­ning out and spend­ing it with peo­ple who don’t even like us? We are a well-lubri­cat­ed con­duit through which mon­ey pass­es, so we can­not pass on gen­er­a­tional wealth as oth­ers do because we have none to pass on.