Inquiry Should Be About PNP’s Refusal To Support Security Forces

Robert Pickersgill
Robert Pickersgill

Jamaica’s rul­ing People’s National Party issued a state­ment over the sig­na­ture of Minister of Water, Land, Environment and Climate Change Robert Pickersgill . The release harsh­ly crit­i­cized the Opposition Jamaica Labor Party for sug­gest­ing that the Tivoli inquiry be abort­ed. In the release the Party said.
Recent state­ments by the Opposition Leader (Andrew Holness), Member of Parliament for Western Kingston (Desmond McKenzie), and Opposition Senator Ruel Reid, among oth­ers, con­tin­ue the pat­tern of denial and obfus­ca­tion prac­tised by the Jamaica Labour Party with respect to their ini­tial han­dling of a legit­i­mate extra­di­tion request for now con­fessed felon Christopher “Dudus” Coke,”

The release went on to say “Jamaicans will nev­er for­get the events lead­ing up to the pro­mul­ga­tion on May 24, 2010 of a State of Public Emergency”. “The record con­firms that there was sig­nif­i­cant loss of lives, at least 70 Jamaicans are believed to have died. It is a dark and hor­rif­ic chap­ter in Jamaica’s his­to­ry, which, should nev­er be repeat­ed Pickersgill report­ed in the release.

As we see it, their argu­ment to end the enquiry because of cost is a ‘red her­ring’ of naked and vul­gar polit­i­cal convenience”.“They can­not sin­cere­ly or pos­si­bly be sug­gest­ing that a dol­lar cost can be placed against the val­ue of the lives which have been lost, and oth­ers which have been per­ma­nent­ly impaired, by the awful events of May 2010 which ensued under their watch and for which they must accept full respon­si­bil­i­ty to the Jamaican peo­ple,” he continued.

Of course God for­bid that some­one say ‚“You know this is cost pro­hib­i­tive at this time ” . Like every­thing else for the PNP, their peo­ple haf­fi eat a food su dis like every ting else nah stap.
What inter­est does the PNP have in the lives of res­i­dents of Tivoli Gardens ?
None !!!
Why then are they vehe­he­ment about con­duct­ing this inquiry ? To dam­age the JLP of course, they all but said so , quote:“They can­not sin­cere­ly or pos­si­bly be sug­gest­ing that a dol­lar cost can be placed against the val­ue of the lives which have been lost, and oth­ers which have been per­ma­nent­ly impaired, by the awful events of May 2010 which ensued under their watch and for which they must accept full respon­si­bil­i­ty to the Jamaican peo­ple,”

Talk about Red-her­ring ? Here is the Red-her­ring. The PNP is a trib­al par­ty which does every­thing for par­ti­san trib­al rea­sons. It is

The People's National Party /government is a corrupt tribal  cult
The People’s National Party /​government is a cor­rupt trib­al cult

there­fore a stretch that the very par­ty which unan­i­mous­ly vot­ed not to give law enforce­ment more time to arrest crim­i­nals run­ning back to their gar­risons, sud­den­ly care about 70 dead laborites. Whether or not the inquiry should be stopped is cer­tain­ly debat­able. The PNP’s moral jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for it’s con­tin­u­ance is insult­ing and hypocritical. 

The PNP has no moral author­i­ty to speak about loss of life. Why did the par­ty vote unan­i­mous­ly not to allow the secu­ri­ty forces more time to con­sol­i­date gains made after the Tivoli incur­sion? Everyone famil­iar with Jamaican pol­i­tics know that PNP Garrisons would have been over­turned as Tivoli was. When you have 11 gar­risons to the oth­er guy’s 1 , of course you want to keep those zones of exclu­sions which deliv­er elec­tions to you time and again . This was an almost trea­so­nous and sedi­tious act on the part of the PNP when they sided with Jamaica’s crim­i­nals . That is where a true inquiry should be directed.

You can­not moral­ly jus­ti­fy some­thing if you are immoral your­self. The deep cor­rup­tion per­va­sive in that admin­is­tra­tion makes it unfit to make state­ments on moral jus­ti­fi­ca­tions. The moral thing for this Administration to do is resign and present the Jamaican peo­ple with a gen­uine mea-cul­pa, for the decep­tion, decay and deca­dence it has unleashed on the nation over the last 40 years. Their stew­ard­ship has dec­i­mat­ed our man­u­fac­tur­ing , agri­cul­tur­al , edu­ca­tion, health and every oth­er sec­tor. Our peo­ple are refugees in many places where they are viewed as out­casts. The dam­age they wrought is equal to that done by sub-Saharan war­lords and their clans. For a coun­try with so many who claim to be intel­lec­tu­als it is hard to ignore the bla­tant igno­rance and stu­pid­i­ty of the voters.