Indiana Police Officer Fatally Shot While Responding To One-car Wreck By Gunman Who Was Upside Down

An Indiana police offi­cer was fatal­ly shot while respond­ing to a car wreck by a gun­man who repeat­ed­ly fired his weapon despite being upside down in his vehicle.

Lt. Aaron Allan of the Southport Police Department was respond­ing to a call Thursday regard­ing peo­ple trapped inside a car that had flipped over in Indianapolis. As he approached the vehi­cle, Allan was shot mul­ti­ple times and lat­er died at a near­by hospital.

Two oth­er offi­cers at the scene — includ­ing one who was off-duty — returned fire, wound­ing the shoot­er, iden­ti­fied by the Indianapolis Star as Jason Brown.

Brown has been arrest­ed on a pre­lim­i­nary charge of mur­der, accord­ing to the news­pa­per. Brown and a sec­ond per­son injured in the crash were hos­pi­tal­ized and in cus­tody with non-life-threat­en­ing injuries.

You show up to a vehi­cle acci­dent and I don’t want to say we let our guard down, but that’s not what we are look­ing for,” Southport Police Chief Thomas Vaughn said, accord­ing to WISH.

We are look­ing to help that per­son in the car. It is hard to imag­ine why this inci­dent hap­pened when he was there to help that per­son who was in that accident.”

Allan, 38, had near­ly 20 years of law enforce­ment expe­ri­ence, accord­ing to Vaughn. He was a six-year vet­er­an of the department.

Lt. Aaron Allan displays an award he won during his law enforcement career.

Lt. Aaron Allan displays an award he won during his law enforcement career.


Lieutenant Allan was a hard work­er, and today was no dif­fer­ent. He respond­ed to a crash with urgency to pre­serve life. Tragically, his was lost,” Vaughn said at Thursday’s press conference.

Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett called Allan’s death “a shock­ing and trag­ic reminder of the dif­fi­cult, often dan­ger­ous work of police officers.”

Allan had pre­vi­ous­ly told a local news­pa­per that he want­ed to be an offi­cer ever since he was a child, accord­ing to the Star. Vaughn said Allan’s nick­name was “Teddy Bear.”


Allan’s nickname was “Teddy Bear.”


That’s because he tried to act real macho, but when a cit­i­zen or some­one need­ed help, he was one of the first guys that were there,” Vaughn said, accord­ing to the Star. “He didn’t always like that nick­name, but it fits him.”

Local res­i­dent Bryan McGary told WXIN that the shoot­ing was unusu­al for the area.

It’s just hard to believe that this would hap­pen here,” McGary told the sta­tion. “I mean I’ve lived here since 1976 and we real­ly haven’t had much … We do have a lot of police­men in our area that lives here so it’s just one of those things.”

Southport is an enclave with­in the city lim­its of Indianapolis.‑1.3364596