Last week there was an uproar over a rash of killings involv­ing Jamaican offi­cers and urban ter­ror­ists. According to reports 21 peo­ple lost their lives at the hands of the Jamaican police, the reports also stat­ed that a cou­ple of peo­ple got caught in the cross­fire. There is already a lot of con­clu­sion made on this mat­ter, even though the inves­ti­ga­tions has not yet deter­mined who fired the shots that killed the inno­cents. The men­tal­i­ty is that the bul­lets can only come from the guns of offi­cers. Of note is the fact that sev­er­al weapons have been removed from the streets by the police dur­ing those con­fronta­tions, includ­ing AK47 rifles.

I will now intro­duce to you some faces that you ought to know and remem­ber when you hear that crime is over-run­ning Jamaica. Do remem­ber these faces these are the faces of crim­i­nal sup­port in Jamaica, I will tell you who they are and quote for your their posi­tions on crime in our coun­try. You decide if this sit­u­a­tion is ten­able and tell us how long our coun­try should tol­er­ate this kind of behavior.

Public Defender Earl Witter JFJ’s Carolyn Gomes INDECOM comm. Terrence Williams

Witter is paid with tax dol­lars to inves­ti­gate instances of abuse on behalf of the pub­lic, frankly I do not under­stand the need for this failed crim­i­nal lawyer to be on the pub­lic pay­roll, but this is Jamaica, (every­one affi eat a food) every­one has to be fed, from the pub­lic purse no less. Carolyn Gomes a pedi­atric doc­tor who has been wag­ing a cam­paign of mis­in­for­ma­tion and per­son­al vendet­ta against the police force, her orga­ni­za­tion is fund­ed by for­eign human rights groups which has gen­uine inter­est in human rights. Gomes has used that mon­ey and influ­ence, par­lay­ing it into a per­son­al cam­paign of lies and innu­en­dos against defense­less Jamaican cops who do not have the soap box Gomes have to defend them­selves. Gomes was award­ed the order of Jamaica for her cam­paign against law enforce­ment . My per­son­al feel­ings regard­ing a National hon­or in Jamaica is, it’s not worth being spat on, in light of Gomes being award­ed one. Terrence Williams was hired to head the new agency, INDECOM that would inde­pen­dent­ly inves­ti­gate alle­ga­tions of police abuse. He has turned out to be a pow­er grab­bing nar­cis­sis­tic ego­ma­ni­a­cal turd. His inves­ti­ga­tions so far has not unearthed any­thing that the police through its own inves­ti­ga­tions have not unearthed when it inves­ti­gates its own.


Yup! one can­not make that stuff up. Williams is the com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM, the agency charged with look­ing into alle­ga­tions of police shoot­ings in an inde­pen­dent and pro­fes­sion­al man­ner. Despite a lot of grand­stand­ing and pon­tif­i­cat­ing mis­ter Williams has not been able to inde­pen­dent­ly con­clude an inves­ti­ga­tion which shows a sin­gle case of unlaw­ful killing. This has not stopped Williams from being on tele­vi­sion and radio every chance he gets mak­ing state­ments and com­pro­mis­ing inves­ti­ga­tions in which his agency is active­ly engaged.

As if that was not bad enough INDECOM Terrence Williams joined the most vit­ri­olic anti police group in the country,(JFJ) Jamaicans for Justice, in a joint press con­fer­ence berat­ing the police for shoot­ing crim­i­nals and remov­ing sev­er­al guns from the streets, to include AK47 rifles. The Police Federation through its chair­per­son has cor­rect­ly hit back at Williams for being at that press con­fer­ence, and demand­ed he resign.The Federation has sent let­ters of com­plaint to the Governor General, the Prime Minister,and the Parliament to have Williams removed. In response INDECOM has fired back that it’s com­mis­sion­er has done noth­ing wrong and as such he should remain in his job.

We make no apolo­gies for shar­ing the con­cerns of organ­i­sa­tions such as Jamaicans for Justice or the Office of the Public Defender and air­ing our con­cerns in that regard,” the state­ment read. The state­ment indi­cat­ed that those con­cerns do not rep­re­sent an attack on the secu­ri­ty forces and should not be con­strued as such”.

This state­ment from the morons at INDECOM shows two things , (1) that they are com­plete­ly and unequiv­o­cal devoid of ratio­nal thought. If the agency sees noth­ing wrong with hav­ing a press con­fer­ence with JFJ it clear­ly is inca­pable of engag­ing in unbi­ased investigations.(2) That they are inca­pable of under­stand­ing their mandate.

That state­ment from INDECOM , what hubris? So here’s a new agency just formed recent­ly, stat­ing we make no apolo­gies , should­n’t hubris be left out of this par­tic­u­lar debate? How could this new agency not see some­thing wrong with its actions in shar­ing stage with Carolyn Gomes. Gomes advo­cates the killing of police offi­cers, she has stri­dent­ly argued that even if the killings of crim­i­nals are indeed jus­ti­fi­able , it is unac­cept­able for offi­cers to kill them. What that means is that offi­cers should be killed in equal num­bers as crim­i­nals, . That is the view of Carolyn Gomes and Earl Witter. Clearly this has got to be the tip­ping point. Decent Jamaican will have to take a stand and demand that the police do more to root out bad apples with even more alacrity, but they must col­lec­tive­ly also put their foot down on the neck of JFJ and make sure that kind of non­sense is stopped once and for all.

As if all of this is not enough the recent­ly embar­rassed Jamaica labour par­ty has decid­ed to fur­ther destroy that par­ty by sid­ing with the peo­ple who are fight­ing tooth and nail against the police. Already Andrew Holness, Delroy Chuck, and Derick Smith have thrown their sup­port behind Williams cement­ing the wide­ly held belief that INDECOM was a tool of the JLP. The JLP would be wise to watch its words very carefully,sour grapes?The Police just vot­ed with the Jamaican peo­ple to boot them from office, and I must say that even though I loathe the PNP I would be more inclined to sup­port the PNP if the Labour par­ty sides with those who sides against the police.

I stand with decent law-abid­ing cops , my sup­port is with the rule of law, that com­mit­ment is unwa­ver­ing and unequivocal.