INDECOM Boss Understands The Value Of Media-whoring.….


There can be no defense of tar­di­ness in any body , pub­lic or pri­vate in this fast paced infor­ma­tion dri­ven age in which we live . On that basis ‚Governments, their indi­vid­ual arms ‚and even pri­vate enti­ties have to be up on their game if they are to succeed.
This is true not just of Government and pri­vate com­pa­nies but also of sports teams and every com­pet­i­tive enti­ty that com­petes with­in the pub­lic space. Every minu­tia of data has to be ana­lyzed and con­sid­ered with a view toward gain­ing a com­pet­i­tive edge.

This is why it is so sad that the Mobile Reserve Branch of the JCF allowed itself to be char­ac­ter­ized as unable to do the basic , as it relates to account­abil­i­ty of per­son­nel and their movements.
The move­ment of Police per­son­nel should be out­side the remit of the aver­age per­son for obvi­ous rea­sons. Even for INDECOM that infor­ma­tion should be gained through a court order in my esti­ma­tion, based on the hos­til­i­ty alone of that agen­cy’s Commissioner to police officers.

Shockingly the com­mis­sion­er of Police Carl Williams and indeed the police fed­er­a­tion has become like the three monkeys.
See no evil . Speak no evil. Hear no evil.
In yet anoth­er dis­joint­ed and irra­tional broad­side against the police, the INDECOM com­mis­sion­er said that the Jamaica Defense Force should take over the oper­a­tions of the Mobile Reserve, because in his words the hier­ar­chy of the Mobile Reserve divi­sion of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) should step down and the com­mand of the unit be turned over to the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) for an extend­ed peri­od — at least until the unit starts to devel­op respon­si­ble leadership.

This lat­est bit of media whor­ing by Williams comes as lit­tle sur­prise to plugged in observers like myself but to oth­ers not as plugged in, it demon­strates once again that the head of INDECOM will stop at noth­ing to demon­strate his dis­dain and utter hatred for the police force, even if it means show­ing that he is at best irrational,stupid or worse.


In an effort to give Williams the ben­e­fit of the doubt, I con­tem­plat­ed that he made the state­ment tongue in cheek.
However after tak­ing anoth­er look at his state­ment, I found that he was dead seri­ous, as seri­ous as he has pre­vi­ous­ly been, not just to per­se­cute police offi­crs but to embar­rass the entire depart­ment in the process.
This has been Terrence Williams’ modus operan­di from the moment he was empow­ered to inves­ti­gate the mil­i­tary , police and cor­rec­tions depart­ments on the Island.
It must be remem­bered that as the new­ly mint­ed head of INDECOM Williams sat at a table with then head of Jamaican’s for Justice (JFJ) Carolyn Gomes a lob­by group and then lob­by­ist vehe­ment­ly opposed to police.

Since it’s incep­tion INDECOM has had mod­est suc­cess at best ‚in pros­e­cut­ing real rogue cops. In fact accord­ing to Terrence Williams’s own account, the vast major­i­ty of the alle­ga­tions his office inves­ti­gat­ed have result­ed in evi­dence reveal­ing that the offi­cers had done noth­ing wrong.
Conversely the JCF’s inter­nal house-clean­ing meth­ods avail­able to the depart­ment and the ser­vice com­mis­sion, has demon­stra­bly done a mas­ter­ful job of root­ing out rogue cops from the department.
These tools, includes the abil­i­ty the Commissioner of Police has , to eval­u­ate an offi­cer through his/​her ser­vice record, and mak­ing an informed deci­sion whether an offi­cer should be allowed to re-enlist after each five year period.

Senior Gazetted offi­cers may, and have been root­ed out by the ser­vice com­mis­sion as well. That body has the pow­er to deter­mine when it’s prop­er that a senior offi­cer step aside in the pub­lic’s interest.
Additionally the Police has oth­er meth­ods which works effec­tive­ly to remove unfit offi­cers from the department.
On the face of it, it could eas­i­ly be con­strued that these process­es do not work well.
That hap­pens because the pub­lic is not privy to the fir­ings out­side of the force orders which Owen Ellington made a pub­lic document.

The fact of the mat­ter is that INDECOM has been pre­cious more than a mas­sive dupli­ca­tion of efforts, and a colos­sal waste of resources which ought to have gone to law-enforcement.
It kills police morale and demon­strates how tiny lit­tle bureau­crats and dupli­ca­tions can have dis­as­trous con­se­quences for a country.
In a coun­try like Jamaica where peo­ple are inca­pable of say­ing this was a mis­take, this mon­strous débâ­cle is not like­ly to be repealed and done away with.

In the inter­im, the INDECOM act has embold­ened crim­i­nals to kill with­out the vig­i­lance and deter­mi­na­tion of the police com­ing after them.
Sure police are engag­ing mur­der­ing crim­i­nals much less and the inci­dents of vio­lent con­fronta­tions are expo­nen­tial­ly less.
For the aver­age Jamaican this is a victory.
For peo­ple look­ing to raise a fam­i­ly, retire or do busi­ness this envi­ron­ment is cer­tain­ly not a wel­com­ing one.

Terrence Williams the com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM under­stands full well the pow­er of the media. He sees the mur­der sta­tis­tics, he knows that soon enough some peo­ple with brains in their cra­ni­ums will start mak­ing the con­nec­tion between his per­se­cu­tion of police and the mur­der statistics.
Hence his shame­less media prostitution.

Carl Williams the inept police com­mis­sion­er could care less about optics. In fact the impor­tance of optics is lost on him .
The young offi­cers under his com­mand are well advised to col­lect their pay­checks and keep their heads low . There is absolute­ly no rea­son to rock the boat or do any­thing but watch the clock.