Incessant Second Guessing And Lack Of Support Has Severely Traumatized Our Police Department..


In response to the killing of six gangland figures recently by the security forces I commended the police and soldiers who valiantly took it to gangsters.
At the same time I questioned comments coming out of the police high command lamenting the loss of the gangsters lives.
Weapons recov­ered by the police at the scene.

Now all life was cre­at­ed by God Almighty , sub­se­quent­ly all life is to be respected.
However ‚when someone(1) takes the life of anoth­er human being, or (2) embark upon a dai­ly life of crime .
That per­son of their own voli­tion, make the deci­sion to place their life in danger.

Lets make it real sim­ple.……
A per­son who decides to jump over Niagara Falls does so on their own volition.
We do not blame the Falls for the death of that indi­vid­ual right? The falls is the falls , you jump you die !!
At the same time there is no need to lament the deceased, he or she made their own choice, and in that case “died with their choice”.
Me, I lament the loss of life of peo­ple who did not make a deci­sion to give up their lives.
That is at the heart of why I became a police offi­cer as a young man in 82.
It is why I con­tin­ue to speak out on behalf of vic­tims of crime, regard­less of who they are.

What are you bab­bling about Mike?… 

Well lets get back to the police and their apol­o­giz­ing for the loss of life>
Is it just me or does it seem like the men and women of the force have a new pep in their steps at the instal­la­tion of a real leader, DCP Novelette Grant, albeit temporarily?
Okay it’s prob­a­bly just me and my excite­ment at Novelette get­ting a shot, no mat­ter how short, to show that she can do the job as well as oth­ers before her if not better.

Nevertheless the Police high com­mand have found it nec­es­sary to keep up the apol­o­gy tour after the appro­pri­ate demise of the six thugs in St James.
In a release the high com­mand asked peo­ple want­ed by police to avoid vio­lent con­fronta­tion with the police.
Acting police com­mis­sion­er Novelette Grant said that “had the deceased peace­ful­ly sur­ren­dered, they would have been arrest­ed and charged with ille­gal pos­ses­sion of firearm and ammunition”.
Regrettably, they chose to vio­lent­ly con­front the secu­ri­ty forces,” Grant said.

DCP Novelette Grant

According to Grant, there is an increas­ing pat­tern of vio­lent attacks on the police and mil­i­tary by crim­i­nal sus­pects who, on many occa­sions, have elud­ed cap­ture. Unfortunately, on this occa­sion, those who were embold­ened by these pre­vi­ous instances con­front­ed the secu­ri­ty forces and met their demise. http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​S​u​r​r​e​n​d​e​r​-​p​e​a​c​e​f​u​lly – police-urge-sus­pects-after-gang­sters-killed-in-gun-bat­tle.

The Police are absolute­ly trau­ma­tized by the con­stant and inces­sant haranguing .
The inces­sant bar­rage of crit­i­cisms is sure­ly hav­ing an effect on even the high­est lev­els of the force. Even though offi­cers at the high­est lev­els are not exposed to the dai­ly dan­gers of polic­ing in Jamaica the way street cops are.

The fact that the police high com­mand see it nec­es­sary to con­tin­ue on what I call an “apol­o­gy tour” , for doing exact­ly what the JCF Act empow­ers them to do , is tes­ta­ment to the lev­el of trau­ma the depart­ment has been exposed to, for car­ry­ing out it’s sworn mandate.

Here’s where I dif­fer from Novelette Grant.…

Said Grant.“had the deceased peace­ful­ly sur­ren­dered, they would have been arrest­ed and charged with ille­gal pos­ses­sion of firearm and ammunition”.
“Regrettably, they chose to vio­lent­ly con­front the secu­ri­ty forces.”
My dear act­ing com­mis­sion­er, every per­son on this plan­et knows what the func­tions of the police are.
There are no ambi­gu­i­ties inher­ent or oth­er­wise, which would reg­u­lar­ize or legal­ize, not com­ply­ing with autho­rized agents of the law, much less threat­en­ing their lives.

Officer head­ing out on patrol…

On that basis alone, there need be no apology!!
If we are to have a coun­try . If we are to have a democ­ra­cy. If we are to have the rule of law. The foun­da­tions of that soci­ety, our soci­ety must respect the rule of law and those who enforce said laws.
You jump over Niagara Falls you die.
You attack the police in the law­ful exe­cu­tion of their duties, much less with weapons of death you die.

The police should nev­er find itself apol­o­giz­ing for doing exact­ly what they are tasked with, and empow­ered to do.
We begin to take back our coun­try street by street, block by block, neigh­bor­hood by neighborhood.
Being a tough and pro­fes­sion­al police depart­ment has noth­ing to do with being dis­re­spect­ful and abusive.
It’s a straw-man lie being fed the pub­lic by the elites who are liv­ing off the pro­ceeds of crime. They are in the media, and these Trolls are intent on using those perch­es to shape the nar­ra­tive to suit their end.


We know who they are.
The tri­al liars, I mean lawyers. The Media elites. The polit­i­cal elites, some of whom can­not get on an air­plane to trav­el abroad because the Americans have yanked their visas,.
I recall being a very tough cop.
I also remem­ber young and old com­ing out to thank me for my work in the Grant’s Pen Gully, Shortwood gul­ly ‚White Hall, and Red Hills slums.
Yup the kiss­es from those old ladies will for­ev­er be in my heart as long as I live, as they thanked me for ensuri ng that they could go about their busi­ness peaceably.
That kind of polic­ing , tough though I was, does not seem to me to have been abu­sive polic­ing, not to those law-abid­ing residents.
Those who want­ed me moved away to anoth­er sta­tion or dead were the peo­ple who were a dan­ger to those communities.

If the Elites want to have a supe­ri­or police force over and above that which exist , let them give guns to (inde­com) and let them deal with the killers since they can do a bet­ter job of appre­hend­ing them with­out shoot­ing them.

Nowadays there is no short­age of bleed­ing heart char­la­tans who come as sav­iors of the people..
The only lives they care about are the lives of those whom have tak­en mul­ti­ple inno­cent lives.
So to hell with Terrence Williams and indecom.
Tell that lit­tle leech Horace Levy at Jamaicans for Justice to go get a damn job and stop pros­ti­tut­ing as a defend­er as of the poor, we know he is mere­ly eat­ing a food.

So called Public Defender. Arlene Harrison Henry..
This state fund­ed office is a total dupli­ca­tion of efforts and a tax­pay­er fund­ed assault on law enforcement…

Tell the entire bunch of Parasites who sit around and crit­i­cize the police but does noth­ing to help to secure the country.
Words are words , actions are what’s important.
Those at the pub­lic defend­er’s office as well , what a waste of tax-pay­ers dollars.
We have a Director of Public Prosecution, that’s the pub­lic defend­er. Any oth­er office which oper­ates as a defend­er of the pub­lic is a dupli­ca­tion which should be dis­band­ed and the funds redi­rect­ed to the real defend­er of the pub­lic the office of the DPP.

If our coun­try is to be bet­ter there need be a full repeal of the inde­com act and the law reauthorized.
As it is it is a crime enhance­ment law which is cost­ing Jamaicans their lives, it must go and so should Terrence Williams.
Lets begin the process of tak­ing back the streets of our cities , towns and villages .
Lets do it the right way.….