This Incendiary And Violently Suggestive Outburst Must Be Discarded Once And For All On The Dump-heap Of History Along With Miller.….


Is there any won­der that this old crus­tacean can­not eschew vio­lence and the gar­ri­son cul­ture she helped to cre­ate in the country?
Set every­thing else aside this old vira­go is 71 years old .
Lets just set aside that she is semi-lit­er­ate, lets even set aside that she is out of touch. What about the fact that she is an old has-been , why should the nation con­tin­ue to cut this old degen­er­ate some slack in light of the seri­ous epi­dem­ic of vio­lence and mur­der in the country?
How does any­one account for this despi­ca­ble out­burst from this old virago ?
This per­son who has epit­o­mized and rep­re­sent­ed the worst of Jamaica, at age 71 still stand as a bul­wark of resis­tance to change and a bet­ter way for the Jamaican peo­ple, regur­gi­tat­ing the same old vio­lent rhetoric as if our coun­try belong to her and her band of mercenaries .


Jamaicans must decide whether or not they want to con­tin­ue on this path of vio­lence and antag­o­nis­tic behav­ior , fed and nur­tured by peo­ple who should long have been forced into retire­ment whether they like it or not.
This kind of talk fools no one , con­trary to the nuanced gib­ber­ish com­ing from Miller’s min­ion Paul Burke.
Burke would not know the dif­fer­ence if it hit him in the face.
After wal­low­ing and liv­ing in shit it is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to smell the shit. On that basis Paul Burke’s expla­na­tion of Portia Simpson Miller’s igno­rant vira­go rant, should be dis­card­ed along with Simpson Miller, a rel­ic of what ails our country..
It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble that an entire nation would allow a semi-lit­er­ate has-been, (or more like a nev­er was) like Miller to hold an entire nation hostage through threats and intimidation.
This nation must stand up and stare down the likes of Miller who would seek to con­trol state pow­er through bul­ly­ing and threats .
That time has passed.

PEOPLE’S National Party (PNP) General Secretary Paul Burke is speak­ing out in defence of par­ty leader Portia Simpson Miller, say­ing bit­ing and sug­ges­tive remarks she made at a recent meet­ing in St Ann South Eastern have been tak­en out of context.

In an audio clip of the speech, which has been mak­ing the rounds on social media over the past two days, Simpson Miller can be heard chid­ing dis­sent­ing Comrades at the meet­ing which was held last week Wednesday in Claremont, and warn­ing them that “this is one woman who nev­er run from a fight with any­one yet”.

I rep­re­sent one of the strongest con­stituen­cies in Jamaica; don’t play with me, I don’t play games. I work hard for this move­ment from 1974 ‘til now, nuh boy, nuh gyal can’t talk to me… I will come back here for anoth­er meet­ing and I know who I will bring,” Simpson Miller is heard say­ing, appar­ent­ly mak­ing ref­er­ence to her St Andrew South Western constituency.

The PNP leader’s remarks came after some Comrades expressed their dis­ap­proval of can­di­dates who had been nom­i­nat­ed to rep­re­sent the par­ty in the November 28 local gov­ern­ment elec­tion. A num­ber of Jamaicans on social media and radio talk shows have deemed the remarks as threat­en­ing because of remark that she doesn’t and will not allow any­one to dis­re­spect her. But, yes­ter­day, Burke said Simpson Miller has done noth­ing wrong

As part of a pro­gramme of meet­ings, the par­ty pres­i­dent went to South East St Ann and toured the divi­sions and at a spot meet­ing, which goes against the party’s polit­i­cal code of con­duct, indi­vid­u­als were dis­turb­ing the meet­ing,” Burke told theJamaica Observer in a tele­phone inter­view yes­ter­day. “When she said, ‘I’m not afraid of any­one,’ it meant that she is not intim­i­dat­ed by the noise or the mis­con­duct of those per­sons and I under­stand that less than 40 per­sons, were there and per­sons are going around try­ing to con­fuse PNP sup­port­ers that for­mer PNP sup­port­ers nom­i­nat­ed are rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the PNP,” he continued.

In ref­er­ence to Simpson Miller’s state­ment that she she knows who she will bring on her return to the con­stituen­cy, Burke said the par­ty leader was mak­ing ref­er­ence to a team of can­vassers to con­duct sur­veys as their were peo­ple caus­ing mis­chief in the divi­sion. “In the con­text of the pre­sen­ta­tion, in the con­text of her char­ac­ter, in the con­text of her rep­u­ta­tion, nobody could believe that she was ini­ti­at­ing any threat of vio­lence,” Burke insist­ed. He said that the par­ty leader was sim­ply call­ing for polit­i­cal action to be tak­en and that her state­ment is being mis­rep­re­sent­ed by many. “… I received a mix of both [views]; some peo­ple have heard it on the media and don’t under­stand in what con­text what was hap­pen­ing and have been alarmed. I haven’t heard any cas­es of over­re­ac­tion or calls for any dam­age con­trol pro­gramme. The speech has been trun­cat­ed… and it can be a cause for con­cern,” Burke stated.

As it relates to the how the par­ty will han­dle the grow­ing divi­sions in St Ann South Eastern, which is rep­re­sent­ed by Member of Parliament Lisa Hanna, Burke said there is noth­ing the par­ty can do if mem­bers choose to run as inde­pen­dent can­di­dates. He, how­ev­er, said that the par­ty is work­ing to ensure that sup­port­ers are clear on who are the offi­cial PNP can­di­dates for the divi­sions as there can be no “inde­pen­dent PNP can­di­dates”. “… So the PNP has four can­di­dates in South East St Ann, all duly select­ed and nom­i­nat­ed as PNP can­di­dates. [They are] Ian Bell for the Beecher Town Division; Lydia Richards for the Benstonton Division, Lloyd Garrick for the Moneague Division; and in the Claremont divi­sion, Lambert Weir,” Burke out­lined. http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​B​u​r​k​e​-​d​e​f​e​n​d​s​-​P​o​r​t​i​a​_​8​0​949