Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin).
Policing in the United States was never intended to secure the Black population. It was created from the practice of slave catching. Slave-catching was done by poor whites, most of whom were former white bondsmen who were kicked out of Europe to the colonies by European powers. This practice of bonded slavery continued up to the civil war.
The poor whites who became plantation overseers and slave catchers had no love for the rich plantation owners. Still, they were more than happy to accept the roles of slave catchers and overseers, not just for the perks of sexual power it gave them over Black women and the violence they visited over Black men whom they hated the most, but because it gave them a sense of power, something they envied about the planter class.
Replete with guns, whips, and vicious dogs, the slave catcher was a force of terror against Black enslaved people who harbored the thought of fleeing slavery.
Today policing has not evolved much except that it has gotten a more sophisticated arsenal of tools to harass the African-American population.
When we say ‘defund the police,’ those who benefit from the services of the role of police know exactly what we mean. Still, they fight vehemently, using distortions and disinformation to ensure that instead of scaling back the expenses wasted on police departments, more money is poured into policing.
Even those who claim to be friendly to the Black community fold to the disinformation out of political expediency and vote to give more, rather than less money, to policing. This usually means fewer dollars for other, more important functions the community needs. But it suits the white power class whose only interest is to ensure Blacks are kept in their place.
At the same time, residents in large cities, usually populated heavily by Black citizens, are exponentially more terrified of police than they are of other criminals. The sad reality is that ordinary criminals are usually arrested and made to pay for their crimes. Criminal cops are seldom held accountable, and even when arrested and prosecuted for the most egregious crimes, judges go out of their way to give them lighter rather than harsher sentences.
Consequently, the African-American community has precious little faith in the system and an even greater hatred for the idea of policing, and understandably so.
The NYC.Gov website claims that the New York City Police Department has (approximately) 34,000 cops, which means one of two things, either the Agency has no idea how many members it has, which I do not believe is the case, or it deliberately fudges the numbers it reveals to the public so it can continue to make the case to justify hiring more and more people to that standing army.
Despite the 34,000-man-strong standing militia that is the New York City Police Department, crime continues to be a major problem in the city of over 8 million residents. If the police were the solution to ending crime, New York City would be crime free.
Many of the assaults and other crimes committed in New York City are committed by the army of uniformed thugs who roll upon innocent youths in their neighborhoods, harass, brutalize, and arrest them for committing no crimes. That is not to say there aren’t violent civilians. Still, the problem is made exponentially more volatile by the police, who are seen as a source of terror for young men whose only crimes are their black skin and living in their neighborhoods.
One community in Brooklyn is experimenting with the idea of not calling the police. Men in the community are stepping up to the plate and protecting their community from the civilian predators who prey on the weak as well as the uniformed thugs who terrorize their community and who the residents are more terrified of than the ordinary criminals.
See the story here:
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog