
Jamaican Judge Lennox Campbell has began sum­ma­tion in the mur­der case the state against Adijia Palmer o/​c Vybez Kartel. He’s told the jury to con­sid­er two main questions…those ques­tions are:Is Clive “Lizard” Williams dead and did the accused men kill him if he’s in fact dead? 
He’s also warned the jurors not to allow feel­ings of sym­pa­thy or prej­u­dice to influ­ence their judge­ment.http://​rjrnew​son​line​.com/​l​o​c​a​l​/​j​u​d​g​e​-​b​e​g​i​n​s​-​h​i​s​-​s​u​m​m​a​t​i​o​n​-​i​n​-​k​a​r​t​e​l​-​t​r​ialCampbell also told the jury “If there is any doubt in their minds they must acquit. This tri­al has gone on for over 2 years. There has been charges and counter charges hurled both ways but most­ly by the defense which still has not sub­stan­tive­ly deflect­ed the charge of mur­der from their client. What Juror sit­ting on that jury who believes a pri­mi-face case has been made out against the accused will not feel pres­sured to vote to acquit?


I’m not a bet­ting man , but these peo­ple clam­or­ing for the accused to be freed may soon have their wish grant­ed. What does it say about a coun­try how­ev­er when peo­ple want accused mur­der­ers to beat the rap?