In Brief Sentence British PM Speaks Volumes..

On how to deal effec­tive­ly with terrorism.

If our human rights laws pre­vents us from doing it , we’ll change the laws ”
Theresa May.

While in Jamaica a Govt. Agency con­venes a con­fer­ence on how to lim­it police use of force on mind­less mur­der­ers who kill an aver­age of 4 Jamaicans daily.

One would have hoped com­mon sense would rub off on the Jamaican Prime Minister and some of the Jamaican peo­ple , the pow­ers behind the throne , just not Justice Minister Delroy Chuck.
What is obvi­ous is that the pow­ers behind the throne are the hands which con­trol the crim­i­nal empires.

But con­trary to what I have been say­ing about Jamaica’s crime fight­ing strat­e­gy many Jamaicans feel we are con­strained by human rights laws which can nev­er be changed.
I nev­er quite under­stood why we would be con­strained by laws made by peo­ple, we are the peo­ple ‚but we can­not change them back?

Even as Jamaica does it’s best to copy every­thing British and American , both nations con­tin­ue to evolve dai­ly in how they adjust in deal­ing with threats to their nations.

Stubbornly , yet stun­ning­ly mys­ti­fy­ing both polit­i­cal par­ties on the Island has stead­fast­ly refused to co-opt a pol­i­cy which would at lest sig­nal to the maraud­ing crim­i­nals on the Island that they are seri­ous about putting a stop to their crimes.

As a for­mer law enforce­ment offi­cer, I find the actions of both polit­i­cal par­ties on crime debil­i­tat­ing in it’s stu­pid­i­ty and obstinacy.
After the events of 2010 when mili­tias open­ly took up arms against the state result­ing in the need for the mil­i­tary to return pow­er to the state , one would have thought that politi­cians and pow­er-bro­kers would have got­ten the message.

Instead both polit­i­cal par­ties have hun­kered down in their love fest with the hun­dreds of crim­i­nal gangs which tra­verse the 4411 square miles of the small English speak­ing Caribbean Island.

While lit­er­al­ly every nation on earth strug­gles to find ways to com­bat crime and ter­ror , Jamaican author­i­ties con­tin­ue to strive to find new ways to cir­cum­vent the rule of law, shack­le law enforce­ment, and erect bar­ri­ers to peace tran­quil­i­ty and less occur­rences of the shed­ding of inno­cent blood.