In 2021 Qualified ‘impunity’ Killed 1055 Americans…

Step back. I don’t care if you record me.” that’s a lie; they actu­al­ly care; that’s why they approach you record­ing their activities.
You can record all you want; I don’t care.Yes, they do care”; if they could stop you, they would do so in a heart­beat. In fact, there is a moun­tain of video evi­dence that shows that even though cit­i­zens have a right to pho­to­graph and video record them in the exe­cu­tion of their duties, they have a fun­da­men­tal prob­lem with it and have abused cit­i­zens engaged in that law­ful process.
Notice that regard­less of the dis­tance a per­son stands with a cell phone record­ing their activ­i­ties (and for the record, I agree they need room to work; no one should be obstruct­ing them), they find their way to that per­son to bark orders. “Move away, step back, go across the street, go down the block.” It is not about the dis­tance the per­son record­ing stands, even though the courts have agreed that a dis­tance of fif­teen feet is safe unless oth­er cir­cum­stances would ren­der that dis­tance unsafe. It is easy to under­stand why police and any­one doing any­thing wrong would oppose some­one with a cam­era or cell­phone record­ing their activities.
What appears to be the major­i­ty of police offi­cers in the United States seems to have no regard for the rights of cit­i­zens and, in par­tic­u­lar Black cit­i­zens. In fact, time and again, we see offi­cers going out­side their author­i­ty to abuse cit­i­zens they do not like.

A per­son record­ing from far away pro­duces a far less cred­i­ble video record­ing. Police offi­cers tell peo­ple record­ing them, “I don’t care if you record me,” gen­er­al­ly then walk up to the per­son record­ing and stand in front of the cam­era. This behav­ior effec­tive­ly makes it impos­si­ble for the cam­era to record what the cam­er­ap­er­son was ini­tial­ly recording.
This needs to be addressed with leg­is­la­tion. Police should not will­ful­ly attempt to stop con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly pro­tect­ed activ­i­ty with impunity.
Rest assured, the rogue cops who engage in those ille­gal activ­i­ties do so with the bless­ings of their high­er-ups telling them to do it. Some will­ful­ly walk up to peo­ple record­ing their activ­i­ties, take out their phones and start play­ing music that gets swept up in the recording.
Because of own­er­ship rules, those video record­ings are not allowed on stream­ing plat­forms like Youtube; even though the per­son record­ing had no inten­tion of record­ing the music the rogue cop start­ed playing.
In oth­er words, police offi­cers who are sup­posed to act with deco­rum and respect for the pub­lic act like com­mon gang­sters and thugs toward the pub­lic that pays their salaries and lav­ish ben­e­fits packages.

Just imag­ine this, had 17-year-old Darnella Frazier not had the pres­ence to stead­fast­ly record their activ­i­ties in a man­ner befit­ting a pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Derek Chauvin would still be polic­ing the streets of Minneapolis. His cohorts Thomas Lane, J. Kueng, and Tou Thao would not be fac­ing tri­al for assist­ing in mur­der­ing mis­ter Floyd.
Take a moment to process that, under­stand­ing that the Minneapolis Police depart­ment would not have vol­un­teered the body­cam footage so that the quar­tet could face jus­tice. In fact, they had ini­tial­ly craft­ed a lie about how mis­ter Floyd lost his life before they real­ized there was cred­i­ble video evi­dence that the four police offi­cers had com­mit­ted a day­light lynching.
This is the same police depart­ment despite the trau­ma the coun­try endured when it mur­dered George Floyd, still went ahead and released edit­ed body­cam footage of Amir Locke with a gun in his hand after they mur­dered him days ago.
As it turned out, the mur­dered 22-year-old had every right to have a gun, was not want­ed by police, was not named in their search war­rant, had no crim­i­nal record (not that it mat­ters), and the weapon was point­ed down toward the floor with his fin­ger run­ning par­al­lel to the bar­rel.
Jolted from a deep sleep and try­ing to deter­mine what was hap­pen­ing, he had every right to grab his gun. If legit­i­mate gun own­ers can­not legal­ly grab a gun in their own home with­out being gunned down by police who broke in, we are in dan­ger­ous ter­ri­to­ry as the gov­ern­ment can choose to exe­cute us using any pretext.
If Wiliam (Roddie) Bryant had not record­ed the lynch­ing of Amhaud Arbery, he and the father-son mur­der­er-duo Gregory and Travis McMichaels, would be walk­ing around as free men today.
As soci­eties all across the globe are stitched togeth­er more and more dai­ly with CCTV cam­eras, American police would have you believe film­ing their illic­it activ­i­ties is unlaw­ful activity.

The chill­ing mes­sage the killing of Amir Locke expos­es is the dan­gers Black legal gun own­ers still face even when they have com­mit­ted no crime and are in what should be the safe and sacred sanc­tum of their own homes.
If this killing is allowed to stand, it will be prece­dent that the police can break into your home and mur­der you even though you com­mit­ted no crime and are not want­ed by them. White gun own­ers are cer­tain­ly not insu­lat­ed from this uncon­sti­tu­tion­al sec­ond & fourth amend­ment abrogation.
As a for­mer cop, I believe in giv­ing the police some lee­way in the exe­cu­tion of their duties; the police, how­ev­er, have a bur­den to be judi­cious with the pow­ers they are giv­en. They are heav­i­ly armed and sup­port­ed; they do not get to enter some­one’s home and mur­der them and then say, oops.
They do not get to kill some­one emerg­ing from deep sleep with­out order­ing the per­son to drop the weapon. This is a sit­u­a­tion in which police must be held account­able pre­cise­ly because of the cir­cum­stances of the case.
The Washington Post, on Wednesday, February 9th, report­ed that American police shot and killed a Thousand and Fifty- Five peo­ple in 2021, the most since the WP start­ed keep­ing count. If you thought it was get­ting bet­ter, you are wrong; it is get­ting worse.
They are on pace to up the ante by killing more peo­ple this year, men­tal­ly ill, sleep­ing, unarmed, armed with a box-cut­ter, and at a dis­tance, none of it mat­ters. If they want to mur­der you, they will, and they most like­ly will not even be charged with a crime.

Police forces are armed mili­tias main­tained and retained by states and munic­i­pal­i­ties to main­tain order and pro­tect property.
Following Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shoot­ing in Parkland, Florida, some stu­dents held that local gov­ern­ment offi­cials were at fault for fail­ing to pro­tect stu­dents. The stu­dents filed suit, nam­ing six defen­dants, includ­ing the Broward school dis­trict, the Broward Sheriff’s Office, school deputy Scot Peterson and cam­pus mon­i­tor Andrew Medina. In 2018 a Federal Judge ruled the gov­ern­ment agen­cies ” had no con­sti­tu­tion­al duty to pro­tect stu­dents who were not in cus­tody.”
Neither the Constitution nor state law impos­es a gen­er­al duty upon police offi­cers or oth­er gov­ern­ment offi­cials to pro­tect indi­vid­ual per­sons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur,” said Darren L. Hutchinson, a pro­fes­sor and asso­ciate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. “Police can watch some­one attack you, refuse to inter­vene, and not vio­late the Constitution.” The Supreme Court has repeat­ed­ly held that the gov­ern­ment has only a duty to pro­tect per­sons who are “in cus­tody,” he point­ed out.

So the mis­guid­ed notion that gets repeat­ed ad nau­se­am that police are there to serve and pro­tect is fic­tion. Police are not there for your pro­tec­tion. Worse yet, they cer­tain­ly aren’t there for the good of African-Americans.
There is no record of the idea of polic­ing ever being intend­ed for the good of Blacks in the United States of America. The cyn­ics of these facts, some melanat­ed, claim that police are in Black neigh­bor­hoods to save lives. That mis­con­cep­tion is laugh­able. Police in city after city all across the United States do not care one hoot about dead black peo­ple, regard­less of their pro­pa­gan­da cam­paign. The pro­pa­gan­da cam­paign gin up fears of vio­lent crimes intend­ed to scare gullible tax­pay­ers to pay them more and hire more of them.
What they care about is that Black peo­ple do not burn, loot, break glass, or turn a cor­ner with­out indicating.
In fair­ness to the Police, the fore­gone is not just about the police; it is a bor­der soci­etal prob­lem — a soci­ety that does not care about all of its cit­i­zens because it was not cre­at­ed to.
Since cit­i­zens decid­ed to fight back against them plant­i­ng drugs, phys­i­cal­ly and ver­bal­ly assault­ing and even mur­der­ing the inno­cent, police have devised a new tact. Listen for it when­ev­er they see some­one record­ing them.
You are dis­tract­ing me from what I am doing, so now I have to divide my atten­tion between you and them.” That state­ment has become a reg­u­lar stan­za for them, but it has lit­tle to do with the per­son hold­ing a cellphone.
Every time it is uttered from the mouth of those liars, that state­ment is aimed at their cronies in munic­i­pal, state, and fed­er­al leg­is­la­tures who bend over back­ward to please them and their unions for blocks of votes.
They are hop­ing that new leg­is­la­tion will be advanced, mak­ing it even more dif­fi­cult for the aver­age per­son to cap­ture their crimes, even with the restric­tions already on cit­i­zens not to hin­der them. This may hap­pen soon­er than lat­er, and the courts are all too hap­py to grant them more lee­way to com­mit atroc­i­ties against a cer­tain seg­ment of society.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.