In 2021 Chicago Paid Out More Than M$67 For Police Wrong Doing

I know some peo­ple are not exact­ly the bright­est bulb in the ceil­ing, but what this Chicago alder­man said in oppos­ing a set­tle­ment in a vio­lent police mis­con­duct case takes the cake in stupidity.
On Thursday, Feb. 17, the Chicago City Council Committee on Finance vot­ed 13 – 7 to set­tle for $1.675 mil­lion with Mia Wright and four oth­er peo­ple with her when she was pulled from a car by at least sev­en offi­cers in a mall park­ing lot on May 31, 2020. That encounter left Ms. Wright par­tial­ly blind in one eye.

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The cops had been stak­ing out the mall on that day of loot­ing across Chicago, and the five were tar­get­ed as sus­pects. Of course, under no cir­cum­stances could the mon­sters in uni­form have dealt with the sit­u­a­tion with­out vio­lence, so they vio­lent­ly ripped the occu­pants from the car, and the result is that Ms. Wright almost lost an eye.
The com­mit­tee vote fell along col­or lines, with only the 13 Black com­mit­tee mem­bers par­tic­i­pat­ing in the meet­ing vot­ing for the set­tle­ment to the group of five African-Americans. The next step is a vote on the set­tle­ment by the full coun­cil this week.

Alderman Raymond Lopez reminds me of Marco Rubio,& Raphael Cruz. What does all three have in com­mon oth­er than rank stupidity?

In object­ing to the set­tle­ment, one idi­ot­ic Latino alder­man Raymond Lopez said that the city would be open­ing a “Pandora’s box” by set­tling the law­suit and would give “every­one an excuse to start suing.”
Here is the kick­er by ear­ly last December, the city of Chicago had already paid out more than $67 mil­lion in 2021 alone to resolve police mis­con­duct claims.
Instead of rec­og­niz­ing the mount­ing cost of police mis­con­duct, both in the loss of life and lib­er­ty to cit­i­zens & the loss of tax­pay­er’s trea­sure used to com­pen­sate peo­ple wronged by police; this idi­ot­ic alder­man pro­pos­es an end to the just settlements.
This moron would have done well to keep his trap closed and not con­firm that he is an idiot, but he could not.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.