I know some people are not exactly the brightest bulb in the ceiling, but what this Chicago alderman said in opposing a settlement in a violent police misconduct case takes the cake in stupidity.
On Thursday, Feb. 17, the Chicago City Council Committee on Finance voted 13 – 7 to settle for $1.675 million with Mia Wright and four other people with her when she was pulled from a car by at least seven officers in a mall parking lot on May 31, 2020. That encounter left Ms. Wright partially blind in one eye.
The cops had been staking out the mall on that day of looting across Chicago, and the five were targeted as suspects. Of course, under no circumstances could the monsters in uniform have dealt with the situation without violence, so they violently ripped the occupants from the car, and the result is that Ms. Wright almost lost an eye.
The committee vote fell along color lines, with only the 13 Black committee members participating in the meeting voting for the settlement to the group of five African-Americans. The next step is a vote on the settlement by the full council this week.

In objecting to the settlement, one idiotic Latino alderman Raymond Lopez said that the city would be opening a “Pandora’s box” by settling the lawsuit and would give “everyone an excuse to start suing.”
Here is the kicker by early last December, the city of Chicago had already paid out more than $67 million in 2021 alone to resolve police misconduct claims.
Instead of recognizing the mounting cost of police misconduct, both in the loss of life and liberty to citizens & the loss of taxpayer’s treasure used to compensate people wronged by police; this idiotic alderman proposes an end to the just settlements.
This moron would have done well to keep his trap closed and not confirm that he is an idiot, but he could not.
Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog mikebeckles.com.