Important Information Regarding The Logan Act.

Edmond Charles Genet
Edmond Charles Genet

In April 1793, “Citizen Edmond Charles Genet,” then just 29 years old, arrived to great fan­fare in Charleston har­bor. He bore diplo­mat­ic papers announc­ing him the new min­is­ter (ambas­sador) to the United States from France and instruc­tions from his Girondist patrons to excite American fer­vor in France’s war against England and Spain.

With tac­it encour­age­ment from Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, the new French min­is­ter incit­ed American pri­va­teers to invade Spanish ter­ri­to­ries in the old south­west, ran a full cir­cuit of bur­geon­ing Democrat-Republican Societies that formed in oppo­si­tion to George Washington’s admin­is­tra­tion, recruit­ed American sailors in the French cause and out­fit­ted and armed American ships for war against English colo­nial posi­tions. All of these activ­i­ties con­sti­tut­ed a mas­sive breach with diplo­mat­ic norms and vio­lat­ed the American government’s firm com­mit­ment to remain neu­tral in European wars.

Federalists ago­nized over Genet’s con­temp­tu­ous inter­fer­ence in American pol­i­cy. The stal­wart Federalist John Adams, who was vice pres­i­dent at the time, was hor­ri­fied by Genet’s attempts to ral­ly the American peo­ple against their own president.Writing many years after the fact, he shud­dered at the mem­o­ry of “Ten thou­sand People in the Streets of Philadelphia, day after day, threaten[ing] to drag Washington out of his House and effect a Revolution in the Government, or com­pel it to declare War in favour of the French Revolution, and against England.”

As was his wont, Adams exag­ger­at­ed. But Genet cer­tain­ly knew how to push the enve­lope. The final straw came when the min­is­ter rechris­tened an impound­ed British ship the Petite Démocrate and launched it on its way to France in open defi­ance of George Washington. Adding insult to injury, Genet — who thought he under­stood American pol­i­tics, but didn’t — threat­ened to cir­cum­vent the pres­i­dent alto­geth­er and appeal direct­ly to the peo­ple. Surely they would endorse his project to expand the “Empire de la Liberté” through­out the North American con­ti­nent by seiz­ing British and Spanish possessions.

Is the Minister of the French Republic to set the Acts of this Government at defi­ance, with impuni­ty?” asked an enraged Washington. “And then threat­en the Executive with an appeal to the People? [What] must the world think of such con­duct, and of the Government of the U. States in sub­mit­ting to it.”

Ultimately, Washington proved the bet­ter stu­dent of American pol­i­tics than Genet, whose Republican allies even acknowl­edged the dam­age he did for his cause. (The ver­dict is still out on Ron Dermer.)

The “Citizen Genet Affair” ulti­mate­ly end­ed as bizarrely as it orig­i­nal­ly unfold­ed. In 1794, after the admin­is­tra­tion demand­ed that the French min­is­ter be recalled, the Jacobin fac­tion— by then ful­ly in con­trol and unleash­ing its “reign of ter­ror” —issued a call for Genet’s return. Realizing that his prob­a­ble fate was the guil­lo­tine, Genet pled for asy­lum, and George Washington, the same pres­i­dent whom he so open­ly defied, allowed the for­mer diplo­mat to remain in the United States. He lived out his days as a pros­per­ous gen­tle­man farmer in the Hudson Valley, where he died in 1834.


Of course, in 1793 as today, the tumult over Citizen Genet was less about France than it was about domes­tic politics.

Americans in the 1790s were sharply divid­ed over con­crete ques­tions con­cern­ing polit­i­cal econ­o­my. Federalists tend­ed to sup­port a mixed soci­ety of small farm­ers and man­u­fac­tur­ers. They were tol­er­ant of paper mon­ey, a per­ma­nent fed­er­al debt and tar­iffs that would — all at once — fund that debt, sup­port home­grown indus­try and forge alle­giance to a cen­tral state. Many Republicans, on the oth­er hand, pre­ferred an agrar­i­an soci­ety of small, inde­pen­dent farm­ers; they dis­trust­ed banks, per­ma­nent debt, stand­ing armies and cen­tral­ized authority.

On a more fun­da­men­tal lev­el, Federalists adhered to increas­ing­ly archa­ic ideas about the social com­po­si­tion of the nation. They saw the body politic as organ­ic and unbro­ken: There was one com­mon good, and men of edu­ca­tion and achieve­ment could be count­ed on to act with dis­in­ter­est and virtue in fur­ther­ing the needs of the whole. Republicans were, in some ways, more real­is­tic about what America had become. They believed the coun­try was too diverse, too pop­u­lous and too advanced to enter­tain a sin­gle, com­mon inter­est. More to the point, they saw noth­ing wrong with var­i­ous inter­ests com­pet­ing with each oth­er on an even and lev­el play­ing field.
Josh Zeitz has taught American his­to­ry and pol­i­tics at Cambridge University and Princeton University and is the author of Lincoln’s Boys: John Hay, John Nicolay, and the War for Lincoln’s Image. He is cur­rent­ly writ­ing a book on the mak­ing of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. Follow him @joshuamzeitz.