
Image result for trump
Donald Trump

Commencing an Impeachment inquiry in the house does not guar­an­tee a con­vic­tion in the Senate. Certainly not with a law-break­ing enabling Senate con­trolled by Republicans.
Nonetheless, com­menc­ing an impeach­ment inquiry is the cor­rect thing to do when a sit­ting pres­i­dent decides that the laws do not apply to him.
In some coun­tries, a law­less leader may be recalled, and in oth­ers, they engage in coups to remove lead­ers they believe are act­ing out­side their author­i­ty.
In the United States, the Constitution allows for impeach­ment as the means to remove a pres­i­dent who [com­mits high crimes and mis­de­monors] (sic).
Regardless of the out­come of the actions on which the US house has embarked, remov­ing a law­less, immoral can­cer­ous pres­i­den­cy is the cor­rect thing to do.
When the ques­tion is asked for pos­ter­i­ty, “what did our lead­ers do while all this was going on”?
It will for­ev­er be told, that the United States House of Representatives under Democratic lead­er­ship start­ed an impeach­ment inquiry, which was intend­ed to hold the head of the exec­u­tive branch of the gov­ern­ment accountable.

Image result for portrait of presidents facing impeachment
Andrew Johnson & William Jefferson Clinton

It will, for­ev­er be a stain on the US Senate under Republican lead­er­ship, that a bunch of men and women who took an oath to defend the Constitution of these United States, allowed a law­less exec­u­tive to con­tin­ue unchecked, as a result of polit­i­cal and oth­er con­sid­er­a­tions.
The Speaker of the House has a duty to pro­tect the Republic from a law­less exec­u­tive. Prudence and fideli­ty to con­sti­tu­tion­al respon­si­bil­i­ties can­not be a slave, or sub­servient to poll results, or pub­lic perceptions. 

Image result for richard nixon
Richard Nixon

Defending the Constitution can­not be a func­tion of polls and pub­lic opin­ion.
If, as a nation, the United States is at a place in which the chief exec­u­tive can flout the laws and the peo­ple are okay with it, then the prob­lem is big­ger, much big­ger, than Donald Trump.
Regardless of the out­come of this inquiry, Donald Trump will have the dubi­ous dis­tinc­tion, as did Andrew Johnson, William J. Clinton and Richard Nixon who resigned before he could be kicked out, of being impeached, or had impeach­ment inquiries com­menced against them.
It is a hall of shame in which Donald Trump belongs, he is a stain on the decen­cy of humanity. 

Image result for senate republicans vow to stop impeachment

True to form Republican lead­er­ship in the Senate has stead­fast­ly vowed to defend a law­less Donald Trump. No oth­er sin­gle human being has done more harm to the Republic than Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell.
No sin­gle per­son­’s treach­ery will be more long-lasting.