Immigrants Of Color Will Not Be Allowed To “infest” America


The roman­tic idea of America as a place where dis­pos­sessed peo­ple come from dis­tant shores seek­ing to prac­tice their reli­gion freely may be no more. Not for those flee­ing per­se­cu­tion, not for those flee­ing gangs which mur­der their fam­i­lies, not for those seek­ing a bet­ter life, not for those flee­ing death.
The statute of Liberty stand­ing in New York har­bor has inscribed on her, these words.


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With con­quer­ing limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sun­set gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the impris­oned light­ning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glow’s world-wide wel­come; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged har­bor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your sto­ried pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your hud­dled mass­es yearn­ing to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teem­ing shore.
Send these, the home­less, tem­pest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the gold­en door!”

Whether the roman­tic ideals of immi­grants flee­ing per­se­cu­tion to prac­tice their reli­gion in peace were behind the flood of immi­grants to these shores or it was rather the Knights Templars who came after Christopher Columbus, killing every­thing in their path, is a ques­tion for hon­est intel­lec­tu­al discourse.
Nevertheless, the result is a coun­try built by waves and waves of fresh immi­grants, preg­nant with the desire to suc­ceed, filled with the hope of the promise of a bet­ter life.
Like a riv­er cas­cad­ing down a moun­tain­side adsorb­ing trib­u­taries and streams, it mean­ders along, all the time becom­ing stronger, wider, more pow­er­ful, as it flows head­long to its des­tiny with the mighty ocean.

That real­i­ty has been America’s great­ness, the excit­ing con­cept of a coun­try where those want­i­ng to live in peace could be all they want­ed to be. It has been one of the defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics of the American experience.
A nation which is very much an ide­al as it is a reality.
That has been America through­out, from the Moors who came and saw the native Americans, through Columbus who hap­pened here and all of a sud­den dis­cov­ered a land where peo­ple already lived. From all who came, some by free will, oth­ers in chains. The refresh­ment of the human pool has stood as the sin­gle great­est fuel for the reju­ve­na­tion of the American idea.

The jour­ney has been less than direct. Former President Barack Obama stat­ed, the American jour­ney has not been a straight line but two steps for­ward, one step to the side and anoth­er backward.
It is not dif­fi­cult to learn that most whites did not vote for Obama but enough did, Obama had enough good­will among some whites to get him­self elect­ed twice despite the vit­ri­olic hatred and push­back from the right.
On that basis, it is enough to at least agree that there is evi­dence of progress, though there is much work to be done. And yes we are in the year 2018, well into the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry, why exact­ly are we hav­ing a dis­cus­sion about race?
We are hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion about race because despite the pas­sage of time hatred is still as entrenched as it has ever been, cou­pled with illit­er­a­cy it is next to impos­si­ble to eradicate.

As I have point­ed out in pre­vi­ous arti­cles there are priv­i­leges avail­able to white Americans which are not avail­able to black Americans. Some peo­ple are not even aware of those priv­i­leges because they have not been held up against the injus­tice peo­ple of col­or face dai­ly. Others do not care and are even adamant that they deserve them because they are some­how enti­tled to them.
The present occu­pant of the white house sees the fight he is wag­ing against immi­grants as a win­ning strat­e­gy for the fall elec­tions. In oth­er words, he believes that there is enough hatred in whites to guar­an­tee a mid-term win despite his gov­ern­ing record. Time will be the judge of that, nev­er­the­less, the mere fact that we are hav­ing that kind of con­ver­sa­tion demon­strates the lev­el of cor­ro­sion which still exist and it lays bare a malig­nant strain of embed­ded racism that Americans refus­es to shed.

When we go from lynch­ings after church to a black fam­i­ly in the white house it is dif­fi­cult to deny progress. However, keep­ing Barack Obama’s state­ments of American progress in mind, it is not dif­fi­cult to under­stand how we could be at this place in our his­to­ry. Freedom is worth fight­ing for and the fight must be enjoined by every gen­er­a­tion that wish­es to remain free.

Understandably, no coun­try can sim­ply open its bor­ders and allow any and every­one to waltz in, but the demo­niza­tion and depor­ta­tion of peo­ple of col­or while throw­ing open the doors to Scandinavia are all too trans­par­ent a strat­e­gy to ignore.
The sin­gle largest issue dri­ving this pol­i­cy is the brown­ing of America and the numer­i­cal com­bined strength of the minor­i­ty communities.
This dem­a­gog­ic Xenophobia is fuelled by racism, it makes crim­i­nals out of peo­ple of col­or who present them­selves at the bor­der as is man­dat­ed by law and for the most minor infrac­tions. It’s not that peo­ple have not been com­ing to America through­out its his­to­ry. What we are see­ing now is that there is ginned up fear about peo­ple of col­or as the stark real­i­ty of the chang­ing face of America along racial lines looms to peo­ple who are death­ly afraid of equality.


Donald Trump and Giuseppe Conte

The tide of Nativism sweep­ing America is sweep­ing Europe as well. Britain’s exit from the European Union is not an anom­aly but part of a larg­er swell of anti-immi­grant fer­vor sweep­ing white run nations includ­ing Italy and as far away as Israel.
It is the same tide which swept Italy’s Giuseppe Conte to pow­er quite recent­ly. Conte was sworn in on last month as Italy’s prime min­is­ter, head­ing west­ern Europe’s first anti-estab­lish­ment gov­ern­ment bent on over­haul­ing European Union rules on bud­gets and immi­gra­tion. Where have we heard that before?

According to [Reuters] Italy host­ed the European Union’s found­ing Treaty of Rome 60 years ago, but the once enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly pro-EU Italians have pro­gres­sive­ly become dis­en­chant­ed with Europe, blam­ing its fis­cal rules for two decades of eco­nom­ic stag­na­tion. The dis­af­fec­tion has grown in recent years as hun­dreds of thou­sands of migrants have land­ed on Italy’s shores from North Africa, fuelling sup­port for the League which accus­es the EU of aban­don­ing Italy to deal with the influx on its own.
Widespread vot­er dis­en­chant­ment has seen anti-estab­lish­ment par­ties upset main­stream pol­i­tics across the con­ti­nent, includ­ing Germany and France,

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In the Zionist state of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as labeled African Jews in the state of Israel as Infiltrators”.Netanyahu insists that by accept­ing African migrants the Zionist state risks los­ing its identity.
Donald Trump stat­ed that he would not allow America to become an immi­grant camp. He insists Immigrants are infest­ing America.
Yes, you have heard right, infest­ing as ver­min does!