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News coming out of Jamaica indicates an (IMF) International Monetary Fund deal could be coming as early as the end of this month.

To the Governing Administration this is good news, it poten­tial­ly means that the Government will be able to pay its bills from mon­e­tary draw-downs of cash, made avail­able by the fund.

Public sec­tor work­ers will be guar­an­teed their salaries, the coun­try will be able to pay for oil and take care of oth­er mon­e­tary oblig­a­tions. This all sound great, of course it sounds great, when you are com­ing from zero, the num­ber one is a big improve­ment. What’s scary is that Administration offi­cials and a large part of the pop­u­la­tion sees mon­ey from the IMF as a good thing, in fact the Administration is cel­e­brat­ing being able to secure this loan as a kind of achieve­ment for the Government.

The Government sets the bar of suc­cess that low.

I cau­tion my coun­try-men how­ev­er, to avail them­selves to the cat­a­stroph­ic con­se­quences of get­ting high on bor­rowed sup­plies. To do that we need to exam­ine how we got to a place where mere­ly secur­ing a loan is cel­e­brat­ed as a major polit­i­cal accomplishment.

♦We , mean­ing Jamaica, bor­rowed a lot, from any and every­one who would loan us money.

♦ We, mean­ing politi­cians, wast­ed and stole those monies.

♦ We , mean­ing both polit­i­cal par­ties, kept bor­row­ing more, to fill bud­getary short­falls from declin­ing income and the crash of entire eco­nom­ic sectors.

♦ The more we, mean­ing Jamaica, bor­rowed the more inter­est those loans accrued, which required us to bor­row more, because we had larg­er bud­get gaps to fill , cou­pled with declin­ing income.

♦ This set us, mean­ing Jamaica, on a dan­ger­ous course of bor­row­ing more, which means we are required to pay even more of the coun­try’s earn­ings, ser­vic­ing those inter­est payments.

♦ The result is that the coun­try has less and less with each loan it secures, because the inter­est pay­ments on those loans becomes more and more, leav­ing the Government with less and less mon­ey to actu­al­ly run the country.

♦ While the coun­try is doing this, be remind­ed that those prin­ci­pal loans are still intact , because we are mere­ly ser­vic­ing the inter­est pay­ments, It is a dan­ger­ous game of Russian roulette, which is an exis­ten­tial threat to Jamaica’s nation­al secu­ri­ty and sovereignty.

♦ The Administration is hap­py to get the mon­ey , why not? It needs new bul­let-proof high-end sports util­i­ty vehi­cles for its mem­bers to ride around in, at tax-pay­ers expense and mon­ey to give to polit­i­cal oper­a­tives to secure votes, what’s not to love?

The prob­lem with this cot­ton-can­dy approach to a hun­gry stom­ach, is that the ulti­mate con­se­quence to our coun­try is eco­nom­ic col­lapse and eco­nom­ic slav­ery of gen­er­a­tions of Jamaicans yet unborn. Those loans are out­stand­ing , they will have to be repaid, we are lit­er­al­ly mort­gag­ing our chil­dren’s future to those lenders. Already all of our nation­al trea­sures have been sold to the Chinese, the Spaniards and God knows who else.

Jamaicans are lit­er­al­ly becom­ing for­eign­ers in their own coun­try, our coun­try is no bet­ter than a tin-pan dic­ta­tor­ship, run by a war­lord. In fact our coun­try has long been carved up into geo­graph­i­cal enclaves ruled by local chief­tains (dons) from dif­fer­ent polit­i­cal par­ties and more recent­ly, crim­i­nal gangs.

While this vol­canic brew is smol­der­ing, the new bour­geois’ (the nev­er si cum si ) who live above Cross Roads con­tin­ue to delude them­selves, bask­ing in what they per­ceive as the grandeur of the present sit­u­a­tion, and their sense of impor­tance in it all. Their influ­ence and impor­tance shape pol­i­cy, they own the present state of affairs, most if not all of them has dual cit­i­zen­ship, or pos­sess­es American or Canadian Visas. What about the rest of the peo­ple? The very strate­gies they berate and demo­nize are the strate­gies which are employed in the coun­tries which are safe havens for them ‚when things gets hot in Jamaica.

Americans , Canadians, and the Brits, sim­ply do not allow crim­i­nals or crim­i­nal-sup­port­ing lob­by, to tell them how to secure their coun­tries. America the poster-child of democ­ra­cy, is not shy about admin­is­ter­ing the death penal­ty to cer­tain class of felons, after they have exhaust­ed their appeals, in many states.

Does the death penal­ty guar­an­tee that peo­ple will stop com­mit­ting crimes ? Absolutely not. That was nev­er the idea. What it does guar­an­tee is, that one felon put to death will nev­er be able to kill any­one else. And so it goes to oth­ers not deterred by cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, when they kill soci­ety puts them to death, until oth­ers are deterred or soci­ety runs out of mur­der­ers, whichev­er comes first.