Imagine That

jol_logoA retired British police offi­cer is urg­ing Jamaica to exer­cise cau­tion in con­sid­er­ing more appoint­ments to the con­stab­u­lary from the United Kingdom, say­ing that there is wide­spread lack of con­fi­dence in cops in the chief offi­cer rank in Britain. At the same time, Chris Hobbs, who said he spent 18 months, between 2002 and 2010, col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Jamaican police, voiced strong endorse­ment of out­go­ing Police Commissioner Owen Ellington and Deputy Commissioner Glenmore Hinds, who is now act­ing as police chief after Ellington’s sud­den deci­sion to retire last week.

The British police, Hobbs said, could do with senior offi­cers of the cal­i­bre of both Ellington and Hinds. Hobbs, who retired from the Metropolitan Police in July 2011 after 32 years’ ser­vice, said in a let­ter to the Jamaica Observer yes­ter­day that it was “with great sad­ness” that he learnt of Ellington’s deci­sion. Hobbs said he was in Jamaica when Ellington was appoint­ed police com­mis­sion­er and revealed that there was ini­tial con­cern among senior British offi­cers that Ellington may not have been as sup­port­ive of UK/​Jamaican co-oper­a­tion as were his predecessors.
