Images From The Bascho Break-in…

Questions abound about the length of time it must have tak­en for crooks to dig their way into Bascho a pop­u­lar Orange Street store in down­town Kingston.
According to police, the break-in occurred between 7:15 pm on Tuesday and 6:30 am yes­ter­day morn­ing.
Police told local media that thieves gained access to the build­ing by cut­ting a hole in a sec­tion of the roof, broke into the admin­is­tra­tive office and gained access to a safe from which they stole an unde­ter­mined sum of mon­ey.”
Individuals then went on to access the adjoin­ing con­ve­nience store at the loca­tion, where they broke into the man­ager’s office and stole two lap­tops before pro­ceed­ing to anoth­er sec­tion of the build­ing where they stole anoth­er unde­ter­mined sum police confirmed.