I’ll Pass On This Super-bowl If.….…

Bill Bilichick
Bill Belichick

The New England Patriots are head­ing to the Super-Bowl sched­uled for February 1st once again. Not without

Tom Brady
Tom Brady

con­tro­ver­sy how­ev­er, the Patriots Organization , no stranger to uneth­i­cal alle­ga­tions are sad­dled with League Investigations dubbed “Ballgate”. and in some quar­ters “Deflategate”. The inci­dent came to light after the Patriots defeat­ed the Indianapolis Colts, 45 – 7. Soon after that win, Bob Kravitz of Indiana’s WTHR TV tweet­ed: “A league source tells me the NFL is inves­ti­gat­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty the Patriots deflat­ed foot­balls Sunday night, as report­ed by npr.

This is not the first time the Organization is fac­ing alle­ga­tions of impro­pri­ety and uneth­i­cal behav­ior. In 2007 the Patriots faced league sanc­tions in what was monikered “Spygate” when it was dis­cov­ered they video­taped the New York Jets sig­nals. The Patriots and coach Bill Belichick were found to have video­taped the New York Jets’ signals.The spy­ing inci­dent result­ed in the NFL strip­ping the Patriots of a first-round draft pick and fin­ing Belichick.

Under NFL rules, the home team sup­plies most of the balls used in games; the vis­it­ing team brings foot­balls for its own offense to use. All the foot­balls must be inflat­ed with­in a range of 12.5−13.5 pounds per square inch and weigh between 14 and 15 ounces.

In wet and slip­pery con­di­tions, an under-inflat­ed ball could be eas­i­er to grip and catch. And in last night’s game, an NFL offi­cial report­ed­ly took at least one ball out of cir­cu­la­tion after sus­pect­ing it did­n’t meet league requirements.

Patriots head coach Bill Belichick says he hadno knowl­edge” about the con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing his team and deflat­ed footballs.

In my entire coach­ing career, I have nev­er talked to any play­er or staff mem­ber about foot­ball air pressure,”

As I pre­pared to leave home for work this morn­ing I over­heard sports talk­ing-heads on Television dis­cussing the sto­ry. One par­tic­u­lar sport talk­er could not find enough words to try and absolve Patriots head coach Bill Belichick of wrong doing, he claimed the poor coach may not have had any knowl­edge of any­thing that transpired.
Disgusted by this fla­grant attempt at ratio­nal­iz­ing away this lat­est scan­dal I left home for work. I could not help think­ing to myself how sav­age the ver­bal onslaught was after Ray Rice knocked out his fiancé Jenae in an ele­va­tor. I also recalled some of the adjec­tives they used to describe Adrian Petersen . Petersen plead guilty to spank­ing his son, the spank­ing left welts on the child. I was not proud of Petersen’s meth­ods . Notwithstanding, I under­stood how a father could have seen the need to dis­ci­pline his own child, the meth­ods he used were once sacro­sanct now they are viewed as barbaric.
I thought to myself , how iron­ic it is that Petersen was all apolo­getic for spank­ing his own son albeit the marks, was pun­ished like a com­mon crim­i­nal, yet the state will not lift a fin­ger to to pun­ish crim­i­nal cops who sum­mar­i­ly kill inno­cent unarmed peo­ple with­out bat­ting an eye. I cer­tain­ly was not about to give Rice a pass for his actions , which by all accounts were clear­ly criminal.

On arriv­ing at work the sub­ject cen­ter stage was once again “Deflategate”. The team at the table Mat Lauer, Al Roker and Tamron Hall was aghast that one view­er dared to ask whether the Patriots would be banned from the super-bowl. I switched the chan­nel out of disgust.
Whether the Patriots coach and it’s Quarterback Tom Brady, knew that the balls were tam­pered with is imma­te­r­i­al. From all accounts some pres­sure was report­ed­ly removed from eleven of the twelve game balls. It defies com­mon sense that Tom Brady would not have real­ized he was bet­ter able to grip the balls dur­ing the game against the Colts played in rainy con­di­tions. Brady is no new com­er to the game, his expe­ri­ence is enough to cause any­one with a brain to say “he knew the balls were tam­pered with”.

This brings us to the ques­tion of why we play sports. Different peo­ple, play­ers, coach­es and spec­ta­tors have vary­ing rea­sons why we spend so much of our time prepar­ing to play or prepar­ing oth­ers to play. There must be a rea­son why we shell out hard earned cash to pay for seats to watch our favorite teams play. Why do we take our lit­tle ones to lit­tle league or oth­er pee-wee pick­up leagues ? We do so because we are con­vinced that despite the desire to see our lit­tle ones dom­i­nate their peers, we know that sports build char­ac­ter. We believe that sports helps us pre­pare for life, it shows us when we get knocked down we don’t quit, we don’t turn away and cry, we pick our­selves up try to be bet­ter and con­tin­ue to com­pete. And if we loose we dust our­selves off, go back to the draw­ing board, do what we must and come back bet­ter next time. We com­pete know­ing when we do our best and our oppo­nents do their best, and we win, That makes us the best.

What hap­pens if we destroy the puri­ty of sports? What hap­pens if sports become about those who can cheat the best? Where is the puri­ty and char­ac­ter in win­ning by being the most dis­hon­est? Is it real­ly win­ning? Whether or not one believe the Patriots Organization through the protes­ta­tions of it’s coach and star quar­ter-back is imma­te­r­i­al. This is one more black-eye, not just for the NFL , but for sports itself. This foot­ball fan will not watch the super-bowl this year. My not watch­ing will not change a sin­gle thing about foot­ball, it will not bring a dol­lar less to the game or the com­pet­ing teams. It will cer­tain­ly bring sat­is­fac­tion to me though, that at least in my small way I stood against dishonesty.
Yes if it is proven that the Patriots deflat­ed the balls they should be barred from the super-bowl. 
If the League’s inves­ti­ga­tions reveal that the Patriots did deflate game-balls, it is a big deal , it will mean they did not learn any­thing . It would mean los­ing a few hun­dred thou­sand dol­lars and a draft pick cer­tain­ly did not dis­suade the Patriots from being dis­hon­est. If that is the penal­ty to gain an unfair advan­tage why would they not take that path any­way. The penal­ty for cheat­ing should be ban­ish­ment, noth­ing else sends a clear enough mes­sage. Anything less sends a mes­sage that teams are allowed to cheat , pay a penal­ty but pro­ceed to take it all anyway.
That approach defeats the whole idea of sports.
To bor­row a line from “Shark Tank” , ” based on that alone I’m out”.