Ignore The Little Things .…modus Operandi Of Jamaican Police

There is an old Jamaican adage which says *noth­ing ille­gal thrives unless Politicians and Police are involved in it*.
I don’t think that any ratio­nal per­son would argue with the bot­tom line truth­ful­ness of that statement.
Whether it is the erec­tion of shan­ty com­mu­ni­ties, the mass expan­sion of robot taxis, lot­to-scam­ming or what­ev­er, politi­cians and police have, through com­mis­sion or omis­sion, either active­ly par­tic­i­pat­ed or allowed these things to happen.
Over the years I have writ­ten exten­sive­ly that the Police could have done a far bet­ter job if its lead­er­ship under­stood the con­se­quences turn­ing a blind eye and or not stay­ing focused on a task has for the break­down of the rule of law.
I have used every lit­er­ary tool I have, to explain that a man sell­ing weed on the cor­ner can be an asset if cul­ti­vat­ed prop­er­ly, but the begin­ning of a seri­ous prob­lem if left alone.

That man must be used as a law enforce­ment tool to ensure that what­ev­er more seri­ous crimes are com­mit­ted in that area he feeds infor­ma­tion to trust­ed law-enforce­ment about them. No oth­er should be allowed to sell weed there.
Left alone, not used as an asset, soon more arrive, then it’s more dan­ger­ous drugs, guns, rob­beries, shoot­ings and before you know it that neigh­bor­hood is a slum from vio­lence, drug deal­ing, and drug abuse.
Property val­ue hits the dirt and fam­i­lies are cap­tives in their own homes and in the larg­er community.
Had the police moved, or ful­ly con­trolled that first guy sell­ing stick­weed all of the fore­gone would have been avert­ed. Isn’t that what has hap­pened across the entire coun­try though?

Thousands of cops and an arguably com­pelling need for thou­sands more, yet the crime sit­u­a­tion con­tin­ue to dete­ri­o­rate, but for the sit­u­a­tions in which emer­gency procla­ma­tions has been insti­tut­ed result­ing in large amounts of police and sol­diers to be con­cen­trat­ed in small geo­graph­i­cal areas.
Thus far, for the month of September, there has been an uptick in mur­ders to 4 per­sons killed per day from just over three per day. Some argue that we can­not lay these mur­ders at the feet of the police, they say politi­cians can­not be blamed for what peo­ple do.

If we do not blame the peo­ple who make the laws and those who enforce them, who are we to blame?
If the Police lead­er­ship used what­ev­er assets it has to micro-tar­get vio­lence pro­duc­ers and remove them from the equa­tion in what direc­tion do you think the mur­der num­bers would trend?
If the politi­cians cre­at­ed tough laws which send the right mes­sage, that crime will not be tol­er­at­ed and stayed out of the way of law enforce­ment, would we have more crime or less?

None of these point­ers mean any­thing, how­ev­er, because the Jamaican police con­tin­ue to act out­side its role by mak­ing judg­ment calls on what laws it enforces or whether it even both­ers to enforce them at all.
It is not up to police to make pol­i­cy, their job is to exe­cute what­ev­er pol­i­cy has been put in place by the civil­ian lead­er­ship. The police have no right to sup­plant enforc­ing the laws with their own bias­es. Contrary to what some will argue about *dis­cre­tion*, the police have no dis­cre­tion to allow the laws to be bro­ken, because they feel they are doing some greater good by allow­ing said breach­es of the law.


Deputy Superintendent Errol Adams

The police say, for now, they will not be pur­su­ing motor­cy­clists who have been using their bikes as taxis to cap­i­tal­ize on the night­mar­ish traf­fic con­ges­tion in sec­tions of the Corporate Area.

The traf­fic jams have been caused by the clo­sure of Portia Simpson Miller Square, for­mer­ly Three Miles, due to an ongo­ing road improve­ment project. The clo­sure is expect­ed to last for eight months. Head of the Public Safety Division of the new­ly estab­lished Public Safety and Traffic Enforcement Branch, Deputy Superintendent Errol Adams, told the Jamaica Observer yes­ter­day that the police’s focus, at this time, is ensur­ing that com­muters get to their des­ti­na­tions in a time­ly manner.

He was respond­ing to yes­ter­day’s front-page sto­ry, which report­ed that some bik­ers have been offer­ing a shut­tle ser­vice from Molynes Road to Half-Way-Tree in St Andrew, at a cost of $150. The cost of the ride could be more, depend­ing on the des­ti­na­tion of the com­muter. “We are ignor­ing them for now,” Deputy Superintendent Adams told the Observer at the inter­sec­tion of Hagley Park and Waltham Park roads yes­ter­day. The DSP, who was seen observ­ing the traf­fic flow, insist­ed that the greater issue is to alle­vi­ate the frus­tra­tion and anx­i­ety being expe­ri­enced by commuters.

I have heard the sto­ries and I can say it is ille­gal, but we know the Jamaican envi­ron­ment. Where there are chal­lenges peo­ple will find cre­ative means to cap­i­tal­ize on it and, too, to get to where they want to go, and I think that is what is hap­pen­ing. I have heard the reports and I think that I might have seen a few of them, but the greater focus now is to get the motor­ing traf­fic and the motor­ing pub­lic to work,” Adams explained.

The police­man allud­ed to the fact that the mis­sion is being accom­plished, despite com­muters’ complaints.

We all know what hap­pened Monday, but from Monday lead­ing into this morn­ing, we have seen grad­ual improve­ments. Let me estab­lish though, that traf­fic con­ges­tion, I mean peak-hour traf­fic con­ges­tion, is a fea­ture of any pub­lic space. What we aim to do is man­age it, and to have traf­fic flow as freely as pos­si­ble. We have been able to achieve that con­sis­tent­ly since Monday, and this morn­ing was no different.”


DCP Clifford Blake’s Talk To Cops Exposes Why Crime Has Taken Over Jamaica…

Despite what seems to be a rea­soned and ratio­nal state­ment com­ing from this offi­cer, *the prob­lem is that it is not up to the police to make those deci­sions*. This offi­cer clear­ly has con­fessed to hav­ing allowed lawbreaking.*
This from a squad of offi­cers which was just recent­ly formed and equipped to tack­le traf­fic. These are the offi­cers lec­tured by Deputy Commissioner of Police Clifford Blake on the virtues of turn­ing a blind eye.
I wrote about Blake’s lec­ture, I cau­tioned that what he was essen­tial­ly cre­at­ing was anoth­er set of win­dow dress­ings from which the coun­try will not reap any rewards.
Many pushed back on my com­ments then argu­ing dis­cre­tion, over enforc­ing the laws was some­times bet­ter, I argued then and now that it was exact­ly the exer­cise of dis­cre­tion by the police which has led to this law­less­ness in our country.

Now that the police which was sup­posed to fix the traf­fic prob­lems have now opened this Pandora-box, cre­at­ing anoth­er growth path to law­less­ness, how do they pro­pose to stop it after the road­works are com­plet­ed? Guaranteed they do not have an answer for that question.
Is the police high com­mand that naïve‘ that they believe these motor­cy­clists are sim­ply going to dis­ap­pear once they tast­ed the spoils of unin­sured, unli­cenced shut­tling of passengers?

Not one of those bike taxis is going back after they were allowed to break the laws. Not the first street ven­dor dis­play­ing wares on the side­walk, the first to dis­play wares on the street, not the first shan­ty builder, not the first drug deal­er, the first pros­ti­tute on the cor­ner, nei­ther will the police be able to stop these ille­gal bike taxis they just turned a blind eye to.
If the Jamaican police are not a part of the solu­tion then they are a part of the prob­lem. We were told that if we put in place University grad­u­ates at the top tier of the force we would see a trans­for­ma­tion, a bet­ter force. If this is the type of lead­er­ship they are capa­ble of the coun­try is in for a whole lot more pain.

I’ll, now await the * man affi eat a food argument*