In 2010 the Jamaican security forces went into Tivoli Gardens to retrieve Christopher (duddus)Coke who was wanted on an extradition warrant to the United States.

The Security forces despite their obvious shortcomings , went over and above the call of whats required, by conforming to the criminal coddling bureaucracy in Kingston.
They offered entreatments to members of that community to leave as they intended to enter that enclave to retrieve the gangland overlord ..

They provided buses and created temporary shelters for residents should they decide to leave.
Residents decided to remain in their community. Hundreds came out onto the streets clad in white T‑shirts extolling their undying love for their Don.

The Police showed incredible restraint despite the level of hostility and criminality which was brewing at the time .
♦ Police officers shot.
♦ Police station torched.
♦ Police station strafed with automatic gun fire.
♦ Mercenaries from across the Island converging on the community of Tivoli Gardens to lend their guns, treasonous support and allegiance to the Don of all dons, Christopher Coke.
At the time the JLP Administration of Orett Bruce Golding did everything in it’s power to prevent the extradition of Coke who has since been extradited and is serving an extended sentence in a Federal Correctional Facility.
Those actions included but were not confined to ♦ hiring Washington Law Firm Manhatt Phelps and Phillips to Lobby the US State Department to squash the extradition request.
♦ Purportedly leaking to Christopher Coke specifics of the confidential and sensitive Extradition Order immediately after the then police Commissioner Hardley Lewin briefed the then Minister of National Security Dwight Nelson.

Min. of Security Dwight Nelson speaks at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce board meeting at the JCC office on Ocean boulevard on Tuesday, September 15, 2009.
Lewin said at the time it was frightening that minutes after he met with the national security minister to brief him about the pending extradition request, Christopher Coke was informed.
Lewin said he was also troubled by the response of the Prime Minister when he sat with Golding at Vale Royal to brief him about the pending extradition request for Coke.

Since the Security forces annexed Tivoli Gardens to the Jamaican state, a PNP Administration out of political expediency, has set up a Kangaroo commission of Inquiry headed by a foreigner Bajan David Simmons, which concluded that the security forces acted unlawfully in their actions.
This despite the dead police and soldiers , burned police stations and the recovery of just under a hundred guns and untold rounds of ammunition.

A new JLP Administration headed by Andrew Holness has since apologized to the community of Tivoli Gardens.
An apology to a community which took up weapons against the Jamaican state and harbored a wanted international fugitive.
I have not heard a single word of thanks uttered to the security forces.

The People’s National Party (PNP) has more than twice the amount of enclaves like Tivoli gardens ‚than the JLP does.
So it is understandable that the PNP would object to any anti-crime initiative being contemplated to deal with the crime monster.
IN 2010 after the security forces breached and cleared Tivoli and had rooted out the terrorists, the security forces sought an extension to the limited state of emergency which was granted them to deal with the existential crisis.
To a single person members of the PNP objected , using the flimsy excuse the security forces may violate the rights of retreating criminals.
In the first instance , what was up with the incremental and hesitant granting of authority to the security forces as if the Government was doing the security forces a favor ?
The PNP by that course of action allowed hundreds of heavily armed terrorists to slither away and embed themselves into the fabric of many rural communities.
Those killers are responsible for the crime wave across Jamaica’s rural parishes today.
So too is the PNP culpable, as a result of it’s negligent and overtly political actions.
As a result of the PNP’s treasonous actions once sleepy parishes like Portland, Hanover, and Trelawny are now experiencing massive increases in murder and other violent felonies and others like Clarendon St James , and St Catherine are now registering homicide numbers never before seen in our country.
The PNP is again in opposition, and as it does whether in Government or Opposition, it is opposing taking action against criminals .
It is now engaged in fighting new anti-crime legislation put forward by the Andrew Holness Administration .
Again the PNP is advancing the same tired worn out arguments of rights and constitutionality as a means to standing on the sidelines as crime explode, for political purposes.

The arguments being proffered by Peter Phillips and Peter Bunting on crime should be discarded as the PNP is discarded on the dump-heap of history.
After 22 years of leadership out of the past 40 years prior to the elections over a year ago , the PNP has been a dismal and colossal failure .
This is evidenced by ♦ Their support of criminal Dons♦ Expanding crime syndicates through the granting of contracts and giveaways ♦ Shielding and sheltering of criminals in zones of political exclusions♦ The starving of the security forces of training , equipment and remunerations♦ The degeneration of our popular culture ♦ The advancement of lies and innuendos as part of a smear campaign to defame the security forces which could only come from the playbook of JFJ and Jamaica’s criminal elites.

On that basis Peter Phillips and Peter Bunting should be ignored as they try to convince you they somehow miraculously now have the answers to crime.
It wasn’t too long ago that as minister of national security Peter Bunting threw up his hands in exasperation claiming that he needed divine intervention to fight crime.
The PNP has no practical crime reduction plan they never did and they certainly don’t today.
God will not fight crime for us , it is within our power to do for ourselves.
Standing in the way of practical solutions then calling for divine intervention is a function of intellectual bankruptcy, at least on the issue of crime.
The PNP has positioned itself as a populist party from as far back as it’s inception.
Because of that it has been unable and unwilling to lift a finger to address the burning issue of crime , leading to our present situation today.
The PNP has been comfortable governing and stealing from the public in the chaos of murder and mayhem.
There is a very long way to go as far as the JLP is concerned on crime.
Nevertheless , despite it’s failings the JLP should never be confused with the pathetic People’s National Party as it relates to crime and security.
This JLP Administration is timid to act on crime as a political matter exactly because the PNP has traditionally lined up on the side of criminals and therein lies the problem.