Ignore Bunting And Phillips On Crime: Not Long Ago Bunting Wanted Divine Intervention…

In 2010 the Jamaican secu­ri­ty forces went into Tivoli Gardens to retrieve Christopher (duddus)Coke who was want­ed on an extra­di­tion war­rant to the United States.

Bruce Golding

The Security forces despite their obvi­ous short­com­ings , went over and above the call of whats required, by con­form­ing to the crim­i­nal cod­dling bureau­cra­cy in Kingston.
They offered entreat­ments to mem­bers of that com­mu­ni­ty to leave as they intend­ed to enter that enclave to retrieve the gang­land overlord ..

Women march in sup­port of crime lord in 2010

They pro­vid­ed bus­es and cre­at­ed tem­po­rary shel­ters for res­i­dents should they decide to leave.
Residents decid­ed to remain in their com­mu­ni­ty. Hundreds came out onto the streets clad in white T‑shirts extolling their undy­ing love for their Don.

Police sta­tions burned as heav­i­ly armed mili­ti­a­men lit­er­al­ly took over sec­tions of the city of Kingston…

The Police showed incred­i­ble restraint despite the lev­el of hos­til­i­ty and crim­i­nal­i­ty which was brew­ing at the time .
♦ Police offi­cers shot.
♦ Police sta­tion torched.
♦ Police sta­tion strafed with auto­mat­ic gun fire.
♦ Mercenaries from across the Island con­verg­ing on the com­mu­ni­ty of Tivoli Gardens to lend their guns, trea­so­nous sup­port and alle­giance to the Don of all dons, Christopher Coke.


At the time the JLP Administration of Orett Bruce Golding did every­thing in it’s pow­er to pre­vent the extra­di­tion of Coke who has since been extra­dit­ed and is serv­ing an extend­ed sen­tence in a Federal Correctional Facility.
Those actions includ­ed but were not con­fined to ♦ hir­ing Washington Law Firm Manhatt Phelps and Phillips to Lobby the US State Department to squash the extra­di­tion request.
♦ Purportedly leak­ing to Christopher Coke specifics of the con­fi­den­tial and sen­si­tive Extradition Order imme­di­ate­ly after the then police Commissioner Hardley Lewin briefed the then Minister of National Security Dwight Nelson.

Dwight Nelson for­mer
Min. of Security Dwight Nelson speaks at the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce board meet­ing at the JCC office on Ocean boule­vard on Tuesday, September 15, 2009.

Lewin said at the time it was fright­en­ing that min­utes after he met with the nation­al secu­ri­ty min­is­ter to brief him about the pend­ing extra­di­tion request, Christopher Coke was informed.
Lewin said he was also trou­bled by the response of the Prime Minister when he sat with Golding at Vale Royal to brief him about the pend­ing extra­di­tion request for Coke.

Bunting and Phillips

Since the Security forces annexed Tivoli Gardens to the Jamaican state, a PNP Administration out of polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy, has set up a Kangaroo com­mis­sion of Inquiry head­ed by a for­eign­er Bajan David Simmons, which con­clud­ed that the secu­ri­ty forces act­ed unlaw­ful­ly in their actions.
This despite the dead police and sol­diers , burned police sta­tions and the recov­ery of just under a hun­dred guns and untold rounds of ammunition.

PM Andrew Holness

A new JLP Administration head­ed by Andrew Holness has since apol­o­gized to the com­mu­ni­ty of Tivoli Gardens.
An apol­o­gy to a com­mu­ni­ty which took up weapons against the Jamaican state and har­bored a want­ed inter­na­tion­al fugitive.
I have not heard a sin­gle word of thanks uttered to the secu­ri­ty forces.


Peter Phillips and Portia Simpson Miller

The People’s National Party (PNP) has more than twice the amount of enclaves like Tivoli gar­dens ‚than the JLP does.

So it is under­stand­able that the PNP would object to any anti-crime ini­tia­tive being con­tem­plat­ed to deal with the crime monster.
IN 2010 after the secu­ri­ty forces breached and cleared Tivoli and had root­ed out the ter­ror­ists, the secu­ri­ty forces sought an exten­sion to the lim­it­ed state of emer­gency which was grant­ed them to deal with the exis­ten­tial crisis.
To a sin­gle per­son mem­bers of the PNP object­ed , using the flim­sy excuse the secu­ri­ty forces may vio­late the rights of retreat­ing criminals.

In the first instance , what was up with the incre­men­tal and hes­i­tant grant­i­ng of author­i­ty to the secu­ri­ty forces as if the Government was doing the secu­ri­ty forces a favor ?
The PNP by that course of action allowed hun­dreds of heav­i­ly armed ter­ror­ists to slith­er away and embed them­selves into the fab­ric of many rur­al communities.
Those killers are respon­si­ble for the crime wave across Jamaica’s rur­al parish­es today.
So too is the PNP cul­pa­ble, as a result of it’s neg­li­gent and overt­ly polit­i­cal actions.


As a result of the PNP’s trea­so­nous actions once sleepy parish­es like Portland, Hanover, and Trelawny are now expe­ri­enc­ing mas­sive increas­es in mur­der and oth­er vio­lent felonies and oth­ers like Clarendon St James , and St Catherine are now reg­is­ter­ing homi­cide num­bers nev­er before seen in our country.
The PNP is again in oppo­si­tion, and as it does whether in Government or Opposition, it is oppos­ing tak­ing action against criminals .
It is now engaged in fight­ing new anti-crime leg­is­la­tion put for­ward by the Andrew Holness Administration .
Again the PNP is advanc­ing the same tired worn out argu­ments of rights and con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty as a means to stand­ing on the side­lines as crime explode, for polit­i­cal purposes.

Simpson Miller


The argu­ments being prof­fered by Peter Phillips and Peter Bunting on crime should be dis­card­ed as the PNP is dis­card­ed on the dump-heap of history.
After 22 years of lead­er­ship out of the past 40 years pri­or to the elec­tions over a year ago , the PNP has been a dis­mal and colos­sal failure .

This is evi­denced by ♦ Their sup­port of crim­i­nal Dons♦ Expanding crime syn­di­cates through the grant­i­ng of con­tracts and give­aways ♦ Shielding and shel­ter­ing of crim­i­nals in zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions♦ The starv­ing of the secu­ri­ty forces of train­ing , equip­ment and remu­ner­a­tions♦ The degen­er­a­tion of our pop­u­lar cul­ture ♦ The advance­ment of lies and innu­en­dos as part of a smear cam­paign to defame the secu­ri­ty forces which could only come from the play­book of JFJ and Jamaica’s crim­i­nal elites.

Commissioner Quallo have a word for ACP Élan Powell

On that basis Peter Phillips and Peter Bunting should be ignored as they try to con­vince you they some­how mirac­u­lous­ly now have the answers to crime.

It was­n’t too long ago that as min­is­ter of nation­al secu­ri­ty Peter Bunting threw up his hands in exas­per­a­tion claim­ing that he need­ed divine inter­ven­tion to fight crime.
The PNP has no prac­ti­cal crime reduc­tion plan they nev­er did and they cer­tain­ly don’t today.

God will not fight crime for us , it is with­in our pow­er to do for ourselves.
Standing in the way of prac­ti­cal solu­tions then call­ing for divine inter­ven­tion is a func­tion of intel­lec­tu­al bank­rupt­cy, at least on the issue of crime.

The PNP has posi­tioned itself as a pop­ulist par­ty from as far back as it’s inception.
Because of that it has been unable and unwill­ing to lift a fin­ger to address the burn­ing issue of crime , lead­ing to our present sit­u­a­tion today.
The PNP has been com­fort­able gov­ern­ing and steal­ing from the pub­lic in the chaos of mur­der and mayhem.

There is a very long way to go as far as the JLP is con­cerned on crime.
Nevertheless , despite it’s fail­ings the JLP should nev­er be con­fused with the pathet­ic People’s National Party as it relates to crime and security.
This JLP Administration is timid to act on crime as a polit­i­cal mat­ter exact­ly because the PNP has tra­di­tion­al­ly lined up on the side of crim­i­nals and there­in lies the problem.