If Only I Could Hire Away The Good Police And Leave Them To The Criminals..

My great­est wish is that I could hire the entire police depart­ment, [save for some of course] and give them jobs they love and pay them what they are worth. I would hire them so that Jamaicans may have their wish to have the crim­i­nal par­adise they want with­out any­one or any­thing stand­ing in the way.
I was raised believ­ing famil­iar­i­ty breeds con­tempt, at least that’s one of the things my elders taught me. The police depart­ment is expe­ri­enc­ing this famil­iar­i­ty first hand.


I would hire them away so these fool­ish Israelites could have their king Saul.
And for the record, I would move them and their fam­i­lies out of the country.
Sure I know this is a pipe dream, a sil­ly unat­tain­able dream, but I am enti­tled to have my own utopi­an escape. A moment of bliss at the prospect of such a pos­si­bil­i­ty, and it’s real time con­se­quences on these fool­ish deceit­ful peo­ple called Jamaicans.

Illegal guns flood­ing into Jamaica report­ed­ly being paid for with lot­to scam­ming mone

On a bat­tle­field, if you are sus­tain­ing heavy loss­es the thing to do is to change strat­e­gy. Throwing large amounts of man­pow­er at the ene­my does not com­pen­sate for poor strategizing.
Jamaica is at war with the heav­i­ly armed gangs which have been empow­ered since the police have been pre­vent­ed from going after them. The Islands bor­ders have become gap­ing gate­ways for the pour­ing in of weapon­ry and ammu­ni­tion of all kinds.

Police in the Parish of Saint Ann had grenades lobbed at them last year, for­tu­nate­ly for those offi­cers only one mem­ber of the par­ty sus­tained minor injuries. On a dai­ly basis, the police all across the Island remove weapons and ammu­ni­tion of all kinds from the streets. Yet the num­ber of ille­gal weapons in the hands of gang­sters seem numberless.
I can­not recall a cir­cum­stance in which grenades have been used against law-enforce­ment in any west­ern coun­try so I stand to be cor­rect­ed on that.
The point of the mat­ter how­ev­er, is that the coun­try is engaged in a war that the Government is unwill­ing to acknowl­edge and the Opposition par­ty is all too will­ing to see continue.

How can the lead­ers fix a prob­lem they are wont to admit exist. Does any­one believe 10 peo­ple mur­dered over a 12 hour peri­od is just crime?
In what nor­mal soci­ety of 2.8 mil­lion would 1616 mur­dered peo­ple over the course of a sin­gle year be acceptable?
The very peo­ple who are respon­si­ble for the predica­ment in which the nation finds itself are the very peo­ple point­ing fin­gers at the peo­ple with the least to do with those problems.

Guns seem to come into the coun­try with­out much effort.

Police offi­cers do not make policy.
In some devel­oped coun­tries which respect their law enforce­ment offi­cials their laws are draft­ed with detailed input from their law enforce­ment officers.
The crime sit­u­a­tion in a country[any coun­try] is hard­ly ever whol­ly the fault of the police. Whether or not some mem­bers of the police department[any depart­ment are cor­rupt] is nei­ther here nor there.

If there is cor­rup­tion in the[a] police depart­ment it is up to the polit­i­cal lead­er­ship to fix it. The con­cept of fir­ing the team is only a thing in a coun­try like Jamaica. In oth­er coun­tries polit­i­cal lead­er­ship iron out prob­lems in Government agen­cies police depart­ments being no exception.
When the rub­ber meets the road I don’t see any [hifa­lutin bull­shit-talk­ing, non-facts-get­ting, elit­ist] chas­ing down a sin­gle lit­tle boy with a sling-shot, much less remov­ing one gun from the streets.

Two AK 47 rifles, 15 oth­er guns, ammo found in cargo .

At the end of the day, none of the gob­bly­gook writ­ten on paper pur­port­ing to know how to deal with Jamaican crim­i­nals from the rel­a­tive safe­ty of ivory tow­ers can com­pen­sate for good intel­li­gence-based policing.
Let me go a lit­tle fur­ther by say­ing we need ana­lysts for ana­lyz­ing sci­en­tif­ic sam­ples, we need pro­fil­ers, we need peo­ple who are super edu­cat­ed to for­mu­late for­ward-lean­ing poli­cies, we even need psy­chol­o­gists to help us to under­stand why peo­ple some­times do the things they do.
But all of that must be done as part of a com­pre­hen­sive strat­e­gy geared toward effec­tive­ly deal­ing with crime which is an ever-chang­ing phenomenon.

Just some of the weapon­ry which have flood­ed the Island and are in the hands of gangsters.

None of those oth­er dis­ci­plines com­pen­sate or replaces policing.[Do you hear me, Professor Harriot and the brain­dead PSOJ].
The sad con­clu­sion is that the Jamaican pub­lic rich and poor and in between does not under­stand the val­ue of polic­ing to their lives.
Not kid gloves, not beg­ging crim­i­nals to behave, not wor­ried about how many of them end up dead if they refuse to hand over the guns, or worse yet, shoot at our police officers.

Brazen images many Jamaicans do not see.

It will be accom­plished by the same old strate­gies being employed in every oth­er coun­try in which some quar­ters decide that they are above the laws.
You go after them with over­whelm­ing force and squish them like bugs.
A peo­ple too stu­pid, too crim­i­nal­ly com­plic­it or too damn pre­ten­tious to under­stand that con­cept deserves what it getting.

One thought on “If Only I Could Hire Away The Good Police And Leave Them To The Criminals..

  1. The gov­ern­ment real­ly need to wake up before the whole Island mash up.

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