If Only Black-America Understood The Power Of It’s Money…

Walmart finally decided to stand for something other than profits...
Walmart final­ly decid­ed to stand for some­thing oth­er than profits…

For a long time this Blogger has strug­gled with the issue “Racism”, won­der­ing large­ly why African-Americans tol­er­at­ed it for so long. I looked at Race rela­tions in the Country of my birth which ulti­mate­ly default­ed to a caste system.
It became clear to me as the years pro­gressed that African Americans had it expo­nen­tial­ly more dif­fi­cult that peo­ple in the Caribbean.
Simply put, the slave-mas­ter left Jamaica and oth­er Islands leav­ing the infra­struc­ture of light skinned supe­ri­or­i­ty in place, but he left.
In America he nev­er left.

Having lived lived most of my life in Jamaica in which I eschewed and reviled the caste sys­tem I moved to the United States . It was then that I start­ed won­der­ing why the Building blocks of Racism were allowed to remain intact while America got away with bad-mouthing and strong-arm­ing oth­er coun­tries on issues of Human Rights , Justice and the like.

I also thought that since Black Americans would not engage in a war to claim their dig­ni­ty , a choice they made from Kings days, why did they not use the next best thing, the pow­er of their money?
Being a small busi­ness own­er who oper­ates two enti­ties , one offer­ing ser­vice the oth­er sales. I observed over the years that African-Americans would only spend mon­ey on the ser­vice end of my busi­ness, that ser­vice being some­thing they gen­er­al­ly do not like to sources but from any­one oth­er than blacks.
However as far as the out­let side is con­cerned the store was a mere Museum to be admired, they would not make a purchase.
At first I was tempt­ed to just write it off as envy. Of course why not? Guy come to their Country act­ing like a busi­ness­man who the hell does he think he is right ?
Then I start­ed talk­ing to some of my cus­tomers with whom I had a good rap­port. The con­sen­sus was that the ser­vice I offered they did not want from whites or oth­ers, but when they want­ed to pur­chase things they went to oth­er peo­ple and that’s how they grew up.
Yeah I know “Wow”!

Amazon say they will no longer carry racist paraphernalia on their site
Amazon say they will no longer car­ry racist para­pher­na­lia on their site

They nev­er quite fig­ured out that their mon­ey is their pow­er. African Americans have allowed them­selves to be mere con­duits for mon­ey, retain­ing pre­cious lit­tle of the resources they earn. Of all groups in the United States the Black dol­lar cir­cu­lates with­in the black com­mu­ni­ty the least, less than once. The clos­est group to African-Americans are Hispanics , their dol­lar cir­cu­lates eight times with­ing their com­mu­ni­ty before it leaves. It cir­cu­lates count­less times in the white community.
Hispanics will be chang­ing the num­ber of times their dol­lar cir­cu­late quite rapidly.
As a group they are open­ing more start-ups than any oth­er group.
African-Americans con­tin­ue to be huge con­sumers of goods and ser­vices oth­ers pro­duce with­out start­ing and sup­port­ing their own.
This year 2015, it is pro­ject­ed that African-Americans will spend between 1.3 and 1.5 Trillion dol­lars on goods and ser­vices, yet hard­ly any of that mon­ey will remain in our community.

One of the things I strug­gled with was, why haven’t big busi­ness­es stepped in and say no to racism met­ed out to Blacks in America ? Then it occurred to me they did not need to. Many of America’s largest Companies were built on the backs of slaves. In fact America was found­ed and built on the com­plex­i­ties of the slave trade, and slave labor.
Blacks were always going to walk into their stores and plunk down their mon­ey grin­ning like Cheshire cats ask­ing to pur­chase flat screen Televisions and Cadillacs. Where else would they go.
Now after the Church killings at moth­er Emanuel , Companies like Walmart , Kmart, Sears, Amazon , and oth­ers are join­ing the cho­rus demand­ing the despi­ca­ble Confederate flag be removed from in front the State house. They have gone far­ther sug­gest­ing they will no longer car­ry any mer­chan­dise with that sym­bol of hate in their stores or on their websites.
Removing the Confederate flag from the grounds of the state house will not end Racism. Neither will Racism stop because com­pa­nies no longer car­ry their products.
However as it was when the Government went after the KKK and con­fis­cat­ed their monies when they were proven to have com­mit­ted crimes against oth­ers, soon atti­tudes will change when we speak with no uncer­tain terms that Racism will not be tolerated.


Despite this cue Black suits on Television still do not real­ize that this is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to put the ped­al to the met­al. Instead as always they are engaged in ask­ing for jobs and ameni­ties like afford­able housing.
How about you band togeth­er do star­tups and spend with your own kind? Then you won’t have to ask for afford­able hous­ing, you will be able to afford decent housing.
How about final­ly fig­ur­ing out that you can effect mean­ing­ful change if you with­hold your mon­ey from com­pa­nies which pro­mote and sup­port Racism and Government poli­cies which are harm­ful to your communities?
In order to fig­ure that out Black Americans would have to deter­mine that they will read and stop being coons only inter­est­ed in being enter­tain­ers and being entertained.