If Buffalo Cops Weren’t Such Cowards They Would Turn In Their Badges Not Pull A Stunt…

The stunt pulled by a bunch of cow­ards parad­ing as cops in the west­er­ly city of Buffalo New York, must be called out for what it is, “a bull­shit act, pulled off by a bunch of cow­ard­ly punks.”

We watched the large group of robot­ic morons lit­er­al­ly push an elder­ly 75-year-old man to the hard con­crete pave­ment caus­ing him to bleed from his head. To add insult to injury they kept on walk­ing with­out tak­ing cor­rec­tive action to help the man they had just vicious­ly assault­ed.
After the two respon­si­ble were sus­pend­ed by the brass, the entire bunch of crim­i­nal cow­ards quit the unit. 

They resigned from the force’s emer­gency response team fol­low­ing the sus­pen­sion of two offi­cers who alleged­ly pushed a 75-year-old man to the ground.
The police union said that the offi­cers were mere­ly doing what they were ordered to do, which was to clear the square.
It was a remark­able state­ment. If the police inter­pret­ed the order to clear the square to mean that they could vio­lent­ly com­mit a felo­nious assault against a senior cit­i­zen, fail to offer first aid to him, then lie that he fell on his own voli­tion in their state­ments, then they deserve all of the dis­re­spect I give to them. 

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If these cow­ard­ly punks real­ly want­ed to make a state­ment based in prin­ci­ple on some con­vic­tion they believe in, they would have turned in their badges, rather than pull a [trumpian] stunt by resign­ing from the unit, instead of leav­ing the force.
Show us just how prin­ci­pled you are and resign, go become a lawn care expert, or get a job at Costco.
The 75-year old man Martin Gugino is still hos­pi­tal­ized in seri­ous but sta­ble con­di­tion.
in anoth­er dis­grace­ful twist, the city’s Mayor Byron Brown said he wants the two sus­pend­ed offi­cers to get due process.

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In sim­pler lan­guage, he means he will drag out the inves­ti­ga­tions until peo­ple for­get about it and they will be back on the streets assault­ing old peo­ple again.
I am not call­ing for them to be fired.“Speaking of the injured man, the may­or said, “He was asked to leave numer­ous times.“
Sure I could see how the police would be jus­ti­fied in com­mit­ting a vio­lent felony on a very senior mem­ber of our soci­ety because he did not bow down to police orders to go home.
I absolute­ly see how a sum­mons would not have worked in this case.
These are the kinds of cor­rupt pub­lic offi­cials I speak about as the rea­son for the abus­es being com­mit­ted by police.
These are the enablers who make police act with impunity.