The stunt pulled by a bunch of cowards parading as cops in the westerly city of Buffalo New York, must be called out for what it is, “a bullshit act, pulled off by a bunch of cowardly punks.”

We watched the large group of robotic morons literally push an elderly 75-year-old man to the hard concrete pavement causing him to bleed from his head. To add insult to injury they kept on walking without taking corrective action to help the man they had just viciously assaulted.
After the two responsible were suspended by the brass, the entire bunch of criminal cowards quit the unit.

They resigned from the force’s emergency response team following the suspension of two officers who allegedly pushed a 75-year-old man to the ground.
The police union said that the officers were merely doing what they were ordered to do, which was to clear the square.
It was a remarkable statement. If the police interpreted the order to clear the square to mean that they could violently commit a felonious assault against a senior citizen, fail to offer first aid to him, then lie that he fell on his own volition in their statements, then they deserve all of the disrespect I give to them.
If these cowardly punks really wanted to make a statement based in principle on some conviction they believe in, they would have turned in their badges, rather than pull a [trumpian] stunt by resigning from the unit, instead of leaving the force.
Show us just how principled you are and resign, go become a lawn care expert, or get a job at Costco.
The 75-year old man Martin Gugino is still hospitalized in serious but stable condition.
in another disgraceful twist, the city’s Mayor Byron Brown said he wants the two suspended officers to get due process.
In simpler language, he means he will drag out the investigations until people forget about it and they will be back on the streets assaulting old people again.
“I am not calling for them to be fired.“Speaking of the injured man, the mayor said, “He was asked to leave numerous times.“
Sure I could see how the police would be justified in committing a violent felony on a very senior member of our society because he did not bow down to police orders to go home.
I absolutely see how a summons would not have worked in this case.
These are the kinds of corrupt public officials I speak about as the reason for the abuses being committed by police.
These are the enablers who make police act with impunity.