I Wondered About Judge Kemp’s Body Language, And Then, Wallah…


I watched and lis­tened to bits and pieces of the Amber Guyger mur­der tri­al days ago. Full dis­clo­sure, I missed most of the tri­al itself but watched the sen­tenc­ing phase.
I missed the tri­al because I have zero con­fi­dence in the American jus­tice sys­tem to hold a white cop account­able for mur­der­ing a Black per­son, much less a white female who hap­pens to be a cop.
Some friends of mine thought dif­fer­ent­ly, because it hap­pened to be a jury tri­al, and so they were hyped that for once the sys­tem would give African-Americans a sec­ond dose of the O.J Simpson adren­a­line, this many years later.

Me, I have no such delu­sions about any degree of equi­ty in the sys­tem I have watched up close for so many years.
I have seen a black woman sen­tenced to five years in prison for ille­gal­ly using a wrong address so she could get her child into a good school and a white woman who paid thou­sands to get her kid into an ivy league col­league get a cou­ple of weeks in a coun­try-club jail as pun­ish­ment.
We have seen a black woman Marissa Alexander receive twen­ty (20) years for fir­ing her gun into a ceil­ing to ward off her abu­sive hus­band, nine days after giv­ing birth to their child in Florida, a state with stand your ground laws.
We have seen Kelontre Barefield, 23, receive a (45) year sen­tence after plead­ing guilty to the shoot­ing death of a police dog.
We have also seen count­less­ly inno­cent and unarmed Black men gunned down in hails of police bul­lets and no one held account­able.
And who can for­get the National Kerfuffle that was cre­at­ed around for­mer NFL quar­ter­back Michael Vick’s alleged involve­ment in a dog­fight­ing ring?
Vick was even­tu­al­ly sen­tenced to 27 months in fed­er­al prison, even though there was zero evi­dence that Vick him­self had per­son­al­ly hurt a sin­gle dog.

Image result for cyntoia brown
Cyntioa Brown

Cyntoia Brown served fif­teen (15) years in a Tennessee prison for an inci­dent that occurred when she was a mere 16-year-old girl.
Cyntoia was sen­tenced to life in prison in the shoot­ing death of 43-year-old Johnny Allen.
Allen was found dead of a sin­gle shot to the back of his head.
Brown who nev­er denied pulling the trig­ger, said she was sent by her then-24-year-old boyfriend and pimp to make mon­ey. According to Brown, Allen picked her up at a Nashville Sonic restau­rant, bought her food and then took her to his home. She said he want­ed to have sex with her, and intim­i­dat­ed her by point­ing out the guns he owned and his expe­ri­ence as a mil­i­tary sharp­shoot­er. Brown shot Allen as he lay in bed, say­ing she feared he was reach­ing for a gun. 
Regardless of where the truth lies, Cyntoia Brown received a life sen­tence for a crime she com­mit­ted at the ten­der age of six­teen, and had been a vic­tim of sex traf­fick­ing.
She was insti­tu­tion­al­ized for more than half of her life. Eight years lat­er, in 2012, a U.S. Supreme Court rul­ing found sen­tenc­ing juve­niles to life in prison with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al.
Needless to say, Jonny Allen just hap­pened to have been a white man. His sup­port­ers at the time said they did­n’t believe Allen propo­si­tioned Brown, only that he was try­ing to help her stay off the streets.

State District Judge Tammy Kemp gives former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger a hug before Guyger leaves for jail, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019, in Dallas. Guyger, who said she mistook neighbor Botham Jean's apartment for her own and fatally shot him in his living room, was sentenced to a decade in prison. (Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News via AP, Pool)
Judge ( mam­my )Kemp hug­ging con­vict­ed mur­der­er Amber Guyger

I got­ta say though, the fore­gone is real­ly not the cen­tral tenet of what I want­ed to say today.
Instead, I want­ed to talk a lit­tle about what I per­son­al­ly observed in State District Judge Tammy Kemp’s court­room.
I must admit that hav­ing spent many hours in court­rooms as a for­mer law enforce­ment offi­cer, and hav­ing spent eons of time watch­ing tri­als, both, as a writer, and some­one focused on the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem, I found Judge Kemp’s man­ner­isms pecu­liar, to say the least.
I’ll also admit that while watch­ing the sen­tenc­ing of Guyger I shed a few tears.
Those tears fell for the Jean Family, I know what it feels like to lose a son who was like a bright light, albeit under dif­fer­ent cir­cum­stances.
My tears flowed even more freely because of the intran­si­gent stub­born­ness of the injus­tice which still per­vades the American Justice sys­tem.
I thought to myself, and told my wife, if this tri­al was up to judge Kemp, Amber Guyger would be home free.
In the end, Amber Guyger was [kin­da] held respon­si­ble for the bla­tant unpro­voked mur­der of Botham Shem Jean. Her sen­tence for killing mis­ter Jean, 10 years. A tiny slap on the wrist.

Of course, to many in the African-American com­mu­ni­ty unused to see­ing mur­der­ous cops held account­able, this is some kin­da start.
For oth­ers, the ver­dict is just anoth­er exam­ple that for Black peo­ple in America, no mat­ter how dis­tin­guished they are, their lives can be snuffed out, and there is hard­ly any con­se­quence to police, even when they are sit­ting in their homes watch­ing tele­vi­sion and enjoy­ing a bowl of ice cream.

Image result for cops brushed amber guyger;s hair

Before we talk about the impro­pri­ety of a sit­ting judge hug­ging a con­vict­ed mur­der­er, there were oth­er things which just seemed odd to me and I expect oth­er observers, oth­er than myself may have had a prob­lem with what we observed.
For exam­ple, a uni­formed Black female police offi­cer in the court­room, brush­ing back Amber Guyger’s blond hair, seemed to sym­bol­ize to me that no mat­ter their posi­tion, some Black-Americans are still not con­ver­sant that they are no longer on the plan­ta­tion.
Regardless of the fact that Guyger may have been a col­league, it was high­ly inap­pro­pri­ate that a uni­formed offi­cer was in open court act­ing like (Mammy).
In that very court­room, evi­dence was led that the then alleged mur­der­er Amber Guyger had mocked Doctor King’s death and espoused vio­lent killings.
As far as for­give­ness is con­cerned, I am all for it, nev­er­the­less, the very Bible which demands for­give­ness of us was used to keep us enslaved.
It seems to me that the only time that for­give­ness becomes a dis­cus­sion top­ic, is when white peo­ple seri­ous­ly aggrieve Blacks and are to be held account­able.
I am not opposed to the young broth­er of Botham for­giv­ing Amber Guyger and telling her he loves and for­gives her. It is his right. I am doubt­ful how­ev­er that con­tex­tu­al­ly, the young Jean has a full appre­ci­a­tion of America’s entrenched injustice.

The idea that a sit­ting judge would embrace (a just con­vict­ed) mur­der­er seemed way beyond the pale for me.
It may cer­tain­ly be the Christian thing to do but why are Blacks the only offi­cials sup­posed to demon­strate mer­cy and Christian for­give­ness on the rare occa­sions they get to decide?
I care noth­ing about the fact that Judge (weirdo) Tammy Kemp hand­ed Guyger a Bible. I am yet to see one sin­gle instance of a white Judge demon­strat­ing that kind of com­pas­sion to a Black con­vict. Where is their human­i­ty when they have pow­er?
Never have I seen it. Judge Kemp’s deci­sion to allow the Jury to con­sid­er the “sud­den pas­sion” defense which experts assert does not apply to Amber Guyger, may very well have impact­ed the Jury’s deci­sion to let her off the hook with a slap on the wrist.

Jude Kemp’s deci­sion to also act as “Mammy,” destroys the myth which many Blacks seem to embrace, that Blacks can change the injus­tice sys­tem when they hold posi­tions of pow­er in it.
Understandably Judge Kemp had to abide by the jury’s deci­sion, but her actions made it clear she was more con­cerned with pleas­ing her back­ers, rather than act­ing accord­ing to prece­dent.
Even before the dis­grace­ful hug, I thought from her body lan­guage Kemp would rather allow Amber Guyger to walk free.
Former ESPN anchor Jemele Hill — crit­i­cized the judge’s action as “unac­cept­able.“
I’m with her!
I won­dered whether I was being fair to Judge Kemp even as I was both­ered by what I saw. Maybe I was being too sensitive.

And then wal­lah…
No, you were not wrong Mike, there is always some­thing under the sur­face. Something deep­er than the self-right­eous Black Christians who refuse to think out­side the brain­washed and blink­ered box can com­pre­hend.
These pub­lic offi­cials, pros­e­cu­tors, judges, and oth­er lead­ers, are all behold­en to the pow­er­ful police unions whose endorse­ment they seek, while tac­it­ly sur­ren­der­ing your rights and mine, for those endorse­ments.
If you believe that hav­ing black police offi­cials, pros­e­cu­tors, judges or leg­is­la­tors guar­an­tees jus­tice, guess again.
In fact, the Dallas Police Chief is black, one of the pros­e­cut­ing attor­neys was black and of course, [Mammy] Kemp is also Black.
Clarence Thomas’s actions on the Supreme Court ought to have dis­pelled that myth long ago.

The indoc­tri­na­tion of Black peo­ple through Religion has been a mas­ter­ful stroke of genius on the part of the white oppres­sors.
Today, even when American Blacks sit in seats where they have the abil­i­ty to wield pow­er, they are so social­ized to be in servi­tude that they can­not help act­ing like servile fools.
Additionally, there are mil­lions more, who agree with their slav­ish def­er­ence, because they too are slaves to the brain­wash­ing.
It is a sad despi­ca­ble spec­ta­cle to behold. 

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, a busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.

One thought on “I Wondered About Judge Kemp’s Body Language, And Then, Wallah…

  1. As a black­man, I am ashamed, dis­gust­ed, and dis­ap­point­ed in the deceased man’s broth­er’s peo­ple are r visor towards the accused white police offi­cer Amber Guyger who had planned and exe­cut­ed the black­man in his apart­ment because she knows that the chance of get­ting away with it was slim to zilch. 

    Some of our peo­ple are in the mind­set of infe­ri­or­i­ty is astound­ing, mind-bog­gling, and heart­break­ing to see the slave men­tal­i­ty on dis­play even by the “arro­gant, boasie slave” judge dis­grace­ful behavior.

    The Christian reli­gion has caused irrepara­ble dam­age to black peo­ple’s phys­i­cal­i­ty, psy­ched, and men­tal health that they have lost their sens­es because of this blue-eyed gay guy the European called Jesus Christ gave our ances­tors and us more than four hun­dred years ago and its impact and effect are devastating.

    Imagine this is 2019, and black peo­ple are com­fort­ing some­one who has mur­dered a black­man in his home, and the fools are cry­ing for the killer? You will nev­er see any white per­son for­give a black­man for killing their fam­i­ly mem­bers! Stupid black people!

    I don’t go to church or let my chil­dren go either because I know that 

    I would advise all of you to let you and your fam­i­ly read books about King Leopold ll, and you will see what he told his mis­sion­ar­ies about us (black peo­ple) before he dis­patched them for Africa. Of you can also buy this book at 

    Amazon​.com: King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in …

    I do believe that you can for­give some­one who has trans­gress­es against you if the per­son asks for your for­give­ness but when you are a vic­tim ask­ing the per­son who has done irrepara­ble harm to your life by killing your broth­er who was in his apart­ment is a slap in the face to every black fam­i­ly mem­bers who have lost an unarmed rel­a­tive to the bul­lets of racist and wicked white police officers. 

    Black police offi­cers in America goes to prison for minor mis­takes or using dead­ly force dur­ing their duties because, in America, the race is everything! 

    I hope that black peo­ple start to read more and cut out the Christian indoc­tri­na­tion of the white-blue eyes man who is going to save black peo­ple from the sys­tem of white oppres­sion and ter­ror­ism. Wake up before it’s too late! 

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