I Knew He Was Crooked’: DA Found Disgraced Houston Officer Lied To Secure Conviction That Led To A 25-Year Sentence For Homeless Black Man

69 convicted solely on disgraced ex-Houston cop's 'evidence' could see new  trials, DA says
Here is for­mer Texas cop Gerald Goines who not only dis­graced the badge he wore, he is a trai­tor to his race.

Every day we talk about America’s filthy dirty cops and the crimes they com­mit, usu­al­ly against mem­bers of the African-American community.
No mat­ter how much report­ing we do on their crim­i­nal­i­ty, it does not even begin to scratch the sur­face of the lev­el of com­plic­i­ty and crim­i­nal­i­ty that runs from top to bot­tom in the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem against peo­ple of color.
On the face of it are the cor­rupt morons who say they are law enforce­ment, but the stench per­me­ates much high­er, wind­ing its way through District Attorney’s offi­cers and Judges’ Chambers all the way to the high­est court that lit­er­al­ly gave them the right to lie and to act with impuni­ty through a pol­i­cy called qual­i­fied immunity.
But as bad as qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty is, the courts are a bul­wark of sup­port for police who com­mit crimes against the black community.


A Texas man is now free after spend­ing almost six years behind bars based on the untruth­ful tes­ti­mo­ny of a crooked cop. The then-respect­ed offi­cer lied when he said the home­less man owned a cell­phone con­nect­ed to an impor­tant drug bust, an asser­tion that led to the man being con­vict­ed on drug charges and sen­tenced to almost three decades in prison.
On Friday, July 22, Frederick Jeffery walked out of prison as a free man, after the pre­vi­ous day an inves­ti­ga­tion deter­mined dis­graced ex-Houston police offi­cer Gerald Goines fab­ri­cat­ed a sto­ry that placed Jeffrey, then a home­less Black man with a lengthy drug addic­tion his­to­ry, in the mid­dle of a case he was work­ing on.
Read the full sto­ry here.…(https://atlantablackstar.com/2022/07/25/i‑knew-he-was-crooked-da-found-disgraced-houston-officer-lied-to-secure-conviction-that-led-to-a-25-year-sentence-for-homeless-black-man-who-couldnt-afford-a-piece-of-bubble-gum/