I Don’t Give A Damn’: Black 16-Year-Old Ignored After Telling Baton Rouge Officer He Has Asthma As He Kneeled On His Neck; Family Files Lawsuit

By Niara Savag

A fam­i­ly has filed a law­suit against the city of Baton Rouge and the city’s police depart­ment after a 16-year-old with asth­ma was pinned to the ground with an officer’s knee on his neck fol­low­ing a July 2020 traf­fic stop, accord­ing to the legal claim.
Dillion Cannon, ref­er­enced in the suit as “D.C.” was pinned to the ground as an officer’s knee “was press­ing on D.C.’s neck for close to 30 sec­onds, restrict­ing his abil­i­ty to breathe, before the arrest­ing offi­cers col­lec­tive­ly jerked him up off the ground, yank­ing his arms back­ward,” accord­ing to the law­suit obtained by Atlanta Black Star.
But accord­ing to BRPD offi­cials, necks are off-lim­its and the method wasn’t used to restrain the teen.
“A knee on a back is used as a con­trol method,” Sgt. Myron Daniels said at a press con­fer­ence last year, The Advocate report­ed. “But the neck is off-limits.

Dillion Cannon was pinned to the ground by an officer’s knee. Photo: Dillion Cannon/​GoFundMe

On July 6 last year, Cannon was a pas­sen­ger in a vehi­cle that failed to stop when an offi­cer attempt­ed to pull the car over for a seat belt vio­la­tion. About 50 min­utes into the pur­suit, and after the dri­ver ignored mul­ti­ple traf­fic lights and stop signs, the vehi­cle came to a stop. The legal claim says the dri­ver and pas­sen­ger both exit­ed next to the car and held their hands above their heads. The dri­ver was arrest­ed with­out inci­dent by one set of three offi­cers. According to the suit filed by Tenesha Cannon, the teen’s moth­er, even though Cannon was kneel­ing and com­plied with com­mands from anoth­er set of three offi­cers, he was held at gun­point and “force­ful­ly handcuffed.”
The family’s attor­ney Ron Haley agreed that the lev­el of force wasn’t nec­es­sary con­sid­er­ing the teen com­plied after exit­ing the vehi­cle. “Our client, her son, was a pas­sen­ger. He doesn’t con­trol the car.. he doesn’t dri­ve it, on his knees, in a sub­mis­sive posi­tion and yet he was han­dled as if he was a threat,” said Haley at a press con­fer­ence out­side of the police depart­ment days after the inci­dent. “When you are on your knees with your hands up, you don’t get much more sub­mis­sive than that. Why was he han­dled in such a rough man­ner? He was not armed. He was not pos­ing a threat to any­one for him to be treat­ed that way.”

The suit iden­ti­fies the offi­cers who drew their weapons on Cannon as Lorenzo Coleman, Travis Williams, and Douglas Schutz. Despite the fact that Cannon, who was prone on the ground, “did not resist at any time,” accord­ing to the suit, offi­cer Alvaro Alvarez “placed his left knee on the back of D.C.’s neck as he grabbed and pulled D.C.’s left wrist behind his back.”
According to the suit, Cannon told offi­cers he suf­fered from asth­ma, and an offi­cer respond­ed, “I don’t give a damn.” The knee remained on Canon’s neck for 30 sec­onds, the suit says. In addi­tion, while BRPD offi­cials claim Alvarez’s knee was on Cannon’s back, “the body cam­era footage, and the cell­phone videos tak­en by bystanders, clear­ly indi­cates that the knee was square­ly on D.C.’s neck and back,” the suit says.

The inci­dent hap­pened just six weeks after the high­ly pub­li­cized death of George Floyd, who was killed after for­mer Minneapolis offi­cer Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck, the suit notes.
The suit also says that no oth­er offi­cers inter­vened as Alvarez kneeled on Cannon and that the teen had to wear a neck brace after the inci­dent “It is uncon­scionable and rep­re­hen­si­ble that less than two months after George Floyd was mur­dered by an ille­gal police tac­tic, the Baton Rouge Police would use that maneu­ver against a child,” Christoper Murrell, an attor­ney rep­re­sent­ing the Cannon fam­i­ly, told VICE News.

The fam­i­ly is seek­ing dam­ages for injuries sus­tained as a result of the defendant’s actions, as well as attor­neys’ fees.