I Beg You, Master’: Aurora Police Department Releases Footage Of Officer ‘Punishing’ Black Woman Left Hogtied Upside Down In Patrol Car For 20 Minutes

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Footage released by the Aurora Police Department dur­ing a civ­il ser­vice com­mis­sion appeal hear­ing on Sept. 29 shows for­mer Officer Levi Huffine “pun­ish­ing” a Black woman in police cus­tody by leav­ing her hogtied in a face-down posi­tion in the back of a patrol car in the Denver, Colorado, sub­urb for 21 minutes.
Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson said the car video shows that Huffine “tor­tured” the woman, adding that she was dis­gust­ed by the footage.
Shataean Kelly, 28, was arrest­ed on munic­i­pal charges fol­low­ing a fight on Aug. 27, 2019. Bodycam footage shows that Huffine hogtied Kelly’s hands to her feet after he claimed she attempt­ed to escape by try­ing to open the locks in the back of the cruiser.

Wilson said that the locks in the back of the cruis­er do not open and restrain­ing Kelly in that way was unnecessary.“The hob­bling, in my opin­ion, was anoth­er form of pun­ish­ment,” said Wilson.
During the dri­ve to the jail, Kelly slipped off the seat with her hands and feet still cuffed togeth­er behind her back, and wound up pinned to the floor of the vehi­cle in a face-down position.
An inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion found that Kelly remained in that posi­tion for 21 min­utes. She plead­ed with Huffine for help dur­ing the trip.
“Please help me up, offi­cer! I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe, officer!”Wilson said Kelly could have died from posi­tion­al asphyx­ia. “I’m about to break my neck,” she cried out as she was pinned on her face with her hips above her head. “I don’t want to die like this!” Huffine nev­er respond­ed to Kelly’s pleas.


Watch video below


In my opin­ion, she was just tor­tured back there. It makes me sick,” said Wilson after watch­ing the video on Tuesday. “We are not judge, jury, and [the exe­cu­tion­er],” said Wilson. “We are not to treat peo­ple inhu­mane­ly like they don’t mat­ter.” At one point, Kelly referred to Huffine as “mas­ter,” say­ing: “I beg you, mas­ter,” while plead­ing with him for help. “As an African-American female she den­i­grates her­self to the point she actu­al­ly calls him ‘mas­ter.’ To me that is dis­gust­ing,” said Wilson. Charges against Kelly relat­ed to her arrest have been dropped Officials con­sid­ered bring­ing charges against Huffine but decid­ed against it because Kelly was not seri­ous­ly injured. He was fired by Wilson in February, six months after the inci­dent, after the chief over­ruled the review board’s rec­om­men­da­tion that Huffine receives a 180-hour sus­pen­sion. At the time, the details sur­round­ing Huffine’s ter­mi­na­tion were not revealed, and the depart­ment did not spec­i­fy beyond say­ing he was fired over “severe misconduct.”


The ongo­ing hear­ing that com­menced after Huffine appealed his ter­mi­na­tion will result in a deci­sion made by the city’s four-per­son civ­il ser­vice com­mis­sion, who will decide whether Huffine should keep his job. Huffine claimed he was too short to be able to see what was hap­pen­ing in the back seat dur­ing the dri­ve to the jail.
University of Colorado Denver pro­fes­sor of crim­i­nal jus­tice Dr. Paul Taylor tes­ti­fied at the hear­ing and said it is not a good prac­tice to keep a per­son hob­bled with­out a seat­belt on. “There is a ten­den­cy for peo­ple to peo­ple either roll-off or fall of the seat and onto the floor­board,” he said.
Wilson said Huffine is lucky Kelly did not die, because oth­er­wise, he would be “in an orange jump­suit right now.”
Huffine is sched­uled to tes­ti­fy again on Oct. 1.

In March 2019, this bum cop, [Nate Meier] was found drunk and unre­spon­sive in the driver’s side seat of an unmarked Ford Taurus patrol car stopped out­side Buckley Air Force Base.
His col­leagues were dis­patched to the car to per­form a well­ness check and he was found in the car with the engine still run­ning. Imagine what would hap­pen to a mem­ber of the pub­lic, par­tic­u­lar­ly an African-American man found in a car under the influ­ence of drink or drug?
We do not need to imag­ine, Rayshard Brooks, was mur­dered out­side an Atlanta fast-food restau­rant last June, he was sus­pect­ed to have been dri­ving under the influ­ence of alco­hol. Prosecutors said that the cop who shot Brooks Garrett Rolfe declared, “I got him,” after fir­ing the fatal shots at Mr. Brooks. Rolfe kicked the vic­tim, pros­e­cu­tors said, while his part­ner stood on the fatal­ly wound­ed man’s shoul­der. [So there is that]
Rolfe and his part­ner, Devin Brosnan, both of whom are white, then failed to ren­der aid for more than two min­utes, said prosecutors.

so what did respond­ing offi­cers, fire­men, and EMT do? Prosecutors revealed that they could not file charges against Meier as respond­ing offi­cers failed to pass along infor­ma­tion that he was like­ly intox­i­cat­ed. “I don’t think it’s a cov­er-up, but it’s a cou­ple of blocks from it,’ said District Attorney George Brauchler.
From time to time we high­light the cor­rupt alliance between police, pros­e­cu­tors, and judges in the jus­tice sys­tem. Here is a typ­i­cal instance in which a cop in uni­form was behind the wheel of an auto­mo­bile, engine still run­ning, passed out drunk and the pros­e­cu­tor tells us that it was not a cover-up.
This was a clas­sic cov­er-up and worse, they were sent to inves­ti­gate an inci­dent, they observed a drunk behind the wheel of a car with its engine run­ning, with a gun and badge, and the pow­er to take life, and what did they do, they cov­ered it up by not doing what they are paid to do.
To pro­tect the pub­lic from drunk dri­vers. In this case, this was far worse than a civil­ian dri­ving drunk, this bum had the pow­er to take some­one’s life under the col­or of law.
If that was not crim­i­nal com­plic­i­ty of the respond­ing cops I don’t know what is?

on the oth­er hand, no one should be sur­prised about this crim­i­nal enter­prise that is oper­at­ing as a police depart­ment, this is the very same depart­ment in August 2019 mur­dered 23-year-old Elijah McClain. Aurora police received a call about a sus­pi­cious per­son wear­ing a ski mask and wav­ing his arms as he walked down a street on August 24. McClain refused to stop walk­ing and fought back when offi­cers tried to take him into cus­tody, accord­ing to police.
Paramedics gave McClain a med­ica­tion on the instruc­tions of Aurora police, he suf­fered a car­diac arrest on the way to the hos­pi­tal. His fam­i­ly said he sus­tained a brain injury and was tak­en off life sup­port in September 2019.
Can you imag­ine cops who are trained for six months or less instruct­ing Paramedics to give poten­tial­ly lethal drugs to peo­ple they are arresting?
Welcome to America.……