I Am Not Ashamed Of What I Did’: Proud Boys Leader Admits Burning Church’s Black Lives Matter Sign

The leader of the Proud Boys says he is “not ashamed” of burn­ing a Washington DC church’s Black Lives Matter sign.
The right-wing group’s chair­man Enrique Tarrio says he was respon­si­ble for set­ting the ban­ner on fire after a MAGA ral­ly in the city last weekend.
The dis­turb­ing inci­dent is being inves­ti­gat­ed as a poten­tial hate crime and a reli­gious leader has com­pared it to “cross burnings.”
The BLM sign was tak­en from the Asbury United Methodist Church, one of the old­est Black church­es in Washington DC, dur­ing a night of vio­lence after the pro-Trump rally.
Tarrio took to con­ser­v­a­tive social media site Parler to post a pic­ture of him­self and oth­er men using lighters to torch the sign.
Tarrio denied on Parler that the act was a hate crime and wrote that it was done “out of love” for the country.

I’m here to tell you that there was no hate crime com­mit­ted. The only hate there is in my heart is for com­mu­nism and an author­i­tar­i­an gov­ern­ment,” wrote Mr Tarrio. “BLM is a Marxist move­ment. It isn’t about the col­or of some­one’s skin.
“Against the wish­es of my attor­ney I am here today to admit that I am the per­son respon­si­ble for the burn­ing of this sign.
And I am not ashamed of what I did because I did­n’t do it out of hate… I did it out of love. Love for a coun­try that has giv­en my fam­i­ly SO MUCH.”
Read sto­ry here. https://​news​.yahoo​.com/​a​m​-​n​o​t​-​a​s​h​a​m​e​d​-​d​i​d​-​p​r​o​u​d​-​2​0​0​0​3​1​3​2​7​.​h​tml