Hysterical Shrieks About Shootings In Big Cities While There Is Silence About Ongoing Mass Shootings…

Everything is ampli­fied in big cities like New York and Los Angeles, where large and diverse pop­u­la­tions live in lim­it­ed space; shoot­ings and vio­lent crimes are no exceptions.
In New York City, a sin­gle shoot­ing in Times Square is ampli­fied by the media and broad­cast on a loop on cable chan­nels. Police union mouth­pieces who will nev­er be sat­is­fied unless giv­en the opti­mum pow­er to do as they please use inci­dents of vio­lence to demand more power.
They cre­ate a lot of noise and give the impres­sion that the sky is falling, hop­ing that more pow­er will be vest­ed in them to abuse citizens.
Even as we would like to have a crime-free soci­ety, lit­er­al­ly every week, sev­er­al mass shoot­ings are car­ried out by [white] shoot­ers all across America.
Those mass shoot­ings are mass casu­al­ty affairs.
Where is the hyper­bol­ic lan­guage from Police groups whose duty it is to keep peo­ple safe?
Where is the hyper­bol­ic gib­ber­ish from the right-wing pun­dit class in the peanut gallery, left or right?
Be wary of those who would ampli­fy indi­vid­ual inci­dents of vio­lence to dis­tract you from the burn­ing task at hand, which is to change the way the Police are allowed to operate.
Even peo­ple who ought to know bet­ter use their plat­forms to spew false nar­ra­tives. They spin those opin­ions, and after a while, their opin­ions become [alter­na­tive truths].
Brian Williams, one such so-called lib­er­al journalist/​commentator, has been active­ly push­ing the nar­ra­tive that calls in 2020 to defund the police by social jus­tice activists after George Floyd’s lynch­ing, has been respon­si­ble for the Democrat’s loss of seats in the US House of Representatives.
Williams, who NBC pun­ished for lying in a report and ban­ished to the red-eye seg­ment of tele­vi­sion broad­cast­ing, is now using his 11: pm time slot to push that nar­ra­tive with­out any data to sup­port his opinion.
In fact, it is dif­fi­cult to con­ceive how Williams or any­one for that mat­ter could arrive at that con­clu­sion when Democrats won the House, even though less con­vinc­ing than they did in 2018, won the White House, giv­ing Joe Biden the dis­tinc­tion of being the pres­i­dent to have received the most votes of any pres­i­dent in history.
Additionally, Democrats won back the Senate after being in the minor­i­ty for a decade. Even though Democrats may have mis­cal­cu­lat­ed on how many seats they could have won in places like North Carolina and Alaska. Nevertheless, they per­formed admirably by win­ning a sen­ate seat in Arizona, a Republican bas­tion, and pick­ing up both Georgia seats, some­thing many thought impossible.
There is a per­cep­tion that Democrats under­per­formed; the blame ought to be laid square­ly at the feet of weak indi­vid­ual can­di­dates and the feck­less nation­al Democratic party.
Progressive can­di­dates like Corey Bush In Minnesota and Jamal Bowman in New York fur­ther cement­ed my view that vot­ers are not opposed to defund­ing the pow­er­ful police machine.
A large part of the Democratic base is qua­si-con­ser­v­a­tive, qua­si-pro­gres­sive. The prob­lem with being luke­warm is that it sat­is­fies no one. No One likes luke­warm cof­fee; no one likes luke­warm drink­ing water.
The base of the Democratic Party-African-Americans, wants the par­ty to move deci­sive­ly on vot­ing rights and reimag­in­ing how police are allowed to operate.
There is no ques­tion of what Republicans want. They want to stop Black peo­ple from vot­ing & they do not care if the police mur­der every one of us.
Those are the facts. The major­i­ty of the 320 mil­lion peo­ple in the United States sup­port a pro­gres­sive agen­da, one that respects the rule of law but demands that all peo­ple’s rights and dig­ni­ty be respected.
When Police are allowed to kill with­out account­abil­i­ty, it unrav­els soci­ety. It can­not be allowed to con­tin­ue because crime begins to tick upward.
Defunding the police means end­ing the mil­i­ta­riza­tion of police. It means end­ing qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty. It means allow­ing police to car­ry insur­ance like doc­tors, lawyers, busi­ness ‑own­ers, oper­a­tors of motor vehi­cles, and even the guy cut­ting trees for a liv­ing. It means hav­ing inde­pen­dent bod­ies inves­ti­gate police vio­lence and pros­e­cut­ing them to the fullest extent of the law when they break the laws.
American police immu­ni­ty is police impuni­ty. Defund the police now.

.Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.